I don't know what's real and what's not but I know if I don't get help soon I'm going to sleep forever. There seems to be tension between the Rosemonts and James which is weird because they seem to have a lot in common including their obvious obsession with me.
"Put her down." I'm not really sure whose voice demands that but it works because James gently puts me on the ground and the sisters immediately come to me.
"Can you help her?" His voice gives away how worried he is.
I feel someone stroking my face. "It's going to be alright sister." I think that's Amelia's voice but I'm too dizzy to be sure.
"What did you do to her?" Demands another voice.
"Nothing. It wasn't me, it was...." James doesn't get to finish his defense, he's now groaning in pain. What's going on?
"Liar!" You did something to her demon!" That's definitely Cassandra's voice. "And now you shall pay." Her voice is filled with rage.
James is still groaning in pain and I manage to get a glimpse of him, he's on the ground and flashes of the earlier assault with the girl and the light flash through my mind when I see Cassandra's doing the same thing to him. I want to bed her to stop but I can't seem to get the words out.
"Cassandra stop." Amelia seems to sense my desperation to end all this. "Let him go."
"What?" Cassandra asks, her voice full of disbelief.
"You are not helping her." She says and I calm down when James's moans come to a halt.
"Relax now sister, everything will be alright." Amelia's soft voice soothes me and I close my eyes and slip into unconsciousness.
I open my eyes and see Sky towering above me. I have no idea what is going on or how I ended up in my room but I don't care, as long as Sky is with me nothing else matters. I immediately hook my arms around his neck and bring him closer to me, tightly hugging him.
"I can't believe you are here." I say, still holding on.
"I'm here for you Heaven. I always will be."
I start to cry at his words. He has no idea how much they mean to me. "Don't ever leave me." I say in tears. He pulls back from me and starts to wipe away my tears with his thumb. "Everything will be alright." He says before kissing my forehead. Suddenly he lets go of me entirely then he starts to leave my room.
"Sky? Where are you going?" I ask but he doesn't reply, he doesn't even look back. "Sky!" I call out but still no answer.
"Heaven." I hear my mother's voice and it seems like it's coming from the light.
"Mom?" I'm paralyzed with shock because my mom has been dead for a decade.
"The world is wrong."
"You can't save everybody, not even him." Him refers to Sky I just know it. "Goodbye Heaven." The light begins to fade but I don't want it to. I don't want to say goodbye, not to my mother and definitely not to Sky.
"No! Come back! But they are already gone.
"Wake up. It's just a dream."
My eyes open for what feels like the hundredth time today.
"You are alright."
"Amelia? Why are you here? Is this another dream?" I ask because I'm very confused.
"No it's real." She answers softly.
It takes a moment for me to realize that I'm not at home. Where am I ?
"This is where I live with my sisters." Amelia answers my unspoken question.
"What?" I ask completely disbelieving that I'm in their house.
Why would I come here of all places? I look around and finally notice I'm in someone else's room and bed. I look around the room, it's very different from my modern bedroom.
Everything from the curtains to the lambs looks vintage. It's all best and clean but I have to admit it is a beautiful place. Wait, why am I admiring this place instead of questioning how I got here in the first place?
"Why am I here?" I ask, a little harshly but Amelia doesn't seem to notice.
"We had to take care of you." She says with that same soft voice but I'm not buying it.
She attempts to touch me but I immediately move away and get out of the bed. I immediately spot my hoodie which is a relief because I don't want to lose it, ever.
"Why are you always everywhere? I mean we are not friends so I don't see why you want to help me so much!" I snap.
Her two sisters choose this exact moment to enter the room, great, now I have to deal with all three of them.
"We are not your friends." Cassandra says, she must have heard my outburst to her sister.
I turn my attention to her. "No shit! Of course you are not my friends. I find all three of you creepy."
"At least this around you didn't say retards." She says, surprising me once again.
"I believe the one who called you a retard was Ella." Nikolina stuns me because I have never heard her talk.
"Girls not now." Amelia chastises them. Cassandra playfully zips her mouth with her fingers.
"Heaven it's not our intention scare you. We just care deeply about you." Amelia says and I find myself backing away from all three of them.
They don't even know me so why do they care so much?
"You are scaring me right now."
"Well you shouldn't be scared of us because we are your sisters."
"Sisters?" Amelia tries to come closer to me but I hold my hand up to stop her. "What do you mean sisters?"
"Well Cassandra, Nikolina and I are not exactly....."
"We are Angels and so are you." Cassandra interrupts her sister which causes both her sisters to scowl at her. "What? You were taking forever to tell her." She says, defending herself.
"What do you mean Angels?" My question is a whisper but it's heard.
"We are nonhumans. People with special powers and rare gifts that differentiate us from normal people."
"Nonhumans can be witches, sirens or even demons. But we are Angels."
"Cassandra." Amelia looks at her sister and Cassandra raises her hands as if surrendering.
"Heaven." I drag my gaze from Cassandra to her sister. "Are you okay?"
"Of course not! You kidnap me then come up with this insane story that we are not humans and that we are sisters. What is wrong with all of you?" I tell at all three of them.
"We didn't kidnap you." Nikolina says calmly.
"Oh no, of course you didn't." I say sardonically. "I just magically appeared here because I wanted to spend time with.... what did you say we were....my nonhuman sisters."
I can't believe I'm even having this conversation. I'm surprised my head isn't throbbing from already, then it hits me.
My head. Wasn't it bleeding from earlier or was that just another dream? No it wasn't a dream because James was there and he's real but then so was that girl. Now I'm confused.
"It wasn't a dream. All of that did happen, including you hitting your head. And James is real." Amelia explains and somehow the fact that she answers something I have not asked out loud yet again doesn't surprise me.
"Unfortunately that demon is real." Cassandra snickers but we all ignore her.
"Wait if it wasn't a dream why is my head all better?" I ask because the fact that my head which was bleeding earlier is now as good as new is quite unnatural.
"We can heal anything, part of our gift. Do you believe us now?" Amelia's voice is pleading with me to believe what they are saying but I can't.
It's just not believable. I might be gullible but I'm not stupid. What kind of an idiot do they think I am? I have my issues buy idiocy is not one of them.
Maybe this is a prank, yes it's definitely a prank. An overdramatic one but still just a prank. Or maybe there's another reason why they are saying all this crap.
"Are you guys bipolar as well?" I ask.
"Yes that explains everything now. Why you seemed so familiar that first day in class and why you act so strangely. We must have gone to the same rehab center, right?" I'm babbling but I can't seem to stop.
"Heaven calm down."
But I'm not listening, I feel like I'm having an episode. "Oh my God my father was right. I'm not ready to go into the outside world. Now look at me, I'm here with you guys who are just as bad as me. I need to take my medication....."
I stop my rambling or rather Nikolina stops it. She has her hand on my cheek and she's looking straight into my eyes. "Look into my eyes they won't lie to you." She whispers.
"We will never hurt you, we really are your sisters and you really are one of us. Deep down I know you know you are different, you just have to accept it."
As heartfelt as that whole is I just can't give in to them. I can't trust them, I don't even know them.
Slowly I remove Nikolina's hand from my face. "I don't know what is going on with you guys but I know I want nothing to do with it. Please let me go."
Amelia's face falls but she nods. "Please be careful." She says and it's my turn to nod.
The rest of the Rosemont mansion has similar decor with the room I was in, it's all vintage but still very housewarming and nice.
"Heaven." I hear Cassandra following me.
"What?" I ask impatiently because I really need to get out of here.
"We can read minds that's why we know so much." She says. "I know it's hard to accept is because we are different but that's the only way we know how to live. We will respect your decision but try to open your eyes and you will see the truth." Before I can stop her she kisses my cheek. "Goodbye sister."