The chemistry lab setting is quite interesting. While others take time to mumble not so quietly about the new girl, others just look at me like I'm lost or something. Ella, however, proves she's a true friend when she tells people to mind their own business. Although I can easily look out for myself, it's to have someone in my corner. In a way it sort of reminded me of my two older sisters.
Everyone seems to back off but three particular students dont seem to care for Ella's threats. They are looking at me in a completely different way and as much as I try to ignore their glares, I can't, I can literally feel their gaze on me.
I make eye contact with them and they note that they are three of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. All three of them have bright brown eyes which can be easily mistaken for golden ones. I cannot fathom the emotion on their faces but it's clear they are taken aback by my presence. Who are these girls?
"Those are the Rosemont weirdos." Ella's voice interrupts my thoughts, answering my unspoken question.
"Huh?" I finally look away from the intense glares of the intimating girls.
"Those thress chicks." She explains. "They are the adopted Rosemont sisters."
"Adopted?" I ask, fearful of the fact that there might be a relation between me and those Rosemont weirdos as Ella nicely called them.
"Well yes, I don't know much about them because they keep to themselves but everyone knows they are adopted."
"Oh." Is all I can say.
"The Blonde is Nikolina, I swear I have never heard her talk." I look at the Blonde who, like the rest of her sister's, was still looking at me. "The one with dark hair is Cassandra, I think she's retarded but I can't say for sure and then there's Amelia, the brunette, she smiles a lot."
"They are very pretty." I say without thinking.
"Well, yes." Ella agrees, frowning a little. "Enough about them, the teacher is here and she hates me so let's be quiet." She says rolling her eyes a bit and I momentarily forget my discomfort and laugh.
The teacher asks me to introduce myself to everyone and I do. After that we are forced to pair up and unfortunately for me Ella wants to be partners with Kevin so I'm stuck with a stranger. Well I better get used to it because Ella really likes Kevin, even a new girl like me can notice it but then again I have this special talent of noticing things.
My partner is a bit quiet and has yet to acknowledge me. I keep looking at him wondering why he hasn't said hi yet.
"Do you talk?" I ask the boy who's doing his best to avoid looking at me.
The question gets his attention and he finally looks at me. He's pretty handsome his sandy hair and dark blue eyes, much like Ella's.
"Of course I talk." He answers, a bit irritated.
"Great, you can talk to me."
"I think I'm good but I will consider it." For a moment I think he's joking but when I don't see humor on his handsome features I get confused.
"Excuse me. You don't like people, is that it?" And I thought I was antisocial.
He merely shrugs. "People, you, it's all the same to me. I think my sister got all the liking people genes."
"Sister." For a moment I think he's related to one of the Rosemonts but t don't remember Ella mentioning a brother.
"The one who initiated you into the school."
"Ella?" I ask.
He rolls his eyes. "Yes, we are twins."
"She didn't mention you." But they do look alike. They are both very good looking.
"She will, I promise." My partner says sardonically.
"Well why wait?" I offer him my hand. "I'm Heaven."
"What kind of a name is that?" He asks as he shakes my hand.
It's now my turn to roll my eyes. "Well it's mine. What's your name?"
"Sky." He says and I burst out laughing which attracts a few people including the teacher. I give her an apologetic smile and she lets me off the hook, maybe because I'm new but I'm grateful non the less.
"And you thought my name was funny, what kind of a name is Sky?"
"Well it's mine." He says , clearly mocking me. "Are you going to let go of my hand anytime soon?" He asks as it takes me a second to realize I still haven't released his hand.
"Sorry." I blush as I remove my grip on his hand.
Chemistry is child play to me so that is fortunate. I don't want to ask my partner for help with anything and I doubt he will actually help if I ask because after our brief conversation he completely ignored me. I find myself wondering how someone as carefree as Ella can be related to him.
At lunch break I am startled when the brunette Rosemont approaches me. This is Amelia right?
To my amazement she's actually smiling at me, but I quickly remember Ella saying she's always smiling. Now that she's right in front of me I can tell I was not wrong about the color of her eyes. The are really bright, they almost resemble flames. And she really is very pretty.
"Hello." She says softly.
"Hi." I reply awkwardly.
"My name is Amelia Rosemont but I trust you already knew that."
"Yes." I say even though I don't understand why she's saying it like that.
She smiles. "You are very beautiful."
I don't know how to react to that even though I was thinking the same about her. Well, I didn't say it out loud.
"Umm so are you."
"I want to hug you." And before u can say anything about it, Amelia pulls me into her arms. "Oh and Heaven, your eyes are way brighter than mine." She releases me and walks away, leaving me very confused.