Justyn, Justin and I were in the jail cell sitting across from Trey. He kept mean mugging us like we just ruined his life.
"Damn bitch!" Justin started.
"You look fucked up!" Justyn finish.
To be honest with you he did. He has a black eye, a broken nose, and his ribs are bruised. I really could care less though. He couldn't keep his fat mouth shut so I shut it for him.
"Dallas Johnson, Justin Mathews, and Justyn Mathews you reached bail."
I sat there in shock. The only person who could've possibly bailed us out is our parents because I'm sure Ahalieia is never gonna talk to me again. We stood up and walked out the cell. As soon as the cop shut the door I flipped Trey off and we walked to the front desk. The cop gave us our stuff our stuff and had us sign some papers before we were allowed to walk outside.
When we walked out the door I saw Olisa and Jay standing outside their car. Daiana was in Ahalieia's car asleep in the backseat and Ahalieia was leaning against her car with her head down. Olisa and Jay ran up and hugged Justin and Justyn. They kissed them then looked over at me.
"She's crying over you, you son of a bitch!" Olisa and Jay yelled at me in union.
"Hit her again and I'll cut your dick off!" Olisa yelled.
They walked to their car. Justyn and Justin told me bye and got in the car with the twins and drove off. I looked over at Ahalieia and her head was still down. She was crying and it was all my fault. She looked up and saw me. Her eyes lit up and she sprinted toward me and jumped on me with her legs wrapped around my waist. I held her to my body as close and as tight as I could. She was crying hard on my shoulder. My heart broke all over again and I broke down crying too.
"D....I'm...so...sorry"Ahalieia cried with her head on my shoulder stumbling over her words.
"Baby please stop its not your fault its mines. I shouldn't have fought him in the first place. He came over to me trying to claim you and he called you a bitch and that's when I just lost it." I cried with my face in her neck.
She looked at me with red blood shot eyes and her red stuffy nose.
"So you fought him over me?" she asked as her voice cracked.
"Yea" I answered while wiping her tears.
"God Dallas now I feel even worse. D this really is all my fault I should've-" Before she could say anything else I cut her off with a kiss. It was a rough kiss but passionate.
"Laya shutup and listen to me. This is not your fault. It is not your fault that I lost my cool. It is not your fault that I got arrested. It sure as hell isn't your fault that I was so angry I hit my girlfriend. I love you ok. No I don't love you. I'm in love with you. I am so sorry." I said. She looked at me and her eyes started to water. She placed her hand on my cheek and kissed a tear that had crept upon my face.
"D I'm in love with you too" she said.
I grinned and placed my lips upon hers. I kissed her like it was the last kiss that we would ever share. I put her down and we got in the car and drove off. We pulled up in the drive way and I carried Daiana inside. I put her in her bed and kissed her on her forehead. The scene kept playing over and over in my head. The way she looked at me with fear in her eye's. I didnt want Daiana mad at me i'd just hoped she'd find it in her heart to forgive me.
I shook my head and walked into Laya's room. She was in the bed asleep. I took off my clothes till all I had on was my underwear. I got in next to her and she cuddled up to me and layed her head on my chest.
"I love you" she said.
I love you too" I said back.
She loves me and you guys are my witnesses. She finally said she loves me and I'm so happy she isn't afraid. I love this girl and no matter what happens we will always be together.