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Chapter 7


"Dallas you need to calm down." Justyn said with concern in his voice.

"Fuck that! Dallas you need to get off the floor and go and talk to her and stop crying like a lil' bitch!"Justin yelled at me.

I was sitting in the corner of my room with my knees pulled to my chest crying. It's been two long ass weeks since me and Laya broke up. As you can read, I haven't been taking it very well. Everyday I got to school I have to see her. She ignores me and acts like I'm not even there. Today I walked into class and sat in my seat next to her. She said hi to Olisa, Jay, Justin and Justyn, then when I said hi to her she just kept talking to Jay like I wasn't even there. That hurt me. I was rocking back and forth like I was in an unstable mental hospital. I started weezing and my chest started to hurt.

"Fuck!" Justin yelled and ran and got me my inhaler. He shoved it in my mouth and I inhaled it like an experienced smoker.

"That's it you need to talk to her or you'll end up dying and ain't nobody got time for that." Justyn said.


"Mommy!" I screamed as my mom and step dad walked through the door. They'd been on a buissness trip for a month in case you were wondering.

"Hey baby!" My mom said ecstatically and engulfed me in a hug.

"Hey Laya." My step dad said and gave me a hug.

"Mwommy!" Daiana screamed and jumped on my mom. She hugged her and my step dad.

"Laya we need to talk. Daiana go in your room for a little bit." my mom said.

"Ok. Come on dwaddy lets have a tea pwarty!" Daiana said excited and went with my step dad upstairs.

Me and my mom walked to the living room and sat on the couch.

"So what have I missed?" My mom asked.

"Do you really wanna know?" I questioned hoping she'd say no.

It been two weeks since me and D broke up. I hate it. I miss him so much that every night I cry myself to sleep. When we're at school I ignore him but on the inside I just wanna jump on him and kiss those soft lips, that I miss so much, and forgive him right then and there. But I cant give him that satisfaction.

"Yes I wanna know come on we tell each other everything." I sighed and took a deep breath.

"Dallas and I got together and everything was fine then I saw him and Lacey kissing so I knocked her out and slapped Dallas and now ever since then I cry myself to sleep and mom hes the only guy that's ever made me cry. And Olisa is pregnant." I said and began crying.

"Awe its okay come here baby." My mom held me as I cried on her shoulder.

"I love him."

"Have you talked to him about it?"


"Why not."

"Because if I talk to him all I'm gonna do is cry."

"Promise me you'll talk to him?"

"I promise."

"Now what's this about Olisa being pregnant?"

"That's a really long story."

Me and my mom laughed and talked till dawn. Her and my step dad took Daiana shopping and I was at home with Olisa while we waited for Justyn to come. She still hadn't told him about the pregnancy and she said she wanted me to be with her when she did it. I was sitting in the game room on the couch criss-cross while Olisa was pacing back and forth between the pool table and the flat screen.

"What if he breaks up with me! I don't wanna be a single mother! God I'm too young for this shit!" Olisa said to herself.

The bell rung and Olisa froze and looked at me.

"Well go get the door this ain't my house!" Olisa said.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the front door. When I opened it butterflies grew in my stomach. Justyn and Dallas were at my door.

"Hey Justyn!" I said and gave him a hug. Dallas looked at me and when I saw his lips it reminded me that Lacey once kissed him and that's when the butterflies went away.

"Hey Laya." Dallas said. I ignored him.

I let them in the house and shut the door. They followed me to the game room. I sat on the couch and Dallas sat next to me. I got up and walked to the bar and sat on a bar stool. Justyn walked over to Olisa and gave her a hug and a kiss.

"Alright J I'm just gonna come out and say it because i've kept this for too long." Olisa said confident.

"Ok babe what is it?" Justyn asked her.

"J I'm pregnant."

Justyn stood there silently and that was my cue to give them some alone time. I got up and walked out the game room. I felt someone grab me by my arm and pull me to the movie room. It was Dallas. He shut the door. He pulled me close to him to where there was absolutely no space between us. I looked up into his blue eyes and saw tears in the corners of his eyes. I felt a tear go down my cheek and he wiped it for me. We stood there for a good five minute's just staring into each others eyes.

"We needa talk." Dallas said swallowing a lump in his throat and never letting his eyes leave mine.

"Fine." I said.

I pulled from his embrace and sat down in our chair in the movie room.He sat next to me and we had our heart to heart and it involved a lot of crying.


I sat next to her. She had her knees pulled to her chest while staring down at her freshly polished toes.

"I walked out of class that day and I was so excited to see you. And D when I saw you with her...I hoped that maybe I was just in a horrible nightmare and that I'd soon wake up. But I didn't."

"I walked out of class coming to see you. She grabbed me and kissed me. I pulled away from her as soon as it happened."

She looked at me with those big brown teary eyes.

"How...how do...I know...that your telling the truth." she asked letting a tear stroll down her face.

"Fuck Ahalieia!" I stood up and pulled her with me. I pressed my body against hers and made her look me in the eye's.

"Ahalieia Ce'Nae Harris, I have loved you from the day I met you. Baby I wake up everyday wanting to breath the air you breath. Your my world and without you my world is black and cold. Ever since we broke up I haven't been able to sleep or eat. Dammit Ahalieia I've probably lost 20 pounds by now. I live for you. I walk this earth for you. Ahalieia you are my one and only."

Another tear came down her face and I wiped it. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I placed my hands on her waist. She reached up and kissed me. God how I've missed her kisses. She always taste like chocolate and strawberries. I bit down gently on her bottom lip asking for entrance and she accepted. Our tounges did the tango as I held her close to me. She broke away and looked me in the eye's.

"I'm sorry." She said.

"I am too." I replied.


We walked out the movie room. Dallas had his arms wrapped around my waist as we walked down the hallway toward the gameroom to check on Olisa and Justyn. I'd missed D holding me like this. And those lips. When they touched mine it felt like I was on cloud nine. We're good again but that bitch Lacey is in for a world of trouble when we get to school tomorrow.

I opened the door to the gameroom and saw Olisa sitting in Justyn's lap talking about baby names. Olisa looked up at me and Dallas and lifted one of her eyebrows.

"Y'all back together?" Olisa and Justyn asked.

"Yes." Dallas said and gave me a kiss.

"Awe I guess Dallas can have kids now since I ain't gotta chop his ding-a-ling off."

We all laughed and talked for a while. Olisa and Justyn left and my mom let Dallas spend the night.


"Everything I say right now."

"Is gonna be used in another fight."

"And I been through this so many times."

"Can we change the subject."

"Your gonna start asking me questions like."

"Is she attractive."

"Is she an actress."

"Baby the fact is."

"You're hearing rumors about me."

"And you cant stomach the thought."

"Of someone touching my body."

"When your so close to my heart."

"I wont denie what their saying because most of it is true."

"But it was all before I fell for you.

"So please baby."

"Please don't judge me."

"And I won't judge you."

"Cause it can get ugly."

"Before it gets beautiful."

I was in the kitchen singing along to 'Don't judge me' by Chris Breezy.

"Dallas hurry up!" I yelled eating an orange. I'd been waiting forever for him to get dressed and he was taking forever. Five minutes later he came down stairs in a black and white shirt that said 'Swag On Deck' with cacky shorts and Black and white Jordan's.

"Okay babe lets be out." he said grabbing an apple.

When we got to school Dallas, the gang, and I were waiting outside our 1st period for Lacey. Olisa was leaning against Justyn. Jay was standing next to Justin. Dallas was standing against the wall with his hands on my waist and I was in front of him.

Lacey walked up and had a sad look on her face.

"Dallas I don't even know why you want her." Lacey said glaring at me. Dallas laughed and kissed me on the cheek.

"It should be pretty obvious." Dallas said with a smirk.

"She's black Dallas!" Lacey yelled.

Olisa and Jay ran over to Lacey and grabbed her by her hair. I walked over to her and roughly grabbed Lacey by her jaw.

"This is for kissing my boyfriend you racist bitch!" I said hitting Lacey in the Jaw. She fell to the ground crying. I took Dallas's hand and we all walked into class.

"Damn babe. You good?" Dallas asked me.

"100 percent." I replied.

"Good cause I'm taking you on a date tonight." He said.

I was too hyped. I couldnt wait for tonight. I'd had my outfit picked out and everything. I was just happy that me and Dallas are good again because I don't know how much longer it would've been before I cracked.

I love him.

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