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Chapter 6


"I hate Dwallas!" Daiana said sleepily.

I was putting her in her car seat as we waited for the boys to come out the police station. Jay and Olisa were standing outside their car being loud and ghetto.

"I hate that bitch nigga too!" Jay and Olisa yelled.

"Don't nobody touch my bitch or my sister!" Olisa yelled.

"You want me to chop his dick off?" said Jay.

"Could y'all stop talking like that around my sister."I said.

"Nigga she sleep she cant hear us." Jay and Olisa said.

I looked inside the car and sure enough Daiana was fast asleep.

I shook my head. This was all my fault. Dallas, Olisa, and Jay told me not to date him cause he was a hoe. But ignorant Ahalieia wouldn't listen. I love Dallas so much and now he hates me because my dumb ass wouldn't listen. I leaned against my car with my head down and cried. I blocked out everything around me as if I was the only one left on earth. It was just me, myself, and my ignorant ass. I was crying so hard my head was starting to hurt.

A couple of seconds later the sound of Olisa and Jays BMW's pulled me out of my trance. I looked up and saw Dallas looking at me. I didn't think all I did was run to him. I jumped on him and he held me tight.

"D....I'm...so...sorry" I cried with my head on his shoulder stumbling over my word's.

"Baby please stop its not your fault its mines. I shouldn't have fought him in the first place. He came over to me trying to claim you and he called you a bitch and that's when I just lost it." He said crying.

I really am the reason they ended up in jail and now i've got him crying. The only time i'd ever seen him cry was when I told him Jay-Z got Beyoncé pregnant.

I looked up at him.

"So you fought him over me?" I asked as my voice cracked.

"Yea" he answered and wiped my tears.

"God Dallas now I feel even worse. D this really is all my fault I should've-" Before I could say anything else he cut me off with a kiss. It was a rough kiss but passionate.

"Laya shutup and listen to me. This is not your fault. It is not your fault that I lost my cool. It is not your fault that I got arrested. It sure as hell isn't your fault that I was so angry I hit my girlfriend. I love you ok. No I don't love you. I'm in love with you. I am so sorry." He said.

He loves me. No he's in love with me. I had to keep replaying it over and over in my head just so I could make sure he actually said it. My eyes began to water and I put my hand on his cheek and kissed a tear away that was coming down his face.

"D I'm in love with you too" I admitted.

His eyes lit up and he kissed me again. He put me down and we walked back to the car and he drove us home. The whole way there he held my hand. When we pulled up Dallas got Daiana and took her to her room. I went in my room and put on my pajamas. I got in my bed and fell asleep. A couple minutes later I felt a warm body against me. I wrapped my leg around him and layed my head on his chest.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you too" he said back.

I trust him and I love him and I know he'll never hurt me.


I fucked up really bad this time. Not bad like I ate the last piece of chicken but bad like I just kissed Lacey Myers bad. She kissed me though I promise. Let me just start from the beginning.

I was walking out of 5th period which coincidently I don't have with any of my friends but sadly with Lacey. Go figure.

"Dallas wait up!" I heard Lacey yell.

Ever since that day at lunch between Lacey and Laya I've been trying my hardest to avoid her. I sped up a little but she got them hoe reflexes and she caught me.

"What do you want." I said irritated.

"We need to talk about our relationship." Lacey said.

"We ain't got no relationship!" I yelled.

"Baby calm down your causing a scene." Lacey whispered.

"Hoe don't call me baby! Lacey I ain't got time for this I gotta meet Laya!" I yelled.

When I tried to walk off Lacey grabbed me by my arm and spun me around and put her stank rat lips on me. Just as fast as she kissed me I pulled away.

"Lacey what the fu-"

Before I could finish my sentence Lacey burst out laughing. Then she looked over my shoulder and smirked. I looked at her confused and turned around. My heart crumbled. Ahalieia was standing there with tears in her eye's staring at me. She wiped her tears and walked over to Lacey and I. She stood in front of Lacey and smirked then she balled up her fist and punched Lacey. Lacey fell to the ground then Laya turned to me and slapped me. I winced in pain and held my face.

"We're Done" she said and slapped me again. The thing that scared me the most was how calm she was when she said it.

"Baby I can explain" I said.

She walked off and I followed her all the way to the parking lot. She must've told Olisa and Jay to take her home because there they were mean mugging me. Jay got in her car and Olisa got in hers. Ahalieia got in the passenger seat of Olisa's car. I stood in front of it trying to get Ahalieia to talk to me.

"Laya baby please let me explain" I said.

Ahalieia just sat there staring out her window with no expression in her face.

"Dallas if you don't get your cheating ass from in front of my car I swear to God I will run you over!" Olisa said through gritted teeth.

"No witnesses." Jay said.

They might be mixed but it was the black in them that only came out. Knowing they weren't playing I moved out the way.

"He gone cry when he get in the car." I heard Olisa say before they drove off.

I got in my car and cried. Over the past few days i've cried so much I was surprised I still had any salt left in my body. I lost the best thing that ever happened to me because of the school hoe.


I walked out of biology to go see Dallas. I was excited because he said he was taking me on our real first date tonight. I skipped down the hallway in my red converse. I stopped and felt my heart sink.

Lacey was kissing Dallas then she had the nerve to look at me and smirk. I felt my eyes swell up with tears. I pulled out my Iphone and texted Olisa and Jay.

"Dallas kissed Lacey and I need you to take me home. Meet me in the parking lot." I texted them and put my phone in my pocket.

I walked over to them and punched the skank out of Lacey. I turned to Dallas. I wanted to break down and cry but I'm done with this shit. I'm tired of falling for niggas who just end up breaking my heart. I wasn't gonna cry over him so I slapped him. He winced in pain and held his face.

"Were Done." I said calmly and popped his goofy looking ass again.

"Baby I can explain" he said.

I walked to the parking lot and got in Olisa's car staring out the window. After yelling at Dallas for what seemed like forever she finally drove off. Jay had date night with Justin so Olisa said she'd stay with me.

She drove me home and parked in the drive way. I walked in the house and into my room. Olisa followed me and I walked straight into my closet. Olisa sat on the counter in my closet.

"Laya what are you doing?" she asked me as I put on my swimming suit and my sun glasses.

"Going for a swim. You coming?" I answered.

She grabbed one of my swimming suit's and a pair of sun glasses. We walked outside to the pool and Olisa layed down in one of the chairs. I took off my sun glasses and walked to my 16 foot diving board. I love swimming and diving. I have a 12 by 12 foot pool thats 15 feet deep on one side , 2 Feet on another for Daiana, and 5 feet in the middle. I climbed the ladder and dove into the pool. I swam laps for half an hour non stop. When I swam I always felt better.

"Alright come on Laya that's enough" Olisa said.

I rolled my eyes and got out the pool and dried off. Olisa said she'd stay the night with me so we took our showers and put on our matching pajamas. We both sat in the movie room watching Breaking Dawn with chocolate ice cream. All of a sudden I guess the tears I was holding in couldn't stay any longer and I burst out crying. Olisa hugged me and I cried on her shoulder. Olisa started crying too and I was startled.

"Why are you crying" I asked her still crying.

"Laya....I...I...I'm...I'm pregnant" she answered stuttering.

We held each other and cried till we couldn't cry anymore. My bestfriend is pregnant and my boyfriend cheated on me. Fuck my life. I thought he loved me. I really did but actions speak louder than words.

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