I had known the Falklands from my childhood days and I can still remember Charles being quite the character even back then. He'd often find ways to rile up my father and Charles would laugh heartily while Dad just glared at him. His wife Dinah was a lot like him and would spend her time teasing my mother endlessly. They were the complete opposite of my folks but the two couples always got along great. I always knew they would be my most trusted people after my parents and especially when it came to the family business.
Having known them for so long, I was always anticipating their little antics. But I couldn't for the life of me understand why Charles was pushing me towards Alec Platon. We were not only meant to be rivals of some sort but our first encounter had also been painfully awkward after his quick dismissal of me as nothing more than a hotel manager. He'd immediately assumed that I couldn't hold rank simply because I was a woman and he'd been open enough to admit it.
So now as we stood before him once again, I couldn't figure out what exactly Charles was playing at.
"Ms. Hale." He said as he moved forward taking my free hand and giving it a gentle kiss on to he back of it.
"You look breathtaking. Even the beauty of this room we're in pales in comparison."
Fighting to hide the bashfulness that threatened to bloom on my face, I eyed the arrogant yet handsome man.
"Is that flattery I hear? It would seem the Neanderthal has evolved." I poked at him to which he just grinned.
"And that right there is my cue to leave." Charles said as he pulled his arm away then with a shy smile, he quickly excused himself.
"Mischievous character, isn't he?" Alec said as he watched the older man go.
"You have no idea." I said with an endearing smile.
After a short silence, she turned to him to find him watching her. "I should probably go look for his wife Dinah." I said getting ready to leave.
"Would you mind us getting you a drink first? I wouldn't mind a refill myself." He asked showing me the now empty glass in his hand. "I'll help you look for her once we do."
Not having a valid reason to refuse him, I took his offered have and let him lead me to where I knew the bar stood. I was the organizer after all. Once at the bar, he got me a flute of champagne as he got himself a refill of the whiskey he'd been drinking.
Taking his offered arm again, we began walking around stopping every so often to say hello to . A generous flow of compliments were sent my way even as I inquired on how everyone was enjoying the night so far. I would then politely excuse myself but we wouldn't have gone far before another set of people stopped us. Alec stuck around restore the continuous interruptions, keeping his word that he'd help me look for Dinah. One of the men in the group had just asked Alec something about the Platon franchise when I finally spotted Dinah.
I quickly turned towards the group and excused myself. Alec gave me a look implying that I wait for him but I only grinned mischievously at him before taking my leave. I could feel his eyes on me as I walked away and I made sure to add a little flare to my step, thanking the heavens that tonight's dress was just as hot as the first one.
My last thought catches me by surprise and I can't help but wonder what was happening to me. My behavior around him seemed to change every so slightly and I wasn't sure it was a good thing. I didn't have time to think much about it when I finally reached Dinah's table.
I pulled out a chair beside her and quickly took it, happy to be of my feet for a while. I was still not used to heels yet but they always complimented Gwen's recommended dresses perfectly. I could hardly ever resist the ensemble Gwen would come up with for me. All my dresses were actually Gwen's designs and they were often, one of a kind.
Dinah excused herself from the lady she'd been talking to and turned her attention to me.
"You got back fast. I was sure Charles would be showing you off all around the place right now. How'd you get away so easy?" She asked, amused.
"He'd had other plans in mind initially but once he left I got away as soon as possible." I said with a grin.
"Might those plans have anything to do with the young man who can't keep his eyes off of you?" Dinah said as she took a sip from her champagne flute.
"Maybe." I shrugged.
"I guess we'll just find out. He's on his way here." She said with a shy smile causing me to sit up just as the man in question stopped at our table.
"You must be Mrs. Falkland. I've heard so much about you." He said holding out his hand for hers.
"All good things I hope." She said work a smile as she reached out her hand. He took it but rather than simply shake it, he turned it and placed a kiss on the back of it.
"Nothing but good things." He replied causing Dinah to look down hoping to hide her bashfulness. He turned and winked at me while I just rolled my eyes in return.
"You're quite the charmer, Mr.....?"
"Platon. Alec Platon."
"Oh The Alec Platon? If I'm not mistaken you owe my daughter here a dance. She was quite irate after meeting you last time."
"Dinah!" I exclaimed. I had really hoped to keep the fact that what Alec has said got to me to myself but I guess it was not meant to be. Even if he'd proceed himself quite pleasant this evening, I still didn't want the man to think he affected me. He was still arrogant in my books.
"That's a wonderful idea, Mrs. Falkland."
"Please, call me Dinah." She told him to which she got a charming smile. A very determined Alec then turned towards me. "Milady, may I have this dance?"
Still glaring at Dinah, I slipped my hand in his with a firm grip he pulled me to my feet. He leads me to the dance floor where a few couples are already taking advantage of the space. Spinning me expertly, he catches me on my last turn, slipping his arm around my waist and gently sways me to the music. He says nothing as his cheek rests on the side of my temple, allowing me to soak up the feel of his body against mine. The gentle sway lulls my anxious mind and I slowly begin to relax in his arms.