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I can't explain the violent feelings that are evoked inside of me when I see Phoebe near my boyfriend. I can't help it but there's so much jealousy burning inside of me right now.

I clear my throat and both of them.look at me. "You are in my seat." I don't waste any time on small talk because I want her gone.

"Actually, I always sit here." She dares to say.

"Well that was before I was his girlfriend. Now I sit here." I tell her sharply.

"Phoebe there's no need to...."

"Actually there is." I cut off Sky, I won't let him defend her. "Hurry up and go Phoebe, I'm sure you need to reread Romeo and Juliet."

"Actually it's Julius Caesar." She corrects me, probably feeling bold but I narrow my eyes at her and all that courage disappears. She quickly grabs her books sits elsewhere.

"What was that?" I ask Sky once the boy stealer leaves us.

"Not that I have to explain myself but we were studying." He says but he's not looking at me.

"Well that ends today. I don't like the way she looks at you so from now on you study with me." I say, failing to control my jealousy.

"You?" His voice is incredulous. "You don't even know which book we are doing in literature, so why on earth would I study with you?"

"Maybe because I'm your girlfriend." My voice is a little high which attracts fellow students but I could care less.

Sky finally looks at me and I see flashes of irritation and anger on his face. "Unfortunately." He says and all my anger evaporates and is replaced by panic and sadness. "You are crazy and you have this crazy obsession with me. Last night you were in my bedroom and when I asked you for ab explanation you disappeared." Now people are definitely looking. "Do you take drugs or you are on some kind of medication which can justify why you act like a part-time lunatic?"

I don't know what to say. I he's saying the words out of annoyance but everything he says hits so close to home.

The words hurt mostly because they are coming from the one person whom I want to be normal for. Also they are kinda true, I might not take drugs but I am on medication.

Before anymore words can be fired at me I vacate my sit, I'm making my way out of class when I bump into the English teacher, Miss Peterson. I give her an excuse as to why I can't attend class and fortunately she's nice enough to buy it.

I'm so glad Ella showed me her hiding spot, well technically I followed her and that's when I realized that she sometimes escapes everyone in this old biology lab.

I'm even more grateful for the cigarettes she gave me. I have never smoked before but Ella says it helps with stress. And she was right about me needing them if I was going to be serious about dating Sky.

Since I love him so much I might just need marijuana cause he really doesn't make it easy for me.

Being called crazy doesn't bother me much, really I don't mind. I will take crazy over nonhuman any day.

Maybe that's why I was so rude to Phoebe, because of all this stress. Deep down I know my jealousy is not only because she likes Sky, but because she's a normal girl, one Sky would pick over weird nonhuman in a heartbeat.

But I won't lie I'm also jealous because I see the way she looks at him. I don't want her near him. She looks at him like he walks on water and I don't like that.

I will do anything to keep him so I don't regret my attitude towards her. But I will probably have to apologise but only for Sky's benefit. I don't want him upset with me and I sure as hell don't want her to look like a victim while I come off as the crazy and obsessive girlfriend.

"Why am I not surprised."

For a moment I panic fearing that one the teachers has caught me smoking during learning periods.

I'm relieved when it's only Sky but then I realize that he's just seen me smoking. I don't know whose judgement I fear more, Sky's or the teachers.

He sits next to me on the concrete floor. "I didn't know you smoked. " He says as he takes the cigarette from me.

"I...." I'm rendered speechless when I see him taking a puff from the cigarette. "You smoke?"

He shrugs. "Here and there, usually when I'm upset."


"I didn't like what you did to Phoebe." I'm tempted to roll my eyes at the mention of her name. "But I had no right to talk to you the way I did. I'm sorry, do you forgive me?"

"What?" He's apologizing to me? "Of course I forgive you. I thought you were upset with me." I can't conceal the relief in my voice.

"Oh I am upset with you but I still needed to apologise." He pulls me closer to him and kisses me and I kiss him back.

My kids is expressing just how desperate I am for him. He's taken when I push him so he's lying on the floor and I'm on top of him. Thankfully he doesn't break the contact between our lips.

"Heaven." He moans into my mouth.

"Sky." I mimick and pull back for air. I'm still on top of him and I couldn't be more comfortable, I rest my head on his chest and I can feel his heartbeat, the heart that will one day belong to me.

"We have to go to class." He eventually days but he doesn't make any effort to get up.

"No, please not today." I sound like a whiny kid.

"I have never skipped a class before." He says and I laugh, why am I not surprised?

"There's a first time for everything." I tell him.

It's not even lunchtime but it's already a weird day. Speaking of weird where are the Rosemont sisters today? I didn't see them in lit. Maybe they had a different class. Good, cause I don't want to see them, not yet at least.

"Hey," Sky's voice pulls me from my wayward thoughts. "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." He gives me a look that tells me he doesn't believe me but I give him my best smile and he sighs in surrender.

"Sky can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure."

Here goes. "If I was different, like very different from everyone else, would you still want me?" I need to know if he would ever be open to the idea of dating a nonhuman.

"What do you mean 'if'? You are already different from everyone else. I have never met anyone like you." He says but he's not exactly answering my question, maybe it's because I didn't ask the right way. "You don't know how many nights I have asked myself 'was she born annoying or does she work at it' "

I start to laugh. I don't know but his answer just warms me and I instantly feel better. Maybe he will always want me nomatter what.

"So you think about me at night?" I tease him and he covers his face with his hand, feigning frustration.

"Of all the things I said...."

I kiss him swiftly to shut him up. "I think about you all the time, especially at night." I tell him whilst looking into his perfect blue eyes.

"And sometimes you watch me sleep. I swear if you weren't my girlfriend you would be my stalker." He jokes, only it's not really funny, maybe because there is so much truth in that statement.

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