After a whole day out shopping, we had just finished baking an assortment of pastries under Gabby’s expert guidance and were now settling down for some wine.
"We'll be out on the balcony." Gabby announced as she grabbed us another bottle of wine and led me outside as Gwen and Victoria argued over what movie to watch.
We each settled down on a chaise lounge and were silent for a while taking in the atmosphere around with an artificially starry view below, the sounds of moving traffic and the distant sound of a night club. The usual hustle and bustle of New York.
My thoughts drifted off to him. Mr. Platon. Such an arrogant bastard yet my conscience questioned whether I wasn't judging him too harshly. I had only had one encounter with him after all.
"Are you gonna tell me what's on your mind?" Gabby questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I let out a deep sigh before replying, "I met someone."
A pause.
"I'm torn on whether I should be happy about it or not. Mind telling me more?"
"He was an arrogant bastard!" I spat then went on to tell her all that had happened that night.
She simply nodded as I took a sip I took a sip of wine.
"You like him." She stated and I nearly choked as I coughed, the wine nearly coming out through my nose while my eyes stung with tears and she leaned over to rub my back.
"I..... I don't like him!" I blurted out as soon as I had composed myself.
"It was merely an observation sweetie."
"Well sorry to be the one to break it to you but you're wrong this time." I nearly hissed, my voice suddenly harsh.
"Okay." Was all she said and I suddenly felt bad for my outburst.
Gabby was good at reading people especially the three of us that's why she offers her service to us every time we hang out. That's also why she's so good at her job.
"How are you feeling with the memorial coming up?" She asked but I could tell she'd withdrawn slightly.
"Anxious. Nostalgic. I feel like I'm going to be sick." I said choosing to let that awkward moment go.
"And how do you feel about your sister?"
"The rivalry is still there. She got me in trouble with the Falklands when she found out my friends still knew nothing about her. She thinks I'm scared you guys will like her more. She says I'm afraid she'll steal the spotlight from me again."
"Is she right?"
I hesitated. Yes. Indeed she is right. My sister as we grew up always seemed to have gotten the better deal. Out on parties, photo-shoots in all sorts of exotic vacation spots, friends, boyfriends, wealth and fame…
We were completely different. I was reserved, more of an ugly duckling back then if I was honest with myself. My friends always seemed to get blinded by her glitzy glamour once they found out she is my sister.
'Is it true your sister is dating Charlie Simmons? Oh my God, he is so hot!' One of the girls in my chemistry class asked and it was all I ever heard.
I grew jealous and once we joined college I vowed never to bring up our relations. And to this day I had kept my word and it secret. Till Riley figured it out.
"Yes. She is." I went on to explain it all to her. "Once our parents died we'd grown closer but that didn't last once we started college. We've just always had this unspoken rivalry between us. I know it’s childish but I'm finding it hard to stop."
"Something like that can only stop if both parties are willing to let it go. If your sister doesn't feel compelled to stop then you'll find it hard to go through with it. I think you should take so time off and go spend time with her. Try and see if you guys can work things out."
Silence engulfed us as I pondered on Gabby's words. I know she's right but convincing my sister to do something she didn't particularly want to was never an easy feat. Yet, it wouldn't hurt to try.
I let out a defeated sigh before turning to her, "okay. I'll try."
"That's all I ask." She said while smiling at me.