Kaoru P.O.V
I woke up and noticed Sasuke was still sleeping...I smiled.
I started poking his cheek.
- What are you doing? – he asked sleepy.
- Good morning sleeping beauty. – I said amused.
He gave me a "really" look.
- C'mon, let's get ready. We have training to do. – I said calmly.
- Hai, hai. – he said.
We got up and after we got ready we went downstairs, only dad, Tazuna, Inari and Tsunami were there.
- Good morning. – we said.
- Good morning. – they answered.
We sat and Tsunami gave us breakfast.
- Thank you Tsunami-san. – I said and then elbowed Sasuke on the stomach.
- T-Thank you. – he said.
- Ohh! You're welcome sweeties! – she said happy.
A couple of minutes after Sakura came in.
- Good morning. – she said and sat.
- Here you go. – Tsunami said giving her breakfast.
- Thank you. – she said.
- Naruto didn't come back last night? – Tazuna asked.
- He's stupid, he's been climbing trees by himself. He might be dead from the excessive chakra use. – Sakura said.
I narrowed my eyes at her.
- Is Naruto-kun fine? – Tsunami asked worried.
- He's fine. He's not a weak and useless fangirl like Sakura there. – I said coldly.
- WHAT DID YOU SAY?! – Sakura asked mad.
- Like Kaoru said, there's no need to worry. He is a decent ninja even if he doesn't look like one. – dad said.
- I don't know about that. Maybe that idiot really is dead. – Sasuke said.
My eye twitched and then I saw Sakura smirk.
- OW! What was that for?! – Sasuke asked me.
I got up and was now about to leave when.
- Where are you going? – dad asked.
I looked at him and he just saw in my eyes that I was going to look for Naruto so he just nodded.
- Kaoru... - Sasuke said.
I looked at him...glared at him, ignored him and I left. Last thing I heard was dad saying.
- That's my daughter.
I hate when they talk about him like that...he's been through so much. Sakura is just stupid! I get Sasuke sees Naruto as a rival and bestfriend but still I don't like it when they talk about Naruto like that. I'll make him pay!
I smiled evilly...what should I do?
Suddenly I saw a BEAUTIFUL woman pass by me......wow.....she's so beautiful, then I saw Naruto.
- Naruto! – I said.
- Huh? Kaoru-chan! – he said grinning.
- What are you doing here? – I asked sitting next to him.
- Training! – he answered happy.
I smiled and then remembered.
- Oh! Did you see that beautiful woman?! – I asked him.
He nodded.
- But you know what?! – he said.
- What? – I asked curious.
- It's not a girl....it's a boy! – Naruto answered.
I widened my eyes.
- WHAT?! – I said.
- He told me! – Naruto explained.
- This world is full of mysteries. – I said closing my eyes thinking.
- It really is. – Naruto said and I nodded.
- OW! What are you doing?! – Naruto asked.
- Huh? – I said confused and opened my eyes to see Sasuke who just bonked Naruto which made me glare at him.
- Did you forget breakfast time, idiot? – Sasuke asked.
Naruto looked at him and grinned...I smirked.
- K-Kaoru? – Sasuke said cautiously.
I turned around and ignored him.
- Huh? Kaoru-chan what's wrong? – Naruto asked.
- He and Sakura trash talked about you SO I'm not talking to him until he apologizes to you. – I said with a smirk.
- W-What? – Sasuke asked.
- Hahahaha! – Naruto laughed and by the corner of my eye I see Sasuke's eye twitch.
- I'm waiting! – Naruto sang.
- F-Fine......I.....I'm......I'm s-sorry. – Sasuke said.
- Huh? I didn't hear it. – Naruto said amused which made me smirk.
- I'm s-sorry! – Sasuke said annoyed.
I turned around and smiled at him.
- Thank you Kaoru-chan! – Naruto said grinning.
- No problem! – I said smiling sweetly at him.
- Will you talk to me now? – Sasuke asked.
- Of course I will! I keep my promises. – I said getting up and Sasuke sighed in relief and of course Naruto laughed at his reaction.
- What idiot? – Sasuke asked.
- You're madly in love! – Naruto said.
Sasuke looked at me and I smiled sweetly at him which made him blush a bit.
- Hahaha! Look he's blushing! – Naruto said.
I chuckled while Sasuke glared at Naruto.
- C'mon Naruto leave him be. You've got training to do...unless you don't want to be Hokage anymore. – I said.
- I will be Hokage one day, believe it! – Naruto said determined.
- I do believe it. – I said.
*At Training*
I was training when.
- KAORU-CHAN!/KAORU! – Naruto and Sasuke screamed.
- AHHHHHH! – I screamed scared.
- Huh? – they said and looked at me confused.
- YOU IDIOTS! Don't scare me like that! – I said.
They nodded and I sighed.
- Anyway. What do you guys need? – I asked.
- Help me! – Naruto and Sasuke said in unison which made them glare at each other.
- She'll help me not you! – Naruto said grabbing my hand and pulling me.
- Eh? – I said confused.
- No! She'll help me! – Sasuke said and grabbed my other hand and pulled me.
- Eh?! W-Wait a s-second. – I said.
- No, me! – Naruto said.
- No! – Sasuke said.
They started pulling me for each side......
- DON'T PULL ME! – I said grabbing their hands and threw them at 2 trees separately.
I looked at them with an evil look which made them look at me terrified.
- G-Gomen! – they said in unison.
I sighed.....bakas.
- Come, I'll help you. – I said and they both got up and were about to ask who would I help.
- H-Hai. – they answered.
* A Couple of Hours Passed*
They improved...teaching is not that bad after all.
- Naruto! Sasuke-kun! – I heard.
- Kaoru! – I heard.
- Huh?- I said confused and looked behind.......I started to see dad and Sakura.
They came to my side.
- What's up? – I asked dad.
- Where are they? – dad asked.
I smirked sensing a kunai coming our way from a tree which scared Sakura and dad. They looked up and saw Naruto on a branch.
- N-No way...Naruto is able to climb all the way there now. – Sakura said impressed.
- Tch. He's not like you. – I mumbled.
- How do you like that?! I can climb this high now! – Naruto said and then "lost his balance".
- This isn't good! – dad said.
- Naruto! – Sakura said worried.
I smirked.
- Kidding! – Naruto said on the branch upside down.
- You scared me! - Sakura said.
- See, see! All of this thanks to Kaoru-chan! – Naruto said.
- Huh? You helped him? – dad asked.
- Y-Yeah. – I said.
Dad smiled.
- How is your training going by the way? – he asked curious.
I got depressed.
- Eh? G-Gomen, gomen. You'll get it done, don't worry! – dad said trying to comfort me.
Suddenly I heard.
- Naruto baka! – Sakura said.
I looked up and Naruto was about to fall but Sasuke got him by his foot. I mentally face palmed.
- Way to go Sasuke-kun! – Sakura said.
- Show off. – I mumbled.
Dad gave them a closed eyed smile and put his hand on my head caressing it.
- Well done, Kaoru. – he said proud.
- Huh? W-Why? – I asked.
- You trained them, they got better so well done. – dad said.
I looked down embarrassed.
- Tch! Like Sasuke-kun would need help from SOMEONE like you! – Sakura said.
- And what's that supposed to mean, Sakura? – I asked coldly.
- Actually he did ask for help just like I did, right teme? – Naruto said coming to my side grinning.
- Y-Yes. – Sasuke said looking the other way.
- Thank you. – I mouthed to them and Sakura just glared.
- Want me to rip off your eyes? – I asked her coldly.
- YOU – she started but dad interrupted.
- Enough! Sakura go guard Tazuna. You 3 continue training. – dad said.
- Hai. – Naruto and Sasuke said.
- Kaoru? – dad asked.
- You're not my boss! – I said which made his eyes twitch in annoyance.
- Fine, do it as you please but I doubt you can get "it" right like that. – he said amused.
- WHAT DID YOU SAY?! I'LL SHOW YOU! – I said going further away from them to train.
*At Nightfall*
I was now panting hard with the view of 5 trees now destroyed...I collapsed.....so that's my limit..........I did it.
- KAORU-CHAN! – I heard Naruto scream.
I immediately got up and sped to where they once were.
Where is he?!
- UP HERE! – Naruto said.
I looked up........they're at the top of the tree.
I smiled.
- Well done boys! – I said proud.
They got down and were now beside me.
- Let's go home. – Sasuke said.
- Hai! – me and Naruto said grinning.
On the way me and Sasuke had to help Naruto walk.
We entered Tsunami's house and everybody was looking at us.
- What's with you 3? You look all dirty and tired. – Tazuna said.
Naruto laughed a bit and said.
- We both climbed to the top.
Me and Sasuke smirked.
I looked at dad and said.
- I did it.
- Oh! Limit? – he asked curious.
- 5. – I said.
- That's my daughter. Now you 3 get ready tomorrow you'll guard Tazuna as well. – dad informed.
- ROGER! – Naruto said all happy but lost his balance which made all of us fall.
- You idiot! – Sasuke said.
- Ow! Damn it Naruto! – I said laughing a bit.
*After Dinner*
Naruto was basically sleeping on the table, I was almost asleep, my head was always falling until Sasuke told me to put my head on his shoulder........comfy.......well not as much as his chest but oh well!
I'm so tired...I wasn't paying attention to the conversation until I heard.
- Why are you trying so hard that you end up like that?
I opened my eyes and saw that was Inari who was talking.
- You can't beat Gato even if you train! – Inari said.
I raised an eyebrow.
- No matter how hard you try and say those good words weak people are going to lose against strong people! – Inari said.
- Tch, shut up. – I said coldly.
- Kaoru! – Sakura said in an assertive tone and I gave her an evil look.
- She's right, shut up. I'm different from you. – Naruto said.
- Shut up! It pisses me of when I watch you! You don't know anything about this country and you're noisy! I'm different from you, someone who doesn't know pain and just laughs all the time! – Inari said.
Me, Naruto and Sasuke narrowed our eyes at him.
- Is that why you're pretending to be the main character of a tragedy and just cry? – Naruto said coldly.
- Huh? – Inari said.
- Tch. An idiot like you can just keep crying. – I said coldly.
- You crybaby! – me and Naruto said in unison looking at him evilly.
- Naruto, Kaoru! That's too much! – Sakura said.
- Shut up! You're annoying and you know nothing, you just whine and complain and scream and squeal for no reason. – I said and left the house.
Tch...what does he know?
He has a mother that loves him and a grandfather...I don't have any of those....and pain...
- Let's have another shot Kaoru-chan. – the pedo said.
- P-Please....s-stop. – I said weakly.
- Ohh, c'mon. We're having so much fun. – four eyes said amused.
- P-Please.....st AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! PLEASE NO! STOP! – I screamed in pain.
They were just smiling at me and eventually stopped.
- Very good, you're very interesting. – the pedo said.
- We'll be back tomorrow. – four eyes said.
They left and I just cried and cried.
A couple of hours passed and a girl of practically my age came in.
- W-Who a-are you? P-Pleas d-don't hurt m-me. – I said weakly.
- I'm here to help you. Here, let me get you out of those handcuffs. – she said.
I looked at her surprised.
- Here, eat. You need it. – she said.
I looked at her with doubts.
- Don't worry it's not poisoned see. – she said eating a bit.
I took it and ate it as well.
- Why a-are you h-helping me? – I asked.
She looked down.
- I'm being experimented on as well...and since we can't get out of here at least we have to help each other somehow. Don't you think? – she said with a kind smile.
I widened my eyes.
- Friends? – she asked giving her hand for me to shake.
I accepted it.
- What's your name? – she asked.
- Kaoru. And yours? – I asked.
- It's –
*End of Flashback*
My thoughts were interrupted by someone's hand on my shoulder.
- You're okay? – he asked concerned.
- Y-Yeah...f-fine. You? – I said.
- Don't lie. – he said.
- I-I'm not! – I said.
- So why are you crying? – he asked.
I widened my eyes and touched my cheek...it's wet, I didn't even realize it.
Naruto sat down next to me in complete silence.
- How? – I asked.
- Huh? – he said confused.
- How can you not cry? – I asked.
- I don't know...I guess I'm just done crying you know. Isn't that why you pretend to be cold towards others? To protect yourself and not cry? – he said.
I looked down.
- How can he say that we don't know pain? Me, you and Sasuke are the ones who probably understand him the most. – I said.
- You? But...you have parents. – Naruto said.
- Dad...I have a dad. – I said sad.
- Oh...s-sorry. – Naruto said.
- Not like that. – I said looking at him.
- What do you mean? – he asked confused.
- She didn't die...she just... - I started but stopped...
- You don't have to tell me if it makes you feel bad Kaoru-chan! I just want you to be okay, we're bestfriends I don't like to see you sad or cry. – he said calmly.
- Naruto... - I said quietly.
- Y-Yeah? – he said.
- Those 5 years...I wasn't there because I was sold to a guy who tortured me. – I said.
He widened his eyes.
- What?! – he asked mad.
- My...m-my mom was the one who sold me, she's in Konoha prison and she...she doesn't love me...I talked to her and she said that I should have died. So yeah...I know pain...physically and emotionally. – I said.
- Kaoru-chan... - he said quietly.
Then he got up.
- C'mon! Suck it up! We are NOT weak Kaoru-chan! – he said.
I looked at him with eyes wide open.
- I promise I won't let that guy get near you EVER again, believe it!
- N-Naruto... - I said shocked.
He grinned at me and gave me his hand to help me get up, I smiled and took it.
- You're right...I'm sorry. – I said.
- Don't be! We're bestfriends so count on me for anything! – he said grinning.
- Let's go back, shall we? – I asked.
- Let's go! – he said happy and so we went.
Kakashi P.O.V
I decided to go and talk to Inari.
- Naruto and Kaoru didn't say that out of spite. They're stubborn. We heard about your father from Tazuna-san. Naruto is the same as you in that, he had no father when he was young...in matter of fact he doesn't know what parents are. He also didn't have a single friend besides my daughter, Kaoru. – I explained.
- Huh? – Inari said.
- However, I never saw him grow timid, get sulky or cry. He was always desperate to make people recognize him and he's able to put his life on the line for that dream. He's probably bored of crying now. – I continued.
- What about her? – he asked.
- Well...after she became Naruto's bestfriend she never lets people trash talk him since she understands somehow his pain. You know...Kaoru had a rough past, she went through a lot of pain and because of that she protects herself by being cold and when you said that they didn't know pain they snapped...because they know it probably better than you but still they don't stop fighting. That's why they know the true meaning of being strong, just like your father. What they said before...those are probably the words they've been telling themselves over and over again. – I said.
Kaoru P.O.V
We were now at home and dad suddenly appeared with Inari beside him. Me and Naruto looked at him with a cold look and went upstairs to our bedrooms.
We said goodnight and entered our rooms, Sasuke was still awake and was looking through the window but when I got in he immediately looked at me and gave me a little smile which made me smile as well.
He came towards me and engulfed me in a hug.
- Are you okay? – he asked.
- Yeah...I'm fine now. Thank you for asking. – I answered hugging his back.
We stopped and looking each other in the eye...we started to lean in until our lips met half way...I needed this...his love and his touch that makes me feel better.
We stopped and smiled to each other, we then went to bed to sleep.
I was so tired that darkness took over in minutes.