Alec's POV
I have been looking forward to this night since the moment I met her. Given I was dismissive of her when introductions were being made, I couldn't help but acknowledge hope beautiful she was. Her dress had clung to her body like a second skin and though she'd excused confidence, it was more practiced than something that came naturally to her. She'd leaned on her Charles' hand more out of necessity than favor when he brought her over to make introductions.
I had met Charles Falkland through my father as he was a frequenter in our hotel for years whenever he'd come for business in Greek. He'd recently started hinting at moving his business elsewhere choosing to hold back information that his best friend's company was expanding into Greece. He'd later said that the only reason he'd chosen our hotel for years is because his preferred hotel was not available here.
Now that they'd expanded to Greece he thought the let he could do is introduce me to whomever was causing him to move his business away. He'd mentioned Reece Hale severally and my mind had conjured up an older man each time. After all, he'd said it was his best friend's hotel.
So when he'd shown up with a stunning beauty on his arm, I couldn't help but poke fun at him thinking he was try to pull a fast one on me. When he'd laughed and clarified that she was indeed the Reece Hale he'd mentioned before, I want sure how exactly to salvage the situation. I had not only dismissed her, I had implied that she must be the wrong person because she was a woman.
She had tried to leave the then tense atmosphere but Charles had given some lame excuse and left us alone together. Throwing out any form of courtesy after my treatment of her, she chose to turn and leave not having said a word to me. I couldn't let that be.
Grabbing into her hand, I tried to reason with her.
"Forgive me love. I didn't mean to offend you. I've just never met a woman who holds rank."
"Not to worry.” I began with a sickly sweet smile on my face as I gently pulled my arm from his hold. I made sure to steel my back and look him straight in the eye. “Neither have I been around a Neanderthal before."
Neanderthal..... Remembering her calling me that still brought a smile to my face. She was definitely referring to the fact that I insinuated that women can't hold high ranked positions and the term was meant to be a insult but what she didn't know was it intrigued me even more.
She had initially come off as shy and timid but it turns out if you pressed the right buttons, you'd get a spitfire. I liked her much more, this time attracted to more than just her beauty. I had sworn right then, that she'd soon forget my foolish words. I was going to charge my way back to her good graces.
I made sure that this time I proved more pleasant. Complimenting her and her stunning work tonight, subtly acknowledging that she'd outdone herself. The gala at our pioneer hotel months ago seemed to dim in comparison to the one she was hosting now. She'd created a winter wonderland in her ballroom. The room was brilliantly lit by blue and white lights that were high enough not to overwhelm the diners. Below the lights and above our heads, there were suspended sparkly snow flakes that reflected the light, scattering it further. Their constant movement causing the room to ok like it was sparkling.
There was also it's that would light up the sides of the Moon with blue greens wisps of light that evokes thoughts of northern lights. It almost look like we were outside in the North Pole. The room also had a skylight roof that allowed one to look up to the night sky. There was an enchantment to the whole arrangement but it came nothing close as to when I saw her.
Charles had of course brought her straight to me and promptly left us together. Offering myself up for company, she'd accepted but I didn't miss the skepticism. Her acceptance alone pushed me to want to see how much further she'd have me.
As we mingled with her guests, I slowly realized she could is hold her own perfectly. I have to admit, that I could actually pick up a thing or two just from watching her being the perfect host. She'd inquired about the night and offered up herself up for any inquiries or services needed. She'd answered questions and accepted compliments graciously. She didn't even forget to introduce or include me in the conversations.
Even when she got a moment to get away and I mingled a little more, I simply confirmed what I already knew. Her gala would be superior to mine. When I'd gone into this and heard we were going up against a new hotel in the area, I believe I grew complacent. I thought that we'd have the upper hand since it was our turf but clearly Reece Hale was not a woman to underestimate. As the night wore on, I quickly realized there was more to her than meets the eye.
So even now as we danced, with the feel of her securely in my arms, I'd be content if the night ended right here. I knew the outcome of tonight and I'd gotten to dance with a lovely yet mysterious woman. I couldn't wait to unravel more of her.