Y'all don't know how long I been waiting to kiss her. The way her lips fit perfectly against mine as our tounges battled in desire. Ooh I'm getting hot just thinking about it.
My names Dallas. Me and Ahalieia have known and lived next to each other since we were in diapers. We even took baths together it's just too bad I don't remember. I love her I just haven't told her yet. I mean we've told each other I love you but it was more in the friendship way. I want her to be mines I just gotta get rid of my soon to be crazy ex girlfriend. She's white and hella annoying. She use to be friends with Ahalieia but when I got together with Lacey she didn't like Ahalieia being around all the time. I mean me and Ahalieia do everything together we even got our first tattoos together and every other one after that. When Ahalieia and Lacey stopped being friends that's when thing 1 and 2 aka Jay and Olisa started hating her.
I pulled up in my spot next to Jay and Olisa. We got out the car and I sat on the hood of my car. Jay and Olisa were sitting in their BMW convertable while we waited for Justin. Ahalieia was standing in front of me. I don't know how many times I have to tell that girl not to. I can't resist her when she does it her body is just shaped so right.
I pulled her by her waist between my legs and rested my head on her shoulder. I loved the way her body felt against mine. A few minutes later Justin and Justyn pulled up. They're twins and they're dating Olisa and Jay.
"Baby!" Olisa and Jay screamed at the same time and ran to them.
"Hey baby." Justin and Justyn yelled.
"Could y'all stop saying everything at the same time." Ahalieia and I yelled.
"No!" They all yelled back at us.
We all walked into school and went to first block. We all had the same classes together because we didn't like being seperated. We sat at the back with three other people. It was me then Laya then Olisa then Justyn then Jay then Justin. We we're all talking about what we we're doing after school. Jay was sitting on Justins' lap and Olisa was sitting on Justyns'. Ahalieia was sitting in my lap. My arms were around her waist and my head was on her shoulder.
"If you would break up with Lacey" Jay started.
"Then you and Ahalieia would be together" Olisa said finishing her sentence.
"If you'd mind your damn buissness!" I hissed back.
"Don't get mad at us cause your girlfriend a hoe" said Jay.
"And by the way she here" Olisa said.
I looked up and saw Lacey walking into class. Ahalieia got off my lap and sat down in her seat and started talking to the twins. Damn Lacey ruin everything.
"Hey baby" Lacey squealed and sat in my lap.
"Hi" I said rudely trying to hint to her I didn't want her near me.
"What's wrong baby?"
"He don't want yo ugly ass!" yelled Olisa and Jay. I chuckled cause I thought it was funny.
"Dally will you tell your hood rat friends to leave me alone." Lacey chirped. Was she serious?Did she really just call my friends hood rats. I pushed Lacey off my lap and stood up.
"Lacey we're done. I'm so tired of you and your annoying ass voice. Lose my number, forget my address, and leave me the hell alone." I yelled.
"Fine I don't care I was cheating on you anyways you can have Ahalieia!" Lacey yelled and ran off.
"We are finally bitch free!" Jay yelled.
"Baby stop being so loud." Justin whispered.
"Lets celebrate at Laya's house" Olisa said.
"It's movie night." Justyn whispered trying not to be loud.
The rest of the day went by fine. That was until lunch when Laya thought she could play with me and win.
We were all sitting at our table. All the twins were making out but that's everyday. I was sitting next to Laya with my arm around her waist and I was playing with her belly ring with my other arm.
"Dallas quit that tickles" Ahalieia exclaimed.
"Your tummie is soft" I whispered in her ear.
"Will you stop you just broke up with your girlfriend."
"Well I want you" I whispered. I felt her shiver and decided to tease her. I squeezed her side and ran my fingers up and down her leg. She jumped and looked up at me. I felt something on my thigh and looked down. Laya's hand was inching toward my crotch. I looked up at her and bit my lip.
"Don't start something you can't finish" I whispered in her ear.
At the end of the day we all drove over to Laya's house. We all ran to the movie room and got in our usual seat's. There are ten big seats for two people. Jay and Justin always sat in the front. Olisa and Justyn always sat in the middle. Ahalieia and I always sat at the very top. We were watching A Haunted House. Ahalieia and I were cuddling just like the twins. My left arm was around her shoulder and I was tracing her tattoo on her lower back that said "Ahalieia" in cursive with my right arm.
"I remember when you first got this tattoo. You cried like a baby" I chuckled thinking about when we went to go get it.
She was laying in the chair on her stomach squeazing my hand.
"Dallas this shit hurts!" Ahalieia mumbled trying to reject the tears about to come from her eyes.
"It's only your first one after this you gone want some more." I said trying to hold back my laughter.
"No I ain't! This is my first and last tattoo!"
"It hurt like a bitch but at least you were there with me" Ahalieia said thinking about it.
"Laya let me ask you something" I said nervously.
"What is it D"
"Will you be my girlfriend now that my dead weights gone?"
She giggled and looked up at me with her big brown eyes. Everytime she did that I'd melt.
"Dallas Johnson I will be your girlfriend."
I smiled and put my hand on her cheek bringing her face to mine.
I kissed her like It'd be the last kiss we'd share. I finally had my girl after five years. There was nothing that would break us up. I was gonna be with my boo forever.