I remember having dreams like this before in the past but I didn't pay much attention to them. But not my dream is all I can think about, maybe because it involves someone that I love and someone that I almost kissed earlier, the latter in a compromising position.
Wait, did I just say love? I love Sky? Well I'm kind of obsessed with him and he's all I think about and the thought of anyone else having him or hurting him kills me. Oh my gosh, I'm in love with Sky!
But is it even possible or normal to fall in love with someone after a few days of meeting them? Well very little about me is normal so I guess the rules don't exactly apply to me.
I check the time and it's still pretty early. Sleep has evaded me and my mind won't stop playing the events that occured in my dream. It felt so real and a part of me is feeling guilty, like I actually cheated on Sky.
Even my lips are swollen like the kiss actually happened. It's all probably in my head due to anxiety and stress. Maybe I just dreamt of him because he basically saved my life and my subconscious just picked up on it when I went to bed.
With those thoughts offering some sort of reasonable explanation as to why my mind is dwelling on James I go back to sleep but deep down I know there's more to my dream as well as to James than I'm letting myself believe.
My alarm won't stop ringing and I know it's only a matter of time before Ronnie comes to see what's keeping me. I don't want anyone coming into my room so I decide to go and explain why I'm not ready for school.
My stepmother smiles when she sees me enter the kitchen island. Everyone is having breakfast and my dad frowns when he notices that I'm not in my uniform.
"Why are you not dressed?" He asks.
"I'm not going to school today." I tell him casually.
My dad scoffs. "May I ask why?" I can hear the disapproval in his voice.
I just shrug. To be honest I don't have a real excuse. I just don't feel like going to school today.
"So you have no reason then." It's more of a statement than a question.
"I have reasons." I try to think of something but my father isn't having it.
"Well, you can think of those reasons on your way to school because you are definitely going to school." His voice is firm and I can tell there's no arguing with him.
Desperate, I look at Alice for help. She's the only one who can convince him to change his mind.
Alice takes pity on me and places her hand on her husband's arm. "Honey." She begins to placate him. "Maybe you should let her rest today, she's been through a lot recently."
My dad's gaze softens at the request of his wife. "What do you mean by that?"
Alice looks at me before she starts to tell him about yesterday but I quickly intercept because I don't want him to know, he can be overdramatic at times.
"It's women stuff daddy, please just let me skip, only for today." I plead and I can sense him giving in.
"Fine." His answer is more like a growl but I don't care, I'm not going to school today!
Ronnie leaves with dad shortly after breakfast and Alice begins to tidy up the kitchen. To avoid any awkwardness between myself and my stepmom I go up to my room. I have never really been alone with her so I'm not really sure on how to interact with her on one on one basis.
As I'm in the shower I realize that I'm miss something. It has a name and it's Sky. It just hit me that skipping school won't only cost me missing school work but I won't get to see Sky until Monday, that's three whole days without him.
I feel myself panicking at the idea that he might think I don't take our relationship seriously and lose interest.
Without even bothering to dry myself I wrap myself in a towel and leave the bathroom. I grab my phone and dial Sky's number. He didn't officially give it to me, I stole it from Ella but considering that I'm his girlfriend now I think I have the right to have his number.
He doesn't answer the first ring which causes me to get even more anxious but I don't give up. I call again and this time he answers.
"Yes?" Comes in an inpatient voice.
At the sound of his voice I grin like an idiot, slump on the bed with the phone still pressed to my ear.
"Hello?" He says irritatedly and I remember I have to say something otherwise he will hang up.
"Hi, it's me." I say, not caring that I sound like the biggest idiot on the planet.
"You who?" He sounds annoyed but I know he knows who exactly he's talking to.
"Sky, it's me Heaven and you know it."
"Of course I know it, who else would call me in the middle of class?" I can't tell if he's teasing or not but I decide to go with the forms because even though he's moody he still makes my heart beat faster.
"Are you in class right now?" I ask in a low voice because I know for a fact it drives him crazy when I talk like this.
And I'm right again. His tone completely changes as he answers.
"Umm no I'm in the bathroom. I was in world history class when you called." He's almost blubbering and it's cute because it's so rare.
"Do you remember the last time you were in that bathroom? You were with me and I couldn't keep my hands to myself." I hear his breathing hitch and I also feel an unfamiliar sensation between my legs.
"Heaven." His voice is begging, for what I don't know. "Why aren't you at school?"
"Why, do you miss me?" I boldly ask.
"Answering me with a question, how mature."
"You haven't answered my question."
"You haven't answered mine either." He challenges. "But yes I miss you crazy."
I grin so hard that my face hurts. "I miss you too."
"I will see you on Monday, you better come. I should go." He adds and I feel a pang of sadness.
"No, don't go." I whine like a child.
"I'm at school and I can't miss lessons." He sounds serious again. "But I will call you tonight."
I light up as soon as I hear the words. "Promise?" I don't care if I sound needy or clingy.
"Yes. Bye crazy." He says before hanging up.
I don't think I have ever been thus giddy before. How did I go from grumpy to extremely happy in one morning? It's Sky, he has that effect on me and I never want it to end.
After a few minutes if lying in bed in nothing but my towel I finally decide to get dressed. I'm already dry so all I need is to find something to wear.
"Who was that?" I immediately rewrap my towel and turn around to see James standing in the middle of my room like it's his territory.
"How? What are doing here?" I'm completely startled. Why is he here and in my room? Before I ask any further questions I rush to lock my door just in case Alice comes in and sees him, if she hasn't already.
After locking my door, I notice that the light in my room has changed, it's a little darker and it's because there's no longer natural light passing through.
"Did you close my curtains?" I don't mind really but I figure if I start with the easy questions the hard ones will be easier to answer.
"Yes, I prefer it like this." His explanation is weird but right now I could care less.
"Ok, now tell me why you are here." I ask him. He's standing far enough from me but today I can see him way more clearly than I did yesterday.
He really is one hell of a good-looking guy and I don't know if it's his dark looks or my even darker dreams but I just feel uneasy in his presence.
He starts to walk towards me and I tighten my grip on my towel. "What are you doing?" I ask nervously.
He's now right in front of me but he hasn't touched me which is a relief. Regardless I don't like him this close to me. I start to feel the same familiarity I felt yesterday and I decide I don't like it one bit.
My heart starts to beat faster, just like it was earlier when I was taking to Sky but this feels different in a way I can't explain.
"Why are you here?" I repeat my question.
"I needed to see you." His is still in my hair and he's still very close to me.
"Why? What do you want from me?"
"You ." He says simply.
Somehow his simple answer carries more weight than the others he was giving me. I immediately take a cautious step away from him.
"Listen you saved my life last night and I thanked you but it still doesn't change the fact that you are a stranger and I would like it if you stayed away from me." I say in a hushed voice but I'm very firm.
"Aurora...." He begins but his 'pet name's for me just serves to anger me.
"Don't call me that!" I yell. "My name is Heaven not Aurora so please don't call me that. And please stay away from me."
Before I can react he quickly pulls me to him and presses me against him. "Is that what you want?" He asks softly.
"What?" I don't understand why I'm reacting like this but I can't help it.
"Do you want me to go?" He runs the back of his hand on my cheek and leans into me. I know he wants to kiss me and the logic thing to do is to push him away but I can't, not because I want him or anything but something inside of me is pushing me to him and I can't fight it. His mouth is inches away from mine and I succumb to the familiarity I feel towards him and wait for the kiss.
"Heaven!" Alice's voice breaks whatever spell is in the air and I'm torn between relief and disappointment. "Honey, I heard yelling, are you okay?" She asks through the door.
"Yes I'm fine." I shout back.
"Ok." But she sounds unconvinced.
"I'm getting dressed." I give an explanation as to why I'm not opening the door.
"Ok just hurry because Riley is here."
I can't believe I forgot about my appointment with my therapist but I couldn't be happier she's here because she and I need to have a loonnnng chat.
"You have to go." I whisper to James even though I know Alice is long gone by now.
He starts for the door but I grab him knowing it's not a good idea because he might bump into Alice. Come to think of it how did he get in here without her noticing him? Well, it's not important because he really needs to go.
"Hide on the balcony while I think of a way to distract them." It's my best idea at the moment and thankfully James cooperates.
"Ok I will wait for you." Somehow I highly doubt he's referring to my 'plan' to help him get out of the penthouse. They sound more like a promise.
Who is this man and why do I get like this whenever he's around?