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Chapter 9: Sibling Rivalry

Reece's POV

It was Friday night and I was getting ready to leave work for my apartment before meeting up with the girls for the night.

"Hey you!" Riley barged into her office all dressed up like she was headed for the red carpet. Or maybe she was and I just don't remember her mentioning it.

Yes. My sister was famous. Much more than myself. She was a model from her teen years with our mother as her agent and designer. After our parents' death, she'd years later took over my mother's fashion line and kept up with modeling part-time.

"Why so dressed up?" I asked cautiously.

"Cause it’s Friday and we are going out!" She squealed not forgetting to put emphasis on the 'we'.

"Sorry but I can't."

"Of course you can. I'm sure Charles and Dinah wouldn't mind a night alone to themselves."

"I know but believe it or not, I already have plans."

"Ohh…. is he hot?" She teased.

"It’s not a date. I'm going out with some friends." I said getting really exhausted with the conversation.

"Ooh..... Can I come with? Hell, if I knew you're not as stuck up as you used to be I'd be coming over more often."

"I'm sorry but that might not be a very good idea."

"Oh...… lemme guess." She said and I flinched at the bitterness on her voice. "Your so called friends know nothing about me, am I right?"

I couldn't defend myself because she was right. Only Gabby knew about my twin sister and I only revealed it to her after choosing psychologist over friend which regardless of the fact that it was verbal and between friends, she still held it as a bidding agreement that she can't reveal any information acquired with any third party.

"I guess we're back to keeping me a secret or denying any association with me. You think you're so smart but I figured out why you do that Reece." She said and I looked up into her eyes waiting for her to put into words one of my fears.

"You're afraid I'll steal the spotlight from you! Cause it’s either that or you’re ashamed of me." She spat and I bowed my head in shame.

"Either way, have fun with your little friends! God forbid that I should embarrass you! I'll see you at the memorial." She added, her tone so hostile and bitter, I winced

She quickly grabbed her stuff and left, leaving me there wondering what the hell just happened.

I let out a frustrated sigh as I grabbed my stuff and headed out.

I really needed a drink.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I slid into the booth next to Gwen and she slid a drink towards me.

"Thanks." I muttered and gulped it down.

"Wow! Easy there tiger!" Gwen called as she squeezed my shoulder gently. "What’s up with you?"

"I'm getting the feeling this is a job for Gabby." Victoria put in and I smiled gratefully to her confirming her thoughts at which they backed off just as Gabby came in.

Hi girls?" She called as she slid into the booth.

"Gabby! Finally!" We all called simultaneously.

"Where were you?" Gwen asked.

"Uum… Work." She said which was such an obvious lie.

"Uuh.... Don't you work with Victoria?" I asked as I sipped my second drink.

"Yeah but I had an errand to run on the way here."

"Yeah sure." Victoria said as she waved over a waiter, obviously not believing her.

"What's going on with you guys?" She asked changing the subject.

"Well, I'm buried in work. Fashion week is two weeks from now." Gwen said draining her glass.

"I'm heading home next week. Family business. Plus it’s my parents.… It’s their funeral anniversary." I said lowering my head slightly.

"Oh Reece, want us to come with?" Victoria asked.

"No. Thanks guys but I'll be around family who I haven't seen in years so....."

"You sure?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fine."

"Fine! But we will call you constantly! You know, just to check on you." Victoria said and I nodded in approval.

"Thanks guys." I said with a small smile.

There was a slight commotion soon after but Gabby quickly turned to me.

"You sure you don't want us to come with?"

And I spent close to an hour and several drinks to convince them that I'd be fine.

We soon hailed a cab and were headed up to my apartment where we blacked out as soon as we laid down.

I hardly slept when my phone began ringing causing everyone including myself to groan at the disruption of sleep.

I checked the time as moved away to receive the call, wondering why Mrs. Falkland was calling at 7am.

"Hello?" My voice was hoarse but audible.

"Reece Hale! What did you do to your sister?" She yelled and I had to distance my phone for a second. My head was throbbing.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm giving you an hour to get here. You have some explaining to do young lady!"

The line went dead and I stared at the phone for a second, letting out a sigh before moving to the bathroom. I had a feeling I knew what it was all about.

I took a quick shower, swallowed painkillers, made myself coffee and writing the girls a note before leaving.

I got to the Falklands and found a fuming Dinah as soon as I swung the front door open.

"Charlie's study! Now!" She ordered before heading their herself.

My shoulders slumped as I followed close behind.

I took a seat before Charles and Dinah walked over to him behind the desk.

"Your sister left." Charles said as though it was common knowledge.

"What? When?" I asked confused.

"Last night. We didn't find out till this morning."


"We were hoping you could tell us that." He said as he handed me a piece of paper.

Dear Charles and Dinah,

I'm truly grateful for you hospitality but I was starting to feel unwelcome so I left. I'm sure Reece can explain.

Once again thank you for having me over. I'll see you at the memorial. I'm here if you need any assistance.


Riley Scott.

Leave it to my sister to cause me trouble and have me explain it myself. I let out an exasperated sigh and explained what happened. I was somber after the scolding I got and just as I was leaving my phone pinged with a message notification. It read:

Hope you had fun sis.

See you soon. ,'-)

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