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Chapter 14 Strong

Alina had never challenged Caleb before, unaware of the dire consequences that could result from provoking this man. In the afternoon, Alina had just returned to Mulherd Manor from the hospital when she received a call from Andre. "I need to go back to Shirling right away."

"Is it that urgent?" Alina inquired, sensing Andre's concern.

"Yes, do you want to come back with me?" Andre genuinely worried about Alina's well-being.

Alina furrowed her brow, realizing that the matter concerning her grandmother had not yet been resolved. She needed to stay there and oversee the situation, especially considering the recent suspicious incidents at the hospital. The nurse who had contact with Grandma and even a doctor other than Mr. Dean were absent. All these signs pointed to a need for her suspicion.

"You go back first, and I'll wrap things up here as quickly as possible," Alina replied, knowing that other matters could be put aside, but not her grandmother's case.

"Be careful of Caleb," Andre warned on the other end of the line.

"I know," Alina reassured him. She couldn't help but wonder if Andre's sudden departure was somehow related to Caleb.

She soon received her answer. By the end of the night, Andre had permanently left Ingford. And just as the day was drawing to a close, Caleb strolled into Mulherd Manor with an air of grandeur.

"What are you doing?" Alina's heart skipped a beat as she watched him enter the house without hesitation.

Dressed in an elegant ink-colored suit, he exuded an air of poise and indifference. He sat down on the sofa, his eyes calm and collected.

"Are you getting used to living here or at Werland Villa?" he asked casually.

"What do you mean?" Alina snapped. Even though she was typically composed, this man had completely infuriated her in this moment.

In the midst of her shattered composure, Alina realized that Andre's departure must be connected to Caleb. He had orchestrated it deliberately.

"Did you have something to do with it?" Alina's heart trembled, even though she already had a sinking feeling deep down.

Caleb gazed at Alina's swollen face and replied, "Seems like you've grown accustomed to living here."

Alina's face darkened by default. Caleb chuckled softly, took out his phone, and dialed a number.

Within moments, someone answered on the other end. "Tomas, retrieve my luggage immediately."

Alina couldn't bear it any longer. She snatched the phone from Caleb's hand and abruptly hung up.

"What do you think you're doing?" she exclaimed, not willing to accept the idea of Caleb moving into the manor.

But before she could react further, a sudden force gripped her wrist. Caleb exerted a gentle pressure, and before she knew it, she was seated on his lap.

Alina pushed Caleb away and stood up. Once again, he used force to bring her back into his embrace.

Angry and frustrated, Alina shouted, "You're shameless!" The sound of her slap echoed through the room, revealing her intense anger.

Caleb's face grew dark. How many times had she slapped him since they met? No woman had ever dared to be so bold in his presence.

Alina's heart pounded with fury. "Get out of here!" she yelled, seething with rage.

But Caleb remained motionless, unaffected by her outburst.

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