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Chapter 8: Sister Sister

“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t show.” Were my sister’s first words when I walked in the Falkland residence.

“Well, hello to you too Riley.”

“Dinner is ready; you can help Charles set the table.” She said before walking off back to the kitchen.

With a sigh, I followed her further into the house to where everyone would be.

“Reece, perfect timing. Dinner is ready.”

“I’m sorry I’m late. Work is crazy right now.” I said in earnest.

“It’s okay love.” Dinah said as she came to hug me. “I’m just so glad you could make it.”

I could feel Riley’s glare at Dinah’s words. She had probably expected me to get scolded from working late.

We took our seats around the table and from the look of things; I was the only one feeling the hostility coming from Riley. Choosing to play dumb I asked. “How was your flight Riley?”

“It was great.” She said turning to me with a sickly sweet smile.

“It was nice of you to send the jet to get her, Reece. We had missed having you both over.” Dinah beamed, to which I simply smiled at her. I didn’t want to say anything more about knowing it would piss Riley off so I switched the subject.

“Thanks again Dinah for helping with the memorial service. I don’t know what we could do without you.”

“Oh don’t mention it child. It’s my pleasure.”

“Anything you need help with?” Riley asked perking up at the chance to be helpful.

“Yes darling.” Dinah began. “Since you’re the one who is home, I was hoping we could liaise on the details, would that be okay?”

“Yes. That would be great.” Riley said looking very pleased and it helped ease my mind when I could no longer feel the hostility she’d earlier directed towards me.

“Guess that leaves just you and me, Reece. Are we having a board meeting before the memorial?” Charles asked.

“I thought you had already chosen a charity to donate to this year.” Dinah put in.

“Not yet. We had just shortlisted them so now we are meeting to pick one.” Reece explained. “You two will have to leave Charles and I behind, we will leave for L.A after the meeting is over. Most of the board members will be flying down with us.”

“Oh that’s alright. Riley will do just fine by ourselves.” Dinah said grinning at Riley and though the latter smiled back at her, I could feel the hostility aimed at me once again. The sad part was that I couldn’t even tell what had triggered it this time.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After dinner I was clearing the table getting ready to help do the dishes when Charles called me to his office.

“Go on dear. Riley and I have got this handled.” Dinah urged.

As I tuned to leave, I caught sight of my sister’s hostile glare and I just sighed. I hardly spoke a word since dinner earlier and she was already mad at me. I got the feeling this stay over wasn’t going to end well.

I knocked at Charles’ door before opening it and walking in.

“Please close the door dear.” He said and I immediately realized this was going to be a serious talk.

“What’s wrong, Charles?” I asked, taking a seat across from him.

“Are you and your sister okay?” he asked gently and I realized I might not have been the only one who had picked up on her hostility. When I didn’t say anything he continued.

“I know you two have not always had the best relationship but I’m starting to get worried.”

“I’m sure it’s nothing Charles.” I said hoping to ease his mind.

“Fran does not seem to agree.”


“Yes child. She is worried about your sister. She said that every time you send instructions to be carried out in the house, Riley gets angry that she was not consulted and often contradicts what you have planned with her.

Did you two have fight recently?”

Still trying to process all that Charles was saying, all I could do in response to his question was shake my head.

“No. We haven’t had a fight recently. I really don’t know what; going on with her.” I said as I finally fid my voice.

“Would you be willing to talk to her about it? Try and find out what is wrong?”

“Of course…” I say eagerly.

“That’s my girl.” Charles beamed, the worry disappearing from his face.

As I leave Charles’ office, I can’t help be a little apprehensive from how hostile Riley has been lately. Did I do something so horribly wrong she would hold such a deep-seated grudge against me. I hoped to find out before she went back home.

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