Ahalieia(uh-lay-uh) ,Dallas,Olisa,Jay,Justin,and Justyn are bestfreinds. They've know each other since they were in diap...
Chapter 1
"Gold all in my chain"
"Gold all in my ring"
"Gold all in my watch"
"Don't believe me just watch"
"Nigga nigga nigga"
I woke up to my alarm going off. I hit the snooze button and rolled back over trying to catch at least two more minutes of sleep. Then my loud little sister decided to come in my room and disturb the peace.
"Laya wake up and make me breakfast" my little sister said oh so chearfully.
"I wish you'd leave me alone" I mumbled.
"Pweaty pwease I want pancakes."
"Why you aint ask yo momma she the one that gave birth to you"
"How did I get in mommy's belly?" She just had to ask me that. I didn't know if I should tell her or not I mean she was five but she acted like she was fifteen.
"Fine Daiana I'll make you some breakfast if it'll shut you up. Just let me shower and get dressed ok?"
"Ok Laya I wove you!"
"It's love and I love you too."
She squealed and ran out my room after shutting the door.
Well I guess I should tell you about my self. I'm black with long black hair (it may be weave but if its in my head then its mine). I have brown eyes and six tattoos. Two on my left wrist, two on my right wrist, one on my ankle, and one on my lower back. I have five bestfriends.
There's Olisa and she mixed with black, white, and Dominican. She has long natural black hair but that nigga got extintions in there she just won't admit it. She has a twin named Jaylen but we call her Jay. They're exactly alike literally with the same two tattoos and same belly peircing. They wear the exact same thing and never go anywhere without each other so I don't know how they're gonna survive when we go to college.
Then there's my bestfriends Justin and Justyn who are also twins aka Jay and Olisa boyfriends. They're South African with too many tattoos to count.
I am so excited! It's my junior year and it won't be long till I'm out of Texas. The weather down here is so bi-polar. First it's hot then it's cold then it's raining then it's snowing. But enough about my rachet state it ain't important anyways and please excuse my lack of proper grammar.
My phone buzzed from an incoming message I looked at it and saw it was Trey. He's my ex and he cheated on me to say the least. All I have to say is that he's black with muscles and he's cute but I don't like him.
"Morning Laya." Trey texted.
"What you want nigga?!"
"You ;)"
"Hold on let me go look for a reason to care."
I got out my bed, took a shower and brushed my teeth. I walked into my oversized closet and put on some navy blue shorts, an auqa shirt with a heart and sandals to match. I didn't need any makeup cause I didn't want that crap covering up all this sexy. I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs. Daiana was sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me. I walked in the kitchen and started mixing the pancake mix.
"Ding Dong"
The doorbell rang and when I opened it I was turned on yet I didn't want him at my door.
" Hey beautiful." said Dallas.
Dallas is my next door neighbor and let me tell you he is fine!
He's white with the prettiest teeth and big lips. He has ocean blue eyes and more tattoos than anybody I know. He's also my bestie but he is such a flirt.
"Hi Dallas"
He walked in towards the kitchen. I shut the door and followed behind him.
"Dallas!" Daiana squealed. She ran to him and wrapped her arms around his leg and might I say he was looking good today. He had on his red Jordan shirt with black basketball shorts and his Breds.
"Hey ana" Dallas said.
I finished the pancakes and we all ate. I told my mom and step dad bye and gave Daiana a kiss. Dallas and I walked out the door and got in his camaro.
"Bestfriend?!" yelled Dallas.
"What nigga!" I yelled back.
"Gimmie kiss." he said then puckered up his lips.
"Uh no."
"Why not?" he said while pouting his face.
"Dallas I told you we can't be together your my bestfriend."
"I don't care you know I've wanted you since sixth grade."
"I know but if you didn't have a girlfriend we probably would be."
He smacked his lips.
"Man I been tryna break up with Lacey but everytime I try to she end up crying and I don't like seeing girls cry."
"Olisa and Jay said they would tell her for you."
"Hell no! They gone hurt that girl you know they don't like her."
"Well that's not my problem."
"Come on Ahalieia. I can keep you on the low."
"Calm down I'm just playing." he chuckled.
"Can you come on before we late to school."
"One condition." I already knew where this was going.
"What Dallas?"
"Can I have one kiss?"
"You have a girlfriend."
"Come on Laya please just one don't nobody have to know."
I leaned over in my seat and kissed him. His lips were so soft I couldn't stop. Our one kiss turned into a makeout session. Soon enough I had to find the strength to pull away.
"Now can you take me to school please?" I said.
"Yeah but when were together I wont be able to resist you."
He drove off and the whole time all I could think about is how soft his lips were against mine yet I didn't feel guilty at all.