I was at the office in New York by 8am on Monday morning after everything in the Greece Hotel was wrapped up following the second gala night of the year.
It had been more successful than I had imagined and I had enjoyed the night more than I thought I would.
Except for meeting him! My conscience put in.
All weekend long I had been fighting off thoughts of the arrogant Greek man Charles had found it convenient to introduce me to. I was still at a loss as to why he found the introduction necessary.
I absently checked my watch and cursed under my breath when I realized I had let thoughts of him get me late for my 8.30 meeting. I was never late!!
I walked into the boardroom ten minutes and gave everyone my sweetest smile as I headed for my chair at the head of the table. "Forgive me everyone. Shall we begin?"
Silence was consent and as everyone took their seats after I sat down, they immediately took it upon themselves to make up for the lost time.
The meeting went by in a blur as we discussed our estimates following the success of the gala in our Greece hotel.
Different departments gave reports on the happenings of that Friday night and interested investors that had come up cause of it.
I couldn't help but feel a little proud at the fact that I had been awarded the best gala night of the Greek year even before the night ended. I had searched the crowd for that Greek man only to find him glaring at me. I had smugly raised my glass at him before turning my attention back to the conversation around me.
Doing the same now in the meeting feeling flustered to have drifted off. I seriously need to get a grip. I couldn't help but get the feeling I'd be seeing him soon.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I was back in my office over lunch going through the latest event magazine as I took a break from work.
Don't get me wrong, it was not my usual cup of tea, I'm a terrible workaholic so I've been told. But with every gala one hosted they would have an interview and an article on the CEO and the concerned manager. They even had a freaking photoshoot! That's where Gwen always came in handy.
I had to admit I looked really good in those photos.
I had just finished reading my interview when I flipped the page and found an endearing photo of myself in a highly flattering dress with the caption; THE MOST ELIGIBLE BACHELORETTE YET!
They went on to give as much detail as they could about me . It was quite an interesting read but they hadn't captured half of me.
My phone rang and with one last glance at the magazine I closed it.
"Most eligible bachelorette yet, huh?"
"Hello to you to Gabby."I replied, glad she wasn't here to see the effect her words had on me.
"Hello love. You're lost." She cried.
"I'm sorry. The gala took up everything. My time, energy. Sanity!"
"Hmmm..... I think I can help with the last part." She said with feigned seriousness.
"You already give us free sessions sweetie."
"No I meant a referral to a psychiatrist."
"Hey!" I called back and she burst into laughter.
"I book you up for this weekend?" She asked when she finally calmed down.
"Yeah. I'll be away for the next one." I said feeling my mood change suddenly.
"I know sweetie." She replied immediately taking note of the change in my tone.
"You good though?" I asked, changing the subject. I noticed her pause as if she was thinking about it.
That's new!
"Gabby? You alright?"
"Yeah. I'm good just got a lot going on. I'm fine."
"You sure?"
"I'm good. Nothing to worry about."
"Hmmm...... I'm not convinced." I said making a mental note to call Victoria about it later. "We're here for you, you know that right?"
"Of course. Gotta go love. It's good hearing from you."
"Same here. I'll catch you later. Take care of yourself."
"You too."she called back before hanging up.
I couldn't help wonder what's wrong. Gabby and Victoria were the ones who always seem to have it together. Was she taking care of us while falling apart herself?
I was pulled away from my thoughts when my office phone pinged. "Miss Hale, Mr. Falkland is here to see you."
"Send him in Eva. Thank you." I called back to my assistant and a few seconds later he walked in.
"Hello child." He called lovingly as I walked over to him.
"I'm good. How was your trip back?"
"As good as can be. I'm here to congratulate you my dear!"
"Thank you. I couldn't have pulled it off without the support everyone gave me. So on behalf of the board, please accept my sincere thanks."
"My pleasure child. Your father wouldn't have had it any other way." He said taking my hands in his, his eyes searching mine.
"I get the feeling there's more to your visit." I said blinking back the tears forming in my eyes.
"Dinah is already organising things for the memorial. She said to call her if you need any updates on how it's progressing.
I let out a tired sigh as we settled down on the plush couches in my office.
"Can you believe it?" I asked and he kept quiet waiting for me to continue. "Can you believe its been ten years?"
"No. It still feels like its yesterday." He sighed. "We're worried about you child. You took the news harder than your sister."
"I'll be okay Charles."
"Regardless, Dinah thinks you should stay over. She's convinced you shouldn't be alone. She's extended the invitation to Riley too."
"Will it get you two to stop worrying about me?"
"Yes it will." He said with a hopeful smile.
"Fine. I'll come over tonight."
"Great! Dinah will be thrilled to have you over. I'll see you tonight." He said as he got to his feet and kissing my forehead before heading for the door.
"Did Riley agree to come?" I asked causing him to stop.
"Surprisingly, yes." He beamed and I let out a quiet sigh.
This was going to be one hell of a week!