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Chapter 3 Thorough Investigation of the Lost Three Years

The conference had come to an end. Alina had already left with Andre when Tomas approached Caleb.

"Mr. Collins," Tomas spoke with a tone of concern.

Only those who had been by Caleb's side during those three years knew the truth of his journey. Three years ago, the entire city buzzed with news of the congested Hasnan Bridge, but neither Alina nor Brandon were ever found. It only served to isolate Caleb further from people.

"Find out everything about her during these past three years," Caleb instructed.

"Okay," Tomas nodded hastily.

Joslan Hughes had become a name familiar to both Caleb and Tomas over the past three years. The "Beginning" wedding dress had struck a chord in everyone's hearts, even captivating amateurs like Caleb. Little did they know that Joslan Hughes, the enigmatic designer behind the gown, was none other than Alina, who had been missing for three years.

In just an hour, Tomas had gathered most of the information about Alina and Andre, laying it before Caleb. It was not much, just a few pages chronicling the past three years of Joslan Hughes, or rather, Alina.

Those pages shattered Caleb's and Ingford's perception of Alina. Lady Alina of the Collins family, in the eyes of the public, had always been seen as a failure, someone who would not survive without the support of the Collins family. And yet, today she had astounded everyone with her accomplishments and talent.

"Voyage International Group in Shirling, Andre?" Caleb inquired.

"Yes," Tomas confirmed with a nod.

As Caleb contemplated Alina's close interaction with the man at the show earlier, the phrase "my husband" continued to gnaw at his nerves.

Tomas, sensing Caleb's irritation, spoke cautiously, "Mr. Francis has set up a studio for her in Shirling. Over the past three years, through Mr. Francis' connections, she has received numerous favorable opportunities. In her personal life, Mr. Francis has been taking care of her."

"Heh," Caleb grimaced. Andre certainly played the role of a husband well. This only aggravated Caleb further, and he flipped through the file once again, asking, "Any news about Brandon?"

Tomas's heart skipped a beat at the mention of Brandon. Three years ago, Emma's health had required urgent surgery, and Tomas was supposed to pick up Alina, but Brandon had gone ahead of him. However, instead of reaching the hospital, Brandon and Alina had vanished in the crash. Even after all this time, Caleb held onto the suspicion that Alina was still alive, as Brandon's body had never been recovered. Retired from the naval force, Brandon possessed the skills to retrieve someone from a fast-flowing river, let alone the tumultuous sea.

"I haven't found anything yet, but I'll keep investigating," Tomas said, his forehead covered in cold sweat.

Those who had worked for Caleb knew that he despised betrayal above all else. If Brandon had indeed betrayed him three years ago, it would have been better for him to be dead, or his fate would be even worse if he were found.

Caleb furrowed his brow as he flipped through the pages. "Any news about the child?" The mere mention of his child broke his heart. When Alina left, she was already carrying their baby, who was about to be born.

After dropping Alina off at Mulherd Manor, Andre left. That night, Alina stayed up, unable to sleep. In the morning, feeling restless, she had breakfast and planned to go out.

Her phone vibrated, and when she saw Andre's number, she answered, "Hello."

"Have you seen the news?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"Hurry up."

Before the words could fully register, the screeching sound of emergency brakes pierced through the rain, followed by a loud crash. Another car had collided with hers.

The seatbelt prevented her from getting seriously injured, but her phone was jolted and fell onto the dashboard. Andre, hearing the frantic ringing on the other end, immediately grew anxious. "Alina, Alina!"

Alina regained her composure after the shock of the accident and looked up. She saw Tomas stepping out of a car and giving her a respectful salute.

Before she could react, the door of her car was opened by a man with a warm and respectful voice. "Mrs. Collins, Mr. Collins wants to speak with you."

Even through the partially open window, Alina could sense the man's intense presence. She sneered, "Mr. Stone, do you have a terrible memory? Caleb and I ended our relationship three years ago, so the title 'Mrs. Collins' doesn't quite fit."

Tomas' face stiffened, but instead of acknowledging Alina's words, he said respectfully, "Please."

If communication was impossible, Caleb would resort to forcing her. It was typical of him.

"What if I refuse to go?"

In response to her question, a tablet was handed to Alina. "Lady Alina, please take a look."

Her eyes glanced at the tablet, and in an instant, her expression changed dramatically.

"Lady Alina, will you come?"

"Yes," she replied through gritted teeth.

She opened the car door and stepped out. Tomas glared at her, but he seemed unaffected by her gaze as he respectfully opened the backseat door for her.

Alina, seething with anger, contemplated slapping the man in the car but reluctantly chose to compromise and entered the vehicle. As the car pulled away, she glanced back at her own car with its mangled front end and heard Andre's urgent shouts through the cellphone inside.

Inside the confined space, tension hung heavy. Alina found herself pulled into the man's embrace, fueling her fury. "What do you think you're doing?" she snapped.

The man kissed her, and Alina struggled to break free. However, his grip tightened, causing her jaw to ache and feel on the verge of dislocation. In a fit of rage, she called out his name, "Caleb!"

Undeterred, the man kissed her again, biting her lips and drawing blood. Alina mustered all her strength to push him away, only to be forcefully pinned down again in the back seat.

Reacting swiftly, Alina raised her hand and delivered a resounding slap. The man's face showed a slight swelling, apparently surprised by her resistance, while his hair became disheveled. Yet, without delay, he covered her lips with his once more, this time with increasing intensity.

Alina seethed with anger but found herself easily subdued by Caleb, unable to move. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she quickly shut them tight. Suddenly, a surge of determination coursed through her, and almost in an instant, she fiercely slammed her forehead against his.

The impact caused her immense pain, and she let out a cry. Caleb grunted in response.

After a while, the man finally lifted his head to look at her. He observed her swollen forehead and locked eyes with her, where tears threatened to escape. Alina had fought against him vehemently.

He took her into his arms, burying his head against her neck, no longer forcing himself upon her. Alina had exhausted all her strength to resist.

The man couldn't help but speak, his voice laced with concern, "When you left, the baby in your belly was more than nine months old. Where is the child now?"

The mention of the child tore at Alina's heart, enraged that Caleb had the audacity to ask about their child. "Dead," she coldly replied, her account to Caleb.

A heavy silence fell inside the carriage. In the dimly lit space, Caleb stared at the woman who refused to meet his gaze, attempting to discern the truth of her words.

Alina remained indifferent yet restless. After a prolonged silence, the man's kiss descended once again, emanating a beastly threat.

It hurt—truly hurt. In her ear, he teased, "You're lying. Shall I remind you how things transpired?"

Alina was in agony, plagued by a headache and aching heart. Her eyes reddened with indignation as she confronted the man before her. How dare he question her?

His actions halted as her words landed, and he looked up to meet her furious gaze.

His heart ached sharply, and his rough, warm fingers instinctively reached to wipe away her tears. Alina turned her head away, leaving his hand suspended in mid-air.

"I saw the baby when it came out—it was a boy, and he looked like you," her voice rasped. A sudden smile crossed her face. "Didn't you order someone to dispose of him immediately back then? I wonder if you're satisfied with such a death."

Caleb pushed away Alina, who was now both laughing and crying. He released her and settled to the side, exuding a cold aura from his very being.

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