Reece's POV
It was finally here. The night I had both been dreading and looking forward to these past few months. A lot was riding on tonight and I could feel the expected pressure weighing heavily on my shoulders. This was the first ever gala by the family company with me as the CEO. The first one had been under my dad and I personally had attended it. It was grand!
Oh dad! I thought, feeling the usual painful tug in my chest. I pray I make you proud tonight.
The gala would soon be underway in the Hale Hotel in Greece, one of our newest expansions into the international market and one which had climbed the ranks faster than I had ever thought possible. Our clientele were from all over the world and they seemed fairly pleased to have us in a country many of them frequented.
But what was adding to the pressure I was feeling tonight was that this was the second gala of the year, the Greece edition. The galas had started off as a party with a single hotelier calling on his friends and business rivals to test out his hotel’s service. Now it was a great honor to even be considered to be a part of the tradition.
Only the most grand and reputable hotels made the list. Two hotels from the same country were chosen each year and hoteliers from all around the world would attend. Hotel critics also attended and getting raving reviews in their publishing often brought in a lot of new clients. So getting good reviews tonight could only help boost the hotel further. I could build on my father’s legacy and take the family business to a whole new level.
Having attended the first gala earlier in the year, I knew I had to bring my A-game tonight. It had been at a renowned family owned hotel franchise in Greece and since it was in their turf, they had a bit of an advantage. They have also been in the business for years and that would give them precedence over a newer and foreign family owned business. I can still remember when I first met the CEO I was going up against. He’d seemed arrogant when he realized that not only was their rival hotel foreign and new in the area but that he was up against a female CEO. To say, I was pissed off was an understatement. A part of me actually couldn’t wait for tonight just so I could show him up.
"Hey boss, aren't you heading out to get ready?" Chloe, my manager asks snapping me out of my thoughts.
"No. My friend's setting me up in my office." I replied.
"Oh right...… and remember, if you need anything at all just ask me or Jace, right Jace?" She said, the last part poking her assistant in the ribs, who then quickly looked up from the clipboard he was holding.
"Yeah. Anything at all boss."
"Great. Thanks guys. Oh Jace, don't forget to get my friend and her crew some food from the kitchen. I'm heading up to get ready." I answered and Jace saluted me as Chloe gave me a thumbs-up.
I turned heading for my office and as soon as I walked in, my best friend Gwen squealed. I sighed.
This was gonna be a long night.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My office had been turned partially into a dressing room with an assortment of dresses hanging off a rack behind me while the table in front of me was littered with make-up. As I sat there letting Gwen and her assistant Sandy work their magic, I couldn’t help but remember my sister. Growing up she had often forced me to sit still as she used me as her test monkey for new makeup designs. Almost all of them made me look like a clown and she’d use me till she perfected it before finally trying it on herself. Even though Gwen reminded me a lot of my sister, I knew I could trust her when it came to such stuff. So having no expertise whatsoever in fashion or makeup, I quickly took Gwen’s offer to help.
"All done!" Gwen yelled snapping me out of my thoughts.
As Gwen put away her tools, Sandy quickly helped me into my shoes while Bobby helped me out of the dressing gown I was in. They then helped me to my feet and led me towards the full length mirror they had brought along. Gwen followed right behind me.
Taking my eyes of my feet now that I was sure I was not going to fall, I finally looked up. A soft gasp escaped me at the sight I was seeing. I was in a red floor length halter neck gown, black heels, a messy bun with minimal make-up and red lipstick.
I look so much like my sister…
I didn’t have time to process that thought when Gwen finally spoke.
"So...….. do you like it?" She asked nervously and I chose to drag out the moment just to bait her.
I let out a soft sigh and I watched intrigued as they waited with bated breath, all their eyes on me.
"I love it!" I whisper yelled and Gwen squealed while her assistants let out a relieved sigh.
"Okay! Our work here is done! Let’s get packing!" Gwen ordered and they got to work.
"Aren't you coming with me?" I asked suddenly feeling nervous.
"Oh no sweetie. You don't need me, you've got this!" She answered as she dragged me to the door. "Now go slay 'em!"
She pushed me out of my own office and slammed the door in my face. That's my best friend for you.
I turned and made my way downstairs and into the grand ballroom where the guests were currently mingling. I scanned the room prepping myself before I began making my rounds.
"Mrs. Falkland, How lovely to see you!" I called as I walked over to a lovely couple I had met through my parents while I was in high school.
"Oh child you're lost!" She complained as she took my hands and gave me a once over. Something my mom used to do after I'd spent time away from home, which was often.
"What do you expect with your husband on the board? I just hope he treats you better." I teased turning to Charles, her husband.
"Oh don’t let her fool you, my love." He said to his wife with a charming smile. “She works late all by herself.”
She looked just about ready to scold me when Charles cut in. "Darling, if you’ll please excuse us, I need to introduce Reece to someone."
"By all means, just don't take too long." She beamed, her previous words forgotten.
"You know I can't." He winked at her and she blushed as I laughed.
And to think they've been married for over forty years.
He took my arm in his and quickly led me away. “Thanks for saving me even though you’re the one who ratted me out.” I teased as I let him lead me across the room.
“Pleasure is all mine, my dear.” He responded with a wide grin. I still remember he’d tattle on dad a lot too back then. It was good to see some things hadn’t changed.
I had gotten so lost in my thoughts and didn’t realize who he was leading me to till it was too late.
"Mr. Platon." Charles called and the man who had his back to us turned around after excusing himself from the men he had been talking to.
“Mr. Falkland, it’s good to see you.” The man said as he heartily shook Charles’ hand. The man’s eyes flicked to me and it lit up with recognition.
Not missing the man’s expression, he turned to me.
“Reece, you remember Mr. Platon?” Charles asked knowing clearly well I remembered. The man had made quite a first impression and not a good one. It also didn’t help that he was the CEO I was up against and had proved himself to be quite arrogant.
This was going to be a long night.