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Chapter 12: I'll Sign

At that moment, Yanis glanced up at Neve and asked, "What do you want to say, Miss Bennett?"

Neve didn't respond immediately but motioned for the waiter to come over, then turned her attention back to Yanis. "What would you like to order?"

"No, thank you." Yanis politely declined.

After the waiter approached, Neve ordered two cups of cappuccino.

Then Neve gazed at Yanis and said, "Miss Thompson, I told Zane that I wanted to invite you to dinner when I returned, but he was concerned about my fatigue after the long flight, so I couldn't have dinner with you."

Neve paused for a moment, locked her eyes with Yanis, and continued, "Miss Thompson, just consider it a gesture of appreciation for the five years you took care of Zane."

Neve's words felt like a stinging slap, leaving a burning sensation on Yanis' face.

Yanis furrowed her brow. "I'm sorry, Miss Bennett, but you are in no position to discuss this with me."

Neve adjusted her hair with a subtle smile. "As the new Mrs. Lawrence, I think I am."

Meeting Neve's gaze, Yanis suddenly felt like a clown, being mocked in the spotlight, even though there was nobody else around them.

Just as Yanis was about to reply, a cold voice interrupted her.

"Miss Bennett, does Zane know you are referring to yourself as Mrs. Lawrence?"

Yanis looked over and saw Ivan approaching with a stern expression. He stopped by the table, looking at Neve. "As far as I know, Yanis is Mrs. Lawrence now."

Neve hadn't expected Ivan's presence. She maintained her composure and looked at him. "What are you doing here, Mr. Baxter?"

Ivan pulled out a chair and seated himself next to Yanis before responding to Neve, "This is a cafe, and I'm here for a drink."

Neve glanced at Ivan and then back at Yanis. "Mr. Baxter, did you come here with Miss Thompson? I saw you leaving together."

Ivan raised an eyebrow, studying Neve carefully, and replied in a cool tone, "Miss Bennett, you should be accompanying Miss Thompson, right? I saw you together."

Neve met Ivan's gaze and asked, "Mr. Baxter, this is Miss Thompson's business, so I wonder in what capacity you are questioning me?"

Ivan narrowed his eyes slightly. Though both he and Neve maintained polite smiles, tension filled the air between them.

Yanis looked up at Neve and inquired, "Did Zane ask you to bring the divorce papers?"

Upon hearing this, Neve looked back at Yanis. "As you can see, Miss Thompson, Zane was too busy today, so I offered to do it for him."

Yanis stared at Neve and asked, "Please answer my question, Miss Bennett. Did Zane ask you to do this?"

Neve felt a twinge of guilt under Yanis' unwavering gaze, but she remained composed. "Miss Thompson, if you are unwilling to sign, I will tell Zane to do it himself, but I'm afraid you will be..."

"No, there's no need for that." Yanis interrupted Neve, "I'll sign."

Surprised, Ivan, who was sitting next to Yanis, started to say something, but Yanis shook her head, signaling him to stay quiet. She then motioned to the waiter, who was nearby, "Excuse me, could I have a pen?"

The waiter politely nodded, "What kind of pen do you need?"

"A black pen will do."

"Alright, please wait a moment."

The waiter returned quickly with a pen and handed it to Yanis.

Yanis took the pen, thanked the waiter, and signed the divorce papers without even looking at them.

Afterward, she pushed the papers toward Neve. "Please give these to Zane, Miss Bennett. Tell him to call me when he's ready to finalize the divorce."

Neve nodded. "Alright."

Yanis stood up, returning the pen to the waiter, and then looked at Ivan, whispering, "Ivan, let's go."

Ivan glanced at Neve and then got up, leaving with Yanis.

"Do you think Zane asked Neve to come to you?" Ivan whispered to Yanis as they walked together.

Yanis said without expression, "It doesn't matter. In any case, Neve is anxious."

Ivan listened to Yanis and furrowed his brow. "But what if Zane had nothing to do with this?"

"Whether he did or not, I'll sign the papers. However, I didn't expect Neve to deliver them to me."

Ivan looked at Yanis, ready to say something, but then hesitated and swallowed his words. Instead, he opened his arms and offered, "Come here. I'll give you a free hug."

Yanis chuckled. "Thank you, Ivan."

Ivan gently patted Yanis on the back. "The world is vast, and you'll find many better men out there! Just keep an open mind!"

Yanis smiled. "Do you really believe I'm not upset at all?"

Before Ivan could answer, Yanis continued, "Well, maybe you won't believe it, but I truly don't feel upset anymore. In fact, I feel relieved. I suddenly realize that Neve and Zane are meant for each other, and I no longer belong in the picture."

Ivan said softly, "Then just let it go."

Yanis nodded.

Unbeknownst to Yanis, Neve had observed their interaction as she left the Bookish Cafe, wearing a smug smile.

Neve narrowed her eyes, took out her phone, and snapped a photo. She then sent it to someone on social media.

Neve typed, "Save this for a suitable opportunity! Make up a headline yourself."

The recipient quickly responded with a question mark.

Neve replied, "You don't need to worry about it, just make it sensational."

With that, Neve stowed her phone in her handbag and departed.

Meanwhile, Zane remained in the business event's lounge, captivated by the portrait Yanis had painted.

"Have you found out when the bidding starts?" Magnus asked, taking a sip of his tea and looking at Zane.

Zane shifted his gaze from the portrait to Magnus. "Yes, it begins in three days."

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