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Chapter 5 The Director of Grandma's Hospital

Andre personally accompanied Alina to the hospital, unwilling to leave her side after the morning's events. Alina felt he was being overly cautious.

"What is there to be afraid of? Now that Emma is in perfect health, he won't come back to harm me," Alina reassured him.

"Don't you dare," Andre responded angrily, unable to contain his outburst. But considering Caleb's usual tactics, he couldn't help but worry. "I will personally handle Grandma's matter and send you the results. It's best for you to leave it alone and go home early. That way, you'll be safest."

Alina fell silent for a moment and then spoke up, "I can let you handle other things, but I must personally investigate this matter."

Andre didn't fully understand the significance of Grandma Erica Cook to Alina. When Grandma Erica was alive, she showered Alina with immense love, even expressing concern for her on her deathbed. The marriage between Alina and Caleb had been arranged by her grandmother and Alina's grandfather, Max, out of the fear that Alina wouldn't be able to take care of herself alone. But nobody could have predicted that her marriage to Caleb would turn out this way.

In the office of the head doctor, Mr. Dean heard Alina's intention and hesitated. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'll have to consult with Master Caleb on this matter."

Alina and Andre exchanged glances, then turned their attention back to Mr. Dean. "Why do you need his permission?" Alina inquired.

"Master Caleb is now the director of this hospital, so..." Mr. Dean trailed off, struggling to explain.

Alina's brow furrowed. She distinctly remembered that her grandmother was treated in this hospital when it wasn't owned by the Collins family. Now Caleb was the director?

Upon leaving the hospital, Andre's expression remained troubled. He looked at Alina and spoke with a serious tone, "I believe it would be safer for you to return to Shirling."

"Do you also sense something suspicious?" Alina's voice carried a hint of concern.

As the president of VIG, Andre possessed a sharp intuition. He was aware of how important Grandma Erica Cook was to Alina, and Caleb, as her husband, couldn't possibly be unaware of it either.

For the past two years, despite whatever happened in Ingford, Alina had refrained from taking any actions. Even on the day Caleb and Emma announced their engagement, Alina had been attending high society parties in Shirling, appearing relaxed as if Caleb were a stranger to her.

However, half a month after that incident, rumors began to circulate that Grandma Erica Cook might have died under suspicious circumstances.

Andre smiled, his furrowed eyebrows adding seriousness to his expression. "You know what Caleb is capable of. If this matter is truly intentional on his part..."

Before Andre could finish his sentence, his phone vibrated. Annoyed, he contemplated ignoring the call, but upon seeing the caller's number, he decided to answer. "Hello."

Andre's expression suddenly changed, and a sense of urgency filled the air. "Alright, I'll head there immediately," he said, ending the phone call abruptly.

Addressing Alina, he instructed, "Something's amiss at the company. You should go back to Mulherd Manor first. We'll discuss everything once I return."

"Okay," Alina nodded in agreement.

Andre exited the car and left Alina's side. However, instead of following his instructions to return home, Alina drove straight to Apricot International Group. Surprisingly, her arrival didn't cause much commotion within the company.

In the president's office, Tomas noticed Alina's presence and approached her respectfully. "You're here."

Alina glanced at Tomas, who had halted in front of her, and furrowed her brow. "I have something very important to discuss."

"Alright, please wait a moment," Tomas replied before rushing back into the office to relay the message.

In less than a minute, Tomas returned accompanied by Emma, whose eyes were red from crying. As Emma passed by Alina, she cast a resentful glance, as if blaming Alina for everything.

"What do you have to be proud of?" Emma spat, directing her aggression towards Alina as if she were the cause of all her troubles.

Alina, however, maintained a mischievous smile. "Oh, I have plenty to be proud of."

Her charming smile, even without makeup, made her even more captivating in person than on screen. Anyone who laid eyes on her would be drawn to her allure.

Emma seethed with anger, her desire to harm Alina growing stronger. Yet, due to the presence of other employees in the company, she refrained from saying anything more and clenched her teeth as she walked away.

Inside the office, Caleb's gaze fell upon Alina, who had just arrived, and he frowned. "Why are you here at this hour?"

Alina leisurely caressed her well-manicured nails, responding sarcastically, "Did I interrupt your good deeds?"

Caleb attempted to explain, "Between me and her, actually..."

"I have something very important to ask you," Alina coldly interjected, cutting off Caleb before he could finish his sentence.

In truth, Alina had no interest in knowing what kind of person Emma was. She only knew that Emma held a significant place in Caleb's heart, surpassing the roles of both wife and mother, and that knowledge was sufficient.

Caleb observed her indifferent expression and felt a surge of irritation building within him. Recalling her sharp retort in the car that morning, he realized she was no longer the obedient woman she had been three years ago. Today, she possessed a captivating charm, coupled with a sharp and cold demeanor.

"Go ahead," Caleb replied icily.

Alina continued, "You are now the director of Ingford General Hospital?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Caleb questioned, his irritation still evident.

"What about the deliberate release of news regarding my grandfather?" Alina referred to the rumors surrounding her grandmother's unnatural death.

Caleb gazed at Alina, his tone filled with puzzlement. "When did you acquire a grandfather?"

How many aspects of her life remained unknown to him? While Tomas had unearthed certain details about her professional life, her private life abroad seemed to be shrouded in secrecy. Tomas attempted to dig deeper, but someone had thwarted his efforts.

Initially, Caleb assumed it was Alina's current husband, Andre, who was behind the obstruction. However, it now appeared that her grandfather, whom Caleb had never met, was involved?

Alina noticed Caleb's shock and confusion, instantly formulating a conclusion in her mind. Caleb was not the one who had leaked the news about her grandmother.

"Apologies for the interruption," Alina said. It wasn't him, and there was no need for her to engage with him any further.

Nevertheless, as Alina rose from her seat, Caleb grabbed her wrist. "Are you just going to leave?"

"What do you want?" Alina expressed disgust at Caleb's touch.

Her emotions did not escape Caleb's scrutiny, and he tightened his grip even more. "I don't recall the Collins Group's office becoming a drop-in spot for you."

He couldn't believe she wanted to avoid him this much. With a forceful tug, Alina fell into Caleb's arms. "Let go of me."

"Is this about the old Ms. Cook?" Caleb inquired.

The struggle ceased abruptly. Alina stared at Caleb, a mixture of shock and anger in her eyes. "Was it really you?"

"You went to the hospital. How could I not know?" Caleb was genuinely taken aback, evidently not expecting this news to reach Alina.

His long fingers caressed her cheeks. "Indeed, there is something suspicious about your grandmother's death. I had been investigating it myself."

"Is that so?"

"You don't believe me," Caleb surmised.

It wasn't a question but a statement. Caleb felt displeased.

Alina chuckled. "Do I have a trusting relationship with you?" With that, she shook off his hand and stood up.

Adjusting the wrinkles on her clothes, she continued, "Well then, can you have Mr. Dean cooperate with me and answer a few questions, Mr. Collins?"

By deliberately addressing him as "Mr. Collins," Alina emphasized the now distant nature of their relationship.

Caleb lit a cigarette, taking a couple of puffs. As the smoke escaped his lips, he stated, "If you want answers from me, yes, but I have conditions."

Alina furrowed her brow. "You have the audacity to set conditions?"

"I didn't do it, and since you desire answers, I don't think it's unreasonable to make an offer. However, it's a fair exchange," Caleb replied.

"What condition?" Alina was incredibly annoyed and simply wanted to learn about her grandmother's situation quickly.

"Resolve your relationship with Andre immediately and move back to Werland Villa," Caleb asserted.

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