Before I tell y'all about me and my soon to be wifey, I might've left out one small detail about all of us and the town we live in. We're all upper class, well at least our parents are. We're not the snotty rich people who brag about everything. We're just like you only more expensive. The good thing is everyone in the town is too. So we don't feel left out like most people do and no one brags about the stuff they get. Lacey does but no one likes her cause she's a non-factor.
Anyways after Laya accepted my offer of her being my girl we cuddled all night during the movie. When all the twins left me and Laya went to her room.
"So you gone let me spend the night?" I asked as sweet as possible.
Now before you think anything Rated R, I always spend the night over Ahalieia's house. Her parent's don't mind especially since they're never home because of their jobs it's usually just Ahalieia and Daiana.
"I guess" Laya said with a smirk on her face. I ran upstairs to her room and jumped on her bed. A few seconds later she was standing at her door glaring at me.
"What I do?" I asked.
"Don't get on my bed with yo shoes on!" She exclaimed.
"Girl boo you ain't the boss of me" I said in a high pitched voice.
She ran to me and pulled my breds off my feet. I jumped up and chased her all the way to the pool in her backyard. She stopped next to the pool with my shoes in her left hand dangling them over the edge.
"Ahalieia, girl you better give me back my shoes!" I yelled trying to be tough.
She giggled and lowered her arm closer to the water.
"Okay okay I promise I won't put my shoes on your bed again okay. Now just come over here and bring me back my shoes." I said trying not cry.
If she put my shoes in that water I swear imma pass out.
"Say "Ahalieia is the sexiest girlfriend ever and I am so lucky to have her"" She said.
Now if they were my other pair of Breds then I wouldn't care if she dropped them. But these Breds were signed by Derek Rose so I was desperate.
I sighed "Ahalieia is the sexiest girlfriend ever and I am so lucky to have her." I said trying not to cry after just loosing a part of my man hood.
She strutted over to me with a smirk on her face cause she knew she'd won. She handed my shoes over and gave me a kiss on the cheek then walked back inside.
"Hey guys I missed you so much. Daddy will never let that crazy girl touch you again okay." I said to my shoes.
I walked back in the house and set my shoes down by the front door.
"Ahalieia!" I yelled trying to see where she was.
"I'm in the kitchen D!" she yelled back.
I walked into the kitchen and found her sitting on her island bar eating strawberries. I stood between her legs and watched her eat a strawberry.
"Wanna play a game?" I said trying to get her back for my shoes.
"What kind of game?" She asked while raising an eyebrow.
"The copy game." I said with a smirk on my face. The copy game is a game we play where you have to copy everything the other person does.
"I don't like playing with you. You always cheat." She said while eating another strawberry.
"Baby I promise I won't cheat. I'll even let you go first."
She nodded and started off the game by feeding me a strawberry. I responded and fed her one too. She smirked and kissed me while biting my lip. She knew that was my weak spot. I kissed her back and bit her lip too. I kissed her neck and sucked on it while giving her a hickie knowing that was her weak spot. She moaned and did the same. She smiled at me and licked her lips while running her fingers through my hair. She knew that turned me on and that's when Dallas Jr. got a little excited.
I ran to the bathroom and when I came back she was in the living room rolling on the ground laughing. How the hell was that funny to her! You can't just turn a guy on then not do anything about it. I put on my shoes and started walking towards the door when I felt her jump on my back.
"No D don't leave I'm sorry I was just playing." she said.
I moved her around me so that she was straddling me while facing me. She was pouting so that's when I decided it was time for pay back.
"Say Dallas is finer than Justin Bieber and Mindless Behavior is Gay." I said. She jumped off of me and started walking upstairs.
"You can forget that. Bye baby I'll see you at school tomorrow. Love you!" She yelled while blowing me a kiss.
I watched her till she went in her room and shut the door. I sighed and took off my shoes and walked upstairs to her room. I already knew she would've never said it but it was worth a try.
"What's up with ya"
"You in here with ya sister"
"She having all the fun and you taking all the pictures"
"I think you the prettiest one never met no girl like you"
I was in the shower singing Roc's part in "Lean". I love Mindless Behavior and Justin Beiber. That nigga gone tell me to say he look better than Justin Bieber. He is but I'll never admit it. Then gone tell me to say my 4 baby daddy's gay. I hope he sleep good at his house. I stepped out the the shower and dryed myself and my hair off. I put on my pink sports bra and black boy shorts. I walked out the bathroom and saw a tatted up white boy in my bed sound asleep. I shook my head and walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek.
I walked out my room and walked in Daiana room to see if she was still asleep. When I walked in I saw her jumping up and down on her bed watching the bad girls club. Mind you she talks with alot of W's in her vocabulary.
"Ooh I know shwe ain't throw that gworl bwed in the pool! Bet shwe won't cwatch these hands tho!" Daiana yelled at the Tv.
"Daiana ain't you supposed to be asleep it almost one o'clock!" I yelled then walked to the TV and turned it off.
She got under blankets and pouted her face at me. I walked to her bed and sat down next to her.
" I sowwy Sissy but it was the new episwode."
"It's ok but you better go to bed ok?"
"Ok Sissy but can I ask you swomething?"
"Why was that gwirl screaming when that bwoy was on top of her in that mwovie?"
"Daiana did you sneak in the movie room when we were watching A Haunted House?"
"Umm Sissy I'm realy twired." She yawned and put the covers over her head.
I pulled them back down and made her situp.
"If you ever sneak into the movie room on movie night again. I'll find Ray Ray and cut his two braids off!" I said sturnly.
She gasped and put her hand over her heart.
"Sissy you wouldn't?!"
"Try me."
"Fine I won't bwut are you and Dallas twogether now?"
"Yes we are."
"Ok well I'm going to sweep. Night Sissy I wove you." She reached up and kissed me.
I gave her a hug and told her I loved her too then went back into my room.
I slid in my bed next to Dallas and layed down. A couple minutes later I felt two arms around my waist that pulled me close.
"Night Baby." Dallas whispered in my ear.
"Night Dallas" I said back.
I love him so much. But ever since Trey I'm afraid to love someone again. Hopefully I'll learn to love him just as much he loves me.
"If I could just die in your arms"
"I wouldn't mind cause everytime you touch me I just die in your arms!"
I woke up to the sound of that Bieber dude on Laya's phone. I looked down and saw Ahalieia laying on my chest asleep. Her phone was still going off so I picked it up.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"This is Trey where Ahalieia?"
"None of yo damn buissness!"
"Nigga Ahalieia is my property!" I laughed cause this dude must've been high or some shit.
"Bro you must be smoking dick cause if it's got you this stuck on stupid you might wanna switch to some regular old kush."
I hung up the phone and put it back on the dresser. Ahalieia was up and she was straddling me while tracing the tattoo on my chest.
"He always calling me asking why I won't get back with him. I try to block his number but it don't seem to work." She said.
"That bitch gone get his head knocked off." I said while playing with her belly button ring.
"I still don't know why you have a tattoo with my name on it?" She said still tracing the tattoo of her name on my chest.
"Cause I can do that."
"But we weren't even together."
"Doesn't matter you were still my bestfriend."
"Naw you still are."
I sat up and gave her a kiss. She bit down on my lip asking for access. I accepted and our tounges went at war. You'd think we wouldn't kiss each other with morning breath but no matter what time of day she still tasted like chocolate. She pulled away and looked at me.
"We have to get ready for school D" she said sliding off me.
"Fine." I said while getting out the bed. I gave her one last kiss then left and walked back over to my house.
My parent's were at work and I'm an only child so I was at home alone. I walked upstairs and took a shower. When I came out I walked into my closet and put on my "You Mad Bro" shirt and white basketball shorts. I put on my black and white Jordan's and my diamond earings. I grabbed my bag and a apple then headed towards my garage. Now came the difficult part of the day. Picking between my hummer and my camaro. I chose my hummer since I'd driven my camaro the day before. I drove into Laya's driveway and walked into her house. She was in the kitchen with Daiana eating a orange.
"Dallas!" Daiana squealed and ran up to me and hugged my legs. I never got tired of that. I loved that little girl like she was mine.
"Hey Ana!" I said while picking her up. I walked back into the kitchen and kissed Ahalieia on the cheek.
"Hey sexy" she said.
"Hey I see you got the hint" I said while checking out what she was wearing. She had on her "I Ain't Even Mad" shirt that I had put on her bed before I left her house this morning. She had on white skinny jeans and her black Timberlands.
"You ready to go to daycare" I asked Daiana.
"Ywes." She responded.
We all got in the car then drove Daiana to daycare then a few minutes later we pulled into the school parking lot. We got out the car and I sat down on the hood of it and Ahalieia stood better my legs as we watched Jay and Olisa yelling at Justin and Justyn.
"Why were y'all at the club last night without us!" Jay and Olisa yelled at them.
"Would y'all stop being loud!" Justin and Justyn yelled back.
"No!" They yelled back at them.
"After we took y'all home" Justin started.
"We went to Trey's birthday party" Justyn finished.
"Don't nobody like that nigga!" Olisa and Jay yelled.
"We only went cause he was giving $300 dollars to who ever showed up" Justyn said.
"So that don't mean shit to me!" Olisa yelled. Justyn rolled his eyes and pulled out a jewlery box. Olisa snatched it out his hand and opened. it. It had a necklace that spelled out her name.
"Aww thank you baby!" Olisa screamed and jumped on Justyn and gave him a kiss.
"So what's your excuse nigga?" Jay asked while glaring at Justin. He pulled out a jewlery box and Jay snatched it out his hand. She opened it and it was a necklace that spelled out her name.
"Aww thank you baby!" Jay screamed and jumped on Justin.
"Y'all are annoying"Ahalieia said.
"Shutup!" All the twins yelled.
"Aye nigglets don't be yelling at my girlfriend!" I yelled back at them and kissed Laya.
"Aww you two are finally together" Justin and Justyn said.
"It took long enough!" Olisa and Jay said.
We all laughed and walked into school. Everything was fine until the football game we had later. That's when things got outta control and Justin, Justyn, and I ended up in handcuffs.