Kaoru grew up in Konoha with her mother and father this being Hatake Kakashi the famous copy cat ninja.She was an happy ...
Chapter 1
Kakashi P.O.V
It's been 5 years since Kaoru disappeared. She must be 12 years old now...if she's still alive...STUPID!
DON'T THINK LIKE THAT!...she HAS to be alive!
Why?...Why did she do this???
Me and the other jounins were still looking for Kaoru and my wife Nari, it's been days and we didn't find them yet.
Suddenly I sensed Nari's chackra nearby so I immediately went there.
- Kakashi! Love, I missed you! – she said happily and hugged me.
- W-What?...Where's Kaoru? Nari, what happened? Where's our daughter?! – I asked worried.
She stopped hugging me and looked at me mad.
I widened my eyes.
- I MARRIED YOU! How can you say that?! Nari, where is she? – I asked.
- You know what?! Forget it! – she said taking her marriage ring off and threw it at me.
I looked at her confused.
- You will NEVER see her again! – she said.
I grabbed her by the arm and asked her in an assertive tone.
- Where is she, Nari?
- GO TO HELL! She shouldn't have born! She should have died! I hate her! You always paid more attention to her than me. So I got rid of her! – she said.
I widened my eyes and immediately pined her against the wall.
- WHERE.IS.MY.DAUGHTER?! – I asked mad.
- I SOLD HER! So good luck finding her! – she answered.
- TO WHO?! – I asked.
- I'M NOT TELLING! – she answered.
End of Flashback
I was now in Konoha prison to talk to Nari...again...to see if I can make her talk and tell me where Kaoru is.
- Where is she, Nari? To who did you sell her? – I asked coldly.
She smirked.
- 5 years passed and you're still looking for that brat? How nice. – she said.
- ANSWER ME! WHERE IS KAORU?! – I demanded mad.
- Go.to.hell. – she said coldly.
- How could you?...SHE IS YOUR OWN DAUGHTER! – I said.
- You're wasting your time. Leave. – she said.
- Please...please...if you love me...if you still love me...please tell me where Kaoru is...to who did you sell her? Please Nari. – I begged her.
- No...besides...I bet she's dead by now. – she said smirking.
I widened my eyes in shock and then look at Nari in the eyes and said coldly.
- If that's true...if I don't find her...I swear I'll kill you Nari.
She widened her eyes in surprise and I walked away.
Kaoru...where are you?
Kaoru P.O.V
It has been 5 years since my parents sold me to that pedo...I spent 3 years there...I can't even...2 years since I got away from there with Itachi's help.
Suddenly I bumped into something, I looked up and it was Itachi.
- Sorry. – I said.
- What were you thinking? – he asked.
I looked at the ground mad.
- 5 years...they sold me...why? – I said.
- I don't know, but you should return to Konoha. – he said.
- Wait...WHAT?! WHY?! – I said shocked.
- Because I can't always be here and if the Akatsuki finds you they will want you and we don't want that. – he explained.
- Why should I go back?! They sold me so...WHY WOULD I?! I HAVE NO ONE! – I said mad.
- What about Naruto? Wasn't he your bestfriend? And Sasuke, wasn't he your friend as well? – he asked.
I looked down sad remembering all the good memories and time we shared.
- I...I just... - I said.
- I trained you for 2 years and you are very skilled. You should become a Leaf Ninja. – he stated.
- Why don't you come with me then? – I asked.
- You know why. – he simply said.
- I'M NOT GOING! – I said mad.
He glared at me.
- Oh please! I was beaten up, experimented on and tortured, that stupid Uchiha glare DOES NOT scare me! – I said cocky.
- OW! What was that for?! – I asked.
- For acting like that and you're going. Besides you need to seal that curse mark properly and I know the right person for that. So after that person takes care of that you can go to Konoha. – he explained.
I sighed.
- I'm not going to win this argument...am I? – I asked.
He nodded.
- FINE! – I said pouting.
Then he came towards me and poked my forehead.
- I'm sorry, Kaoru. – he said.
*A couple of days passed*
Kaoru P.O.V
Itachi told me where to find this person, apparently this person can help me.
Now...where is this person?!
Itachi said he has white long hair and...
- AHHHHH! DON'T NEED TO BE LIKE THAT JUST BECAUSE YOU LOST! – I heard a guy screaming and that was thrown against a wall.............IT'S HIM!
- YOU CHEATED! – the woman said ready to punch him to death.
I sped there and stopped her punch.
- W-What? H-How? – she said impressed.
- I would appreciate if you didn't hit or kill my helper. – I said.
- Helper?! – they said surprised.
- You're Jiraiya right? One of the Sannins? – I said.
- Yeah...what about it? – he said.
- I need your help. – I said without emotions.
- Who are you? – she asked.
- It's courtesy telling your name first. – I said.
- I'm Tsunade. – she said.
- One of the Sannins? – I asked a bit surprised.
She nodded.
I let go of her hand and then bowed.
- I'm Hatake Kaoru. Nice meeting you. – I said.
- WAIT! You're Kakashi's daughter?! Where have you been?! – Jiraiya asked.
I narrowed my eyes at him.
- If you know who I am then you should know what happened, besides I need your help. – I said coldly.
- But – he started but Tsunade interrupted him.
- Let her speak. – she said.
- I need you to seal my curse mark. – I said and they widened their eyes.
- H-How? – they asked.
- Could you just help me and stop with the questions?! – I said annoyed.
They nodded.
- Come with us. – she said.
I followed them and went to what I think it was Tsunade's room.
- Take your shirt off. – Tsunade said.
I raised my eyebrow.
- I need to seal the curse mark in order to do that you have to take your shirt off. – he said serious.
I sighed and did what they said.
Then I immediately heard a gasp.
- Do NOT ask, am I clear? – I said glaring at them.
They nodded and started preparing.
- This will hurt. – Jiraiya said.
I nodded.
- Curse Mark...SEAL! – he said putting his hand above my curse mark.
I widened my eyes.
- AHHHHHH! – I screamed in pain.
And then everything went black.
Jiraiya P.O.V
She passed out after the sealing.
- Jiraiya... - Tsunade said.
- I know...I saw it too. – I said mad.
- That bastard. – she said mad.
- I'm going out to get something for her to eat, stay in here in case she wakes up. – I said and she nodded.
Tsunade P.O.V
After a while she started to wake up and Jiraiya still hasn't return.
- How are you feeling? – I asked her.
- Like crap...but that's not new to me so...whatever. Is it sealed? – she said.
- Yes, it is...Kaoru... - I started.
- Don't. – she said.
- W-What? – I asked.
- I said do NOT ask. – she said glaring.
I sighed.
- Let me heal it properly. – I said.
- What do you mean by "properly"? – she asked offended.
- It's not properly healed. – I explained.
I looked at her impressed and then healed her.
- Better? – I asked.
- A-Actually...y-yes. Thank you. – she said embarrassed.
Kaoru P.O.V
After Tsunade healed me Jiraiya came back.
- I see you're feeling better. Here. – he said giving me food which I accepted and ate it.
- What's your rank? – Jiraiya asked after I ate.
- Huh? – I asked.
- You stopped Tsunade's punch so in what level are you in? – Jiraiya asked.
- I don't know. – I answered.
- Come. Let's test it. – Tsunade said.
I nodded and followed them.
- Fight Tsunade and let's see what you're capable of. – Jiraiya said.
I sighed.
- Fine. – I simply said.
She suddenly came at me but I dodged, but she appeared behind me.
- Fast...but not fast enough. – she said and tried to punch me but I blocked it.
- Not bad. What about this?! – she said trying to kick me but again I blocked it but this time her force sent me flying against a wall.
Shit! She's strong and scary as hell!
Well...let's get serious then.
- Don't tell me you're done! – she said amused.
I got up and smirked.
I disappeared and reappeared behind her.
- What? – she said.
- Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu! – I said but she was able to dodge.
She immediately came at me and we started fighting taijutsu only.
I was dodging and blocking until she punched me and sent me flying towards the wall.
I tried to get up and concentrate chakra on my feet but...I smirked, she blocked my chakra points.
- I see that you already realized what I did, impressive. – Tsunade said.
I pushed myself and stood up.
- H-How? – they said.
- This...compared to what I've been through...it's nothing. – I said coldly.
They looked at me surprised.
I took one step and stopped.
- AHHHH! MY BACK HURTS! – I said anime crying.
They started laughing.
Tsunade came to my side and was ready to start healing me.
I smirked.
I immediately punched her sending her flying towards Jiraiya.
- Payback is a bitch. – I said smirking.
Tsunade smirked and got up.
- Smart. You're on a jounin level minimum. I have something to ask you. – she said.
- What? – I asked.
- Would you want to be trained by us? – she asked me.
I widened my eyes in surprise.
- That's actually a good idea. – Jiraiya said.
- W-Why? – I asked.
- Well...that bastard will come for you again so I want you to be prepared and able to protect yourself. So I'll teach you and so will Jiraiya. – she said.
- What do you say? – Jiraiya asked.
- I...I accept. Thank you very much! – I said.
*Couple of Months Passed*
No One's P.O.V
- Well it's a shame you're going. If you trained more with me you could actually achieve the strength of a Hundred Seal. – Tsunade said.
- The I'll stay. – Kaoru said.
- No, you're coming back to Konoha. Everybody's been looking for you for years. – Jiraiya said.
She looked at the ground mad.
- Fine. I'll see you around Tsunade-no-baa-chan! – Kaoru said.
- OW! W-Why?! – Kaoru asked Tsunade.
- I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL ME THAT! – Tsunade said angry.
Jiraiya laughed.
- Let's go before she kills you. – Jiraiya said to Kaoru.
Kaoru nodded hiding behind him.
*In Konoha*
Kaoru P.O.V
I was starting to see the gates...should I really come back? They sold me...
- You're okay kid? – Jiraiya asked.
- Y-Yeah...fine. – I answered.
We passed the gates and we were now going to the Hokage Tower.
Jiraiya knocked at the Hokage's office door.
- Come in. – we heard.
- Hello there! – Jiraiya said coming in and I just followed him.
When the Hokage saw me he smiled and said.
- Hello child. What's your name?
I looked at him without any emotions.
- What's wrong? – the Hokage asked.
Jiraiya sighed.
- This is Kaoru...Hatake Kaoru. – Jiraiya said.
The Hokage's eyes widened.
- Impressed that I'm still alive? – I asked without emotions.
- We've been looking for you...for 5 years. – the Hokage said.
- Really?...And how has that been going?! – I asked sarcastically.
- You've changed Kaoru, you were such a happy child, like Naruto but in a girl form. – the Hokage stated.
- Life changed me. – I said coldly.
- Kaoru. – Jiraiya said.
- What? – I asked looking at him with cold eyes which surprised him.
- It's okay Jiraiya, you can go now. Thank you for bringing her. – the Hokage said.
Jiraiya patted my head but I didn't move, I stayed emotionless.
The Hokage called an Anbu and told him something that I did not understand.
After the Anbu left he looked at me.
- What happened during this 5 years? – he asked me.
- Why should I tell you? – I asked staying cold as ice.
- Don't you trust me? You used to. – he said.
- You said that right...USED TO...until you let my OWN PARENTS sell me! – I said angry.
He widened his eyes.
- It was only your mother who sold you Kaoru. Kakashi has nothing to do with that, he's been devastated since then. – the Hokage told me.
I widened my eyes.
- ...but...he didn't stop her... - I said quietly.
Suddenly someone knocked at the door.
- Enter. – the Hokage said.
- You called me, Hokage-sama? – I heard...that voice...
- Yes, I did Kakashi. – the Hokage said.
I became tense.
- What is it? – he asked.
The Hokage looked at me.
I turned around and looked at...my dad...with cold eyes.
- It's been a while...Otou-san. – I said with no emotions.
He immediately widened his eyes, tears forming.
- K-Kaoru...? – dad said.
- Jiraiya found her and brought her here. – the Hokage explained.
Suddenly dad hugged me but I didn't hug back...I just stood there...does he really care or is he just pretending?
He stopped hugging and looked at me.
- W-Where were you? W-We looked for you everywhere! – dad said sad.
- Apparently you didn't. Can I go now? – I said looking at the Hokage who looked at me sadly.
- S-Swee – dad started but I stopped him.
- Do NOT call me that. – I said glaring at him which surprised him.
- That's enough. Kaoru let's deal with where you'll stay. – the Hokage stated.
- She'll stay with me. – dad said.
- No, I won't. I want my own place. – I said.
- I would prefer if you live with your father, Kaoru. – the Hokage said.
- Naruto lives alone and so does Sasuke. So why can't I? – I asked casually and they looked at me shocked.
- They don't have any family members...they don't have parents. – the Hokage said like I didn't know that.
- Yeah...they don't. But at least their parents didn't try to sell them. Let me ask you something, Hokage-sama. – I said.
He nodded.
- What do you think it's worst? Your parents dying or your parents selling you because they don't love you anymore? – I asked with no emotions and by the corner of my eye I see dad shed a tear.
Yeah...I shed many.
The Hokage sighed.
- Very well...here. It's a house near where Sasuke lives. – the Hokage said giving me a key.
- Thank you Hokage-sama. – I said accepting the key.
- I will put you into the academy so you can become a ninja. I will also test you after lunch so be here. – he explained.
- Hai, Hokage-sama. – I said and left, leaving my dad shocked behind me.
Hokage P.O.V
With that she left.
- Kakashi. – I said calmly.
- W-What j-just happened? W-Why is m-my daughter so...c-cold? – he asked confused.
- I'm afraid she's been through many pain during this 5 years. I will have to ask Jiraiya if he knows something about where she was during that time, although I would prefer she tell us. – I said.
- I...I just... - Kakashi said.
- Kakashi...you have your daughter back, she is just scared and doesn't trust us and I don't blame her. We just have to show her that it's safe here. – I explained to him.
- H-Hai, Hokage-sama. – he said sad.
*After Lunch*
Kaoru P.O.V
After I ate and walked around the village I went to the Hokage's office.
- Oh, you're here! Good, let's go. – he said.
I raised an eyebrow.
- To where? – I asked.
- To the training fields, you will fight there against an opponent that I choose specially for you. – he said.
I shrugged it and followed him.
After we arrived we waited a couple of minutes when...
- Ready? – I heard.
I looked and there he was again.
- Yes Kakashi. Kaoru this is your opponent. – the Hokage said.
I raised an eyebrow.
- You want ME to fight against MY FATHER? – I asked.
- Is that a problem? – he asked.
I smirked.
- Not at all. – I answered.
- I won't go easy on you, Kaoru. – dad said.
- Just let's get this over with, shall we? – I said.
He looked at me sad.
- Very well. Get ready...and...start! – the Hokage said.
I didn't waste any second, I immediately sped to him and tried to punch him but he dodged.
- Fast. – I heard them say.
He came at me and grabbed me from behind but I used the substitution jutsu and went to a tree.
- You've changed. – dad said looking at me.
- Yeah...pain does that to people. – I said with no emotions.
Suddenly I felt a kunai against my neck.
- You shouldn't let the enemy get behind you, Kaoru. – dad said from behind me.
- Who said I did? – I asked smirking and disappeared and reappeared behind him kicking him in the back, but of course it was just a clone...so where's the real one?
I started concentrating.................................I smirked.
I went to the ground and turned around facing the trees.
I started concentrating chakra on my right hand..........done...........now.
I punched the ground and the way to him opened in half making the trees fall in the process and then...there he was.
- Aren't you too grown up to play hide and seek? – I asked raising an eyebrow.
He and the Hokage widened their eyes...now...the grand final.
I disappeared and reappeared behind him.
- RASENGAN! – I said ready to hit him with it but suddenly I was thrown in the other direction.
I got up and looked who did it...Jiraiya...
- You're not supposed to use that against your father, Kaoru. – Jiraiya said with a serious tone.
I narrowed my eyes at them.
- W-Why? – dad asked.
- Kakashi, remember what I said. – the Hokage said.
- Why you ask? – I said looking at the ground mad.
- Kaoru... - Jiraiya said coming towards me.
- WHY YOU ASK?! YOU KNOW NOTHING! YOU LET MY OWN MOTHER SELL ME! I WAS JUST A KID! HOW DIDN'T YOU NOTICE THAT MY OWN MOTHER, YOUR WIFE, DIDN'T LOVE ME?! YOU... - I screamed completely furious but stopped since I was feeling the tears forming.
I turned around and left, I just want to be alone right now.
Hokage P.O.V
She turned around and left.
- Kaoru wait! – Kakashi said.
Jiraiya sighed.
- Jiraiya, what happened to her? – I asked him.
He looked at us.
- I don't really know much...and what I do know it's not my story to tell. It should be her and not me. Don't force her though...all I can say is that it's a very delicate subject. – Jiraiya told us.
I looked at Kakashi and he just looked sad and broken.
- Kakashi, go home. I'll try talk to her. – I said.
He just nodded and left.
- You can go too Jiraiya. – I said.
- Take care of her. – he said and I nodded.
With that I went to look for her.
Kaoru P.O.V
I was now at the top of the Hokage's heads, this brings back memories.
Suddenly I felt a presence and sighed.
- What? – I asked not bothering looking to see who it was.
- Very wise aren't you child? – the Hokage said sitting next to me.
- If you say so. – I said.
- Kaoru...I asked Jiraiya if he knew what happened to you during those 5 years. – the Hokage told me.
I looked at him.
- And how did that went?! – I asked ironically.
- So...you know he didn't say a thing? – he asked curious.
- Jiraiya-sensei can be many things...pervert, crazy, stupid, idiot...but he's someone you can trust your secrets with because he won't tell a soul...he'll never betray you. – I said looking at the sky to see the stars since it was night already.
The Hokage sighed.
- I'm sorry we weren't able to find you wherever you were. And if you need to talk or need anything just come to me and ask. – he said with a closed eyed smile.
...well...he's not lying (she developed a very interesting and helpful skill during those 5 years, she can tell when a person is lying just by looking at them).
I took a deep breath.
- I will only say this once so listen carefully. – I said to him.
He looked at me surprised and nodded.
- I'm not gonna tell you everything because...because of reasons! So I'll just tell you the name of the person to who my mother sold me to. Deal? – I said.
- Deal. – he answered.
I looked at him and said.
- Orochimaru.
His eyes widened immediately and since he knows how that pedo is he didn't ask anything else because I'm sure he now has an idea of what I've been through.
- I'm sorry. – he said sad.
I sighed and got up.
- Where are you going? – he asked.
- Home. Tomorrow I start in the Academy, right? – I asked and he nodded.
- Your rank is jounin by the way. – he said.
- I see...thanks. Bye. – I said and with that I left and went home.
It's not like I'm going to sleep anyway...I really can't have a good night of sleep because of the nightmares.
I sighed...well let's just go to bed and hope for the best.