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Chapter 12 Thanks to you, I'm getting revenge!

Alina regarded Caleb with a cold gaze, finding him amusing in this moment. "Don't worry, Mr. Collins. I will make sure you receive what you rightfully deserve from my marriage to Andre."

The implication was that she and Andre were getting a divorce, and she believed that she had gained nothing from their union. Alina smiled and added, "You're so generous, Mr. Collins. Tell me, what can I do for you?"

Upon hearing her words, the man's body trembled. Alina had realized that whenever he offered her assistance, it was because he needed something from her. Their marriage had been arranged by his grandfather, and initially, Alina considered him to be a good man. They had respected and been responsible for each other. He was her husband, someone she could trust, and she had dropped her guard after their marriage. However, in the end, he betrayed her trust.

"Alina, back in the day..."

"Do you know about Andre's assets?" Alina interrupted him abruptly, not wanting to hear about their past. Those matters were behind her now, and she focused on what lay ahead, including reclaiming everything that belonged to her. In that moment, she simply stared at Caleb, questioning his right to interfere in her relationship with Andre.

Caleb's expression darkened, and he leaned closer to her. As Alina tried to pull away, he instinctively cupped her chin. "The appropriate compensation will be transferred to your account tomorrow, and I expect to hear about your divorce from him this afternoon," he declared.

Without waiting for Alina to respond, he released his grip and turned to get into his car. Alina stood there, watching the taillights disappear from view, a mocking smile playing on her lips. He was as domineering as ever.

Alina wasn't aware of when Andre returned, but she saw him at the breakfast table. While eating her porridge, he asked, "Did Caleb visit last night?"

Surprised, she inquired, "How do you know?"

"There were cigarette butts at the doorstep. Who would stand there smoking so many cigarettes out of boredom?"

Andre had always been perceptive and detail-oriented. Alina didn't expect him to deduce Caleb's visit based on the cigarette butts alone. She nodded and replied, "Yes, he came."


"He wants me to divorce you, and he claims I won't get anything."

"It seems like he's treating you well," he remarked, his tone carrying a hint of flirtation.

Alina's grip on the spoon tightened. Andre wasn't joking. "Thanks to you, as your husband, I'm now subjected to his revenge."

"Revenge?" Alina questioned.

"Yes. He has sabotaged several projects on my end, and I never expected him to do that for your sake."

Andre made it sound casual, but Alina knew that the tampering of several projects would result in significant losses. Caleb's actions would undoubtedly cause trouble for himself as well. But why would he do that? The question lingered in her mind.

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