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Chapter 4


"I'm here to bail out Dallas Johnson, Justin Mathews, and Justyn Mathews." I said while holding Daiana whose head was on my shoulder. She was asleep while Olisa and Jay were sitting in the waiting room. I was talking to the front desk officer at the police station.

"Ma'am would you like to press charges for your injury?" The cop asked me.

"No sir it was an accident." I said.

This has been the worst night ever and it's all my fault. I hate Trey he is such a dick. That nigga can stay in jail for all I care.

Let me start from the beginning during lunch.

Me, Dallas, and all the twins were sitting at our usual lunch table and I was sitting on Dallas lap when The Queen Bitch herself came over trying get her ass beat.

"So Dally when are you going to apoligize to me so we can get back together and you can drop your dead weight." Lacey said.

"When yo ugly ass gone go back to the circus you long titty no nipple ass bitch." I said calmly believe it or not.

"She said you ain't got no nipples!" Dallas, Justin, and Justyn said then started laughing.

"I swear I don't like you! You Harris's are such bitches!"Lacey yelled in my face.

I pouted and looked her in her eyes.

"Well why don't you go sit in the back with all the other hater's while I look for a reason to give a fuck." I said then kissed Dallas as slow as possible just to get under Lacey's skin.

She looked like she was going to cry then walked back to her table.

After school we all said our goodbyes and Dallas drove me home. Him, Justin, and Justyn have a football game tonight so me and the twins were gonna meet up at the school at 10:00. Around 9:00 I took a shower then put on my blue and white Summit Jaguar's shirt with the number 5 on it which by the way is Dallas's number. Then I put on my black shorts and blue and white custom made Jordan's with the number five on it. I walked into Daiana room and she was on her bed talking on the phone with somebody. I walked in and sat on her bed. She didn't notice so I stayed and listened.

"Wisten lil homie if you don't hwave my animal cwrackers at daycare tomorrow imma eat you donuts!"Daiana yelled into the phone. She hung up and smiled then she saw me and pouted her face.

"I told hwim nicley yesterday " Daiana said in a low voice

I laughed and shook my head at her. I walked over to her and picked her up.

"Good job babygirl." I said to her and kissed her on her forehead.

"You wanna come with me to Dallas game tonight?" I asked her.

"Yes!" She squealed. I put her down then walked downstairs and sat on the couch waiting for her to get dressed.

A couple minutes later Daiana came down stairs in her Summit shirt I got her with Dallas number on it. She also had on black skinny jeans and blue UGGS.

"Aye babysister got swag!" I said to Daiana.

She giggled and I grabbed my keys and we walked to the garage. We got in my Jag and drove to the game. That's when everything got bad.

I got out the car and opened Daiana's door for her. She wrapped her hand around my index finger and we walked towards the home section where Jay and Olisa were. When we walked up Daiana ran and sat on Jay's lap while playing with Olisa hair.

"Man I don't know why they don't ever put Justyn in." Olisa yelled. "Culo estúpido que entrenar a una perra!"

"Don't say that estúpido!"Jay yelled.

"Sissy can I have a cwookie?"Daiana said still playing with Olisa's hair.

"Yea I'll be right back." I said.

It was half time so I knew I'd probably see Dallas. I heard yelling coming from the parking lot. I walked over there to see what was going on. When I got there I saw Dallas on top of Trey repeatedly punching him in the face and Justin and Justyn kicking Trey in the side. I ran over there and tried pulling Dallas off of Trey.

"Dallas stop please!" I screamed trying to pull him off. That's where my dumb ass messed up. Appearently Dallas didn't recognize me because he turned around and swung at me.

"Dallas what the fuck is wrong with you!" I heard Olisa and Jay scream.

"Sissy your bweeding!" I heard Daiana cry.

I didn't notice what was going on until I tasted the blood coming from my mouth. I knew he swung at me but I didn't know he'd actually hit me. I saw Dallas run over to me and pick my head up.

"Baby I'm so so sorry. I didn't know it was you I didn't mean it!" Dallas said as a tear rolled down his face.

"It's my fault I shouldn't have gotten involved." I said holding my mouth.

"No baby it's not I'm so sorry." Dallas said as his voice cracked and another tear came down his face. I wiped it and kissed him on his cheek. He pulled me by my waist onto his lap and held me tight. A couple of minutes later the school cops came and got Dallas, Trey, Justin, and Justyn. So that's how we got to the police station. Today I learned you never get between a man's fight because it only gets you a swollen jaw.


I know you guys are really pissed at me. I promise I didn't mean to hit her. I was just so pissed I wasn't paying any mind to who else was around me. Just let me explain. It all started during half time.

Me and the twins were walking off the field to go and see the girls, but before we could get anywhere that douche Trey walked up and wouldn't get outta my way.

"What the fuck do you want Trey." I said as calm as possible.

"Where is my girlfriend?" Trey asked. I looked at him with a confused look.

"Bitch I don't know who your girlfriend is." I said.

"Where is Ahalieia!" Trey said with an aggravated tone.

"None of your damn buissness!" The twins yelled.

"Ahalieia is my buissness, property, and my bitch! Now like I said where is she!" Trey yelled. This boy must be crazy.

I punched him in the jaw and he swung back; I weaved and hit him again. He fell to the ground and the twins dragged him out to the parking lot. I got on top of him and started pounding him in the face. I wasn't gonna sit there and let him call my baby a bitch. He'd always treated her like trash when they were together and I was gonna let him know what it felt like. I felt someone tugging on my arm and I just swung. I thought maybe it was one of Trey's homeboys.

"Dallas what the fuck is wrong with you!" I heard Olisa and Jay scream.

I stopped and turned around. I saw Ahalieia on the ground bleeding and Daiana next to her. Daiana looked up at me with fear in her eyes like she was afraid of me. Like I was some kind of monster. My heart broke and I felt a lump in my throat. Not only did I just hit my girlfriend but the third most important girl in my life was now afraid of me. I ran over to Ahalieia and picked her up by her head.

"Baby I'm so so sorry. I didn't know it was you I didn't mean it!" I said and felt a tear roll down my face.

"It's my fault I shouldn't have gotten involved." She said holding her jaw. This wasn't her fault and I didn't want her to think it was. No female deserves to be hit by a male at any time for any reason.

"No baby it's not I'm so sorry." I said as another tear rolled down my cheek.

She wiped my tears and kissed my cheek. I held her until the cops came and took Trey, Justin, Justyn, and I away. Now I'm sitting here shaking knowing Ahalieia probably doesn't love me anymore and I wouldn't blame her if she broke up with me and never talked to me again. Ever since Trey hurt her I promised her I'd never let anyone hurt her again. Ever since that bastard Ahalieia's been scared to love again. I'd always hope she'd learn to love me as much as I love her but now I doubt if she is even thinking about me.

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