Heaven Ross has always been weird and strange and she was ok with that but after starting afresh at a new school she dis...
Im in his arms and it feels like home. I have never felt so safe, he's holding me so tight like he will never let me go. I under his fear, we have been apart for far too long but never again. I reach up and caress his face, desperate for him to know I feel the exact same way. I know he fears he might lose his grip on me but my eyes tell him there's no need to fear. The need to kill his insecurities gets so great that I let him mark me, the only way he knows how. Final words of encouragement escape my mouth and he burries his head in my neck and I close my eyes and surrender to his sweet torture....
"Evie!" Ronnie's voice pulls me from my intense dream. "Evie wake up!"
"What?" I groan as I try to go back to sleep.
"First day of school." She says enthusiastically. "Come on, you don't want to be late."
"Go away." I say and pull my blanket over my head but the evil bitch pulls it back.
"Mom said you need to get up."
I scream into my pillow before jumping out of bed and into the shower. I make it quick as I don't want to be late on my first day despite my earlier reluctance to wake up.
Ronnie is still in my room when I get out of the shower. She is busy folding my sheets, a gesture that surprises me everytime.
"Don't you have school?" I ask her.
"I do but I asked Dad if he could drop me off later on because I want to see you in your uniform." Her smile tells me that she's more excited about me going to school more so than me.
I roll my eyes at her enthusiasm. "Whatever, can you get out so I can change?"
"Of course." She says, completely unfazed by my attitude but then again that's how my stepmother's daughter has always been, so optimistic that sometimes I wonder if she's a fairy.
After drying my hair and putting on my new uniform I make my way downstairs. Dad looks up at me proudly and his wife has one of the biggest grins on her face.
"You look lovely dear." Alice, my stepmother, says whilest serving both my dad and Ronnie breakfast.
"She's right," Dad chimes in. "You look great princess."
My family's reaction to my going to school is a bit justified because I haven't been to a normal school since I was eight. For the past mind years I have been homeschooled due to some mental difficulties but now my therapist has suggested I go to a normal school and socialize which is a relief really.
"Your uniform is nice." Ronnie says but ignore her. I have had enough of this ass kissing for one morning. Thank the Lord we are going to different schools because the last thing I need is my annoyingly perfect stepsister following me everywhere.
"Ready?" Dad asks when we reach the school.
"Yes, now please go." I sound exasperated which I am, I have just about had it with their attitudes.
Dar chuckles. "Okay I'm going but if anything happens....."
"Nothing is going to happen, now please." I gesture to his SUV.
He raises his hands in frustration. "I'm going." With one final kiss on my cheek, he finally leaves
Apparently my new school is one of the most exclusive schools in Seattle and fortunately it's not an asylum, which was what I feared most when they told me I was going to a normal school.
As I walk in the hallways I am Glady amazed by the fact that they aren't crowded and grateful that no one is bumping into me.
The short scotched skirts and blue blazers kinda make me blend in easily and I'm relieved as I do not want to attract any attention to myself.
But I do notice one guy looking at me, clearly not buying my 'blending in' technique. I approach him.
"Hello, I'm Heaven Ross." The dark haired boy blushes, clearly embarrassed to have been caught starring.
"I'm Kevin. And I'm guessing you are new here."
"That's correct. My first class is actually chemistry."
"Cool, so is mine. Come on, let's go." Before I can protest, Kevin hooks his arm around my shoulders and begins dragging me with him.
"Kevin!" We both turn our attention to the blonde practically running to catch up with Kevin.
"Hey." She says breathlessly but she won't stop looking at me even though she's clearly talking to Kevin.
I immediately pick up jealousy from the girl with the same hair color as me.
"Hey Ella, meet Heaven she's new." I watch as Ella goes from hostile to friendly in a second. She immediately hugs me, clearly observing that I'm not threat whatsoever.
"Nice to meet you Heaven." She says, smiling.
"Thanks and call me Evie."
"Of course. Come on, you will love it here."
And so the couple which isn't actually a couple starts to drag around the school, well at least I made friends, well I'm hoping we will be friends. Maybe school won't be so bad after all.