Adam doesn't sleep that night. The house felt so big and everything felt so... different. It's three in the morning and he can't sleep. He keeps staring at Jensen's spot on the bed, tears slipping down his face. He reached out and rubbed the spot where Jensen should be sleeping on.
He wonders if sending his husband out of the house was a good idea. What if he had sent Jensen back into the arms of his lover and he never returns? Is he going to raise the kids alone? Well it wouldn't be hard, he has been doing this for months.
Is this going to be what breaks their marriage?
Is their marriage even fixable?
What if they were really going to get a divorce?
He lets out a sigh and turns over to his side and grabbed his phone that was resting on the table. He had over 160 missed calls and 70 texts from Sara but none from Jensen. Adam stared at his husband's contact and wondered what the next step should be. He was about to let out another sigh when he hears footsteps in the corridor and he instantly knew it was his kids. The first person to walk into the room was George, then Bella and followed closely by Jhoni who was holding a sleeping Ian. They all crawl onto the bed and made a puppy pile with Adam right at the centre of it.
"Is everything alright?" Adam asked, his voice coming out hoarse from all the crying. Heck, his throat was aching.
"We heard you, papa." Gorge said, his voice quiet.
"Our walls are not that thick." Jhoni adds as he shifts closer so his head was resting on Adam's chest.
Adam's blood went cold as he realised what the kids meant. The only time he had cried was a bit after dinner. He hadn't been able to stop the tears so he had made his way to the nearest bathroom.
"They also saw what you saw." Jhoni whispers.
Nobody talks after that. Adam couldn't help but feel like this was his fault. First, he had a fight with Jensen and they both said a couple of words that shouldn't have been heard by Jhoni and now this. How was he going to make everything better? How can he fix this?
"Is Daddy going to be home tomorrow?" Bella asked.
"I don't know, honey. I don't know."
"I don't want him to. He made you cry."
This makes Adam speechless. For fuck sake, this was Bella. She adored the hell out of Jensen and now she was saying this? Was this how it's going to be from now on? What if... what if they truly do get a divorce and Jensen gets custody of the kids? What if he never sees any of his children again? His eyes began to sting as a rush of tears come forward. He knows he can't cry in front of the children again, he can't.
"Go to sleep guys." Jhoni tells his sibling. "Poppy, I'll make breakfast tomorrow."
"No, it's okie. I can do it." The I need to take my mind off things was silent but he could bet his savings account that Jhoni still hears it. The kids fall asleep soon after but Adam doesn't and he also knows Jhoni wasn't asleep too. They both stay in silence. He knows in a few hours the sun would come up and the kids would leave for school and then he'd be alone.
"When is Aunt Sara getting out of jail?"
"I think she got out this evening because I saw her missed call and texts." Adam replied, his voice quiet so he wouldn't wake anyone up.
Sara had been taken to the nearest police station and charged with public disturbance and battery because she had tried to hit the blonde man Jensen had been with. Jhoni had told Adam earlier in the day, a few hours after they had left the bath tub. Now that he's thinking about it, Adam was very sure that Sara would show up bright and early.
Jhoni falls asleep by five thirty, his eyes closed, hair tussled and mouth hanging open a bit. It made Adam chuckle. He looks at all his kids, stared at their faces, at George's lips as he drooled a little on his shirt, at Bella as she sucks on her thumb and Ian who was rubbing his nose with his tiny fist. These kids were his life, Jensen was still his husband, and he was just...Adam. There was nothing special about him if you look really closely.
He has a little pouch, has got a nose that was longer than most and he has this bad habit of biting his nails for no particular reason. Adam sighs. Maybe Jensen was tired of him because Adam could recall what the blonde man had looked like. With the shiny gold hair, the perfect eyes, the perfect laugh and there was no wonder how Jensen wasn't attracted to him.
Adam remembers when they were in college. How Jensen would wait for him outside his lecture hall and walk him back to the apartment, he remembered the flowers he got, he remembered how Jensen had stared at him and it was different from how this Jensen looks at him. Fuck, Jensen doesn't even look at him anymore. He doesn't touch him anymore, he doesn't remember their anniversaries, he forgot Jhoni's birthday, he doesn't come home anymore, he doesn't get flowers anymore.
The thing that hurt the most was the fact that Jensen wasn't in love with the blonde man, with the blonde... little ho! He broke the marriage in two for a fling? He was making Adam question everything about himself, he was making Adam blame himself.
Fuck this shit. He didn't ask for any of this.
Adam didn't ask for any of this, nor did he deserve it.
Anger began to rise within him and he really wants to punch Jensen right in the throat. Or... maybe he would just do what Jensen was doing. Maybe he would find someone just like his husband did. Maybe... he could ask Mr. Baker? The man had very openly given him a once over the last time he had dropped Ian off.
What was he doing? Being petty was going to solve his problems. Plus that is his kid's teacher for heaven's sake. You don't eat where you poop and he isn't going to start something he can't handle.
Adam does eventually fall asleep but he wakes up when he feels Ian start to wiggle. When he opens his eyes, the bed was empty save for Ian who was sleeping on his chest. There's was a light scent of pancakes in the air and he knows Jhoni let him sleep in. He ran his hands down Ian's back and smiles when his little boy looks up at him.
"Poppy... hi."
"Hi, my littlest prince. Wanna get ready for the day?"
"Yes! Paint!" Ian cheers, pressing his palms to Adam's chest and lifting himself up a little.
"Let's get you ready then." Adam sings. He picks his little boy up and rests him against his hips. He quickly gives Ian his bath and dressed him in a baby blue shirt and dark blue pants with white little hightops. He brushes his blonde hair and smiles when he was done.
He finds Jhoni, Bella and George in the kitchen. There were stacks of pancakes on their plates and another spare plate, the bottles of syrups and the large bowl of fruit was on the table. Jhoni takes Ian from him and proceeded to feed him oatmeal. Jhoni had made both pancakes and oatmeal. His baby boy must have woken up early to sort this all out. His baby boy who hadn't sleep till five thirty. His worry must have shown on his face because Jhoni gives him a reassuring smile that actually doesn't do anything to quell his worries.
"Just have your brekkie."
"Thank you, Jhoni."
Just as he was about to sit, the bell went off. He tells the kids to continue eating and made his way to the door. He checks the surveillance and instantly went still. Jensen was in front of the house and he was ringing the bell. Had he forgotten his keys at home or at his lovers house and was too lazy to go back and get it? What if... what if Jensen came back because he missed him? What if Jensen just wants to grab his things and just go?
The bell goes off again and it shocks Adam into the present. He stared at the small screen showing his husband's face, the face he misses so much that it was painful. He knows he shouldn't but he ends up opening the door.
Jensen walked into the room and Adam just stared at him. His husband looked so different. He looked like he hadn't slept a wink, he had little black bags under his eyes and his eyes were a bit red. It almost makes Adam happy and he really hoped Jensen had been crying for him and for the kids.
"Hi." Adam said.
"Adam. Darling."
Adam couldn't hold back his snort. He rolled his eyes and cocks his hip to the side. "What do you want?"
"I missed you and the kids."
"Oh, now you miss us."
Jensen takes a step forward. "I always miss you all."
"Then where have you been these past few months?" Adam asked, tilting his head to the side as he stared at his husband. "Because I don't recall you being here."
"Why are you here, Jensen? I need to take the kids to school and I don't have time and nor do I want to listen to your bullshit. So why don't you go back to blondie."
"I have told you. James means nothing to me. You, you, Adam Abel Grey mean everything to me. You and the kids are my...everything."
"That's just a fucking lie."
Adam and Jensen both turn towards the direction of Jhoni's voice. Jhoni stood there with his hands curled into tight fists. He had on a black graphic tee, with a jean jacket thrown over it and a pair of dark jeans and white sneakers.
"Jhoni." Adam said as he takes a step forward.
"How can you just stand there and listen to him lie through his teeth?!" Jhoni demanded.
"He's still your dad."
"I don't need him. I only need you, Papa. " Jhoni said and then stared right at Jensen. "You can take the fucking house if you want to, you can shove your money up your asshole until you can taste it at the back of your mout-"
"NO! He didn't watch his mouth when he was kissing James Scott, he want watching his mouth when he disrespected you by sprouting bullshit yesterday and today. Fuck what I said about him hitting you, I don't need to go to school, I can get a job and we can make it Papa. We don't need him. These past few months have shown we can survive without him."
"Jhoni, son..."
"Don't." Jhoni spat. He turned to Adam who was trying his best to pull himself together. "Papa, it's time for school. We'll take the bus." Jhoni said and then before Adam could argue he throws the keys to Jensen who used his reflect to catch them. Adam watched as Jhoni walked out of the sitting, he comes out with Bella, Ian and George. Adam squats a little and gives all of them hugs. He also gives Jhoni one and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"Do you have money for a cab?" Adam asked.
"Yeah, I got paid for my work study last week Friday."
Bella and George don't even glance at Jensen as they walked out the door and it makes Adam's heart hut. No matter what, Jensen was still their dad. Jensen stayed in the same position as he had been as Jhoni had poured out his heart. His eyes were wide and his hands were clenched. Adam couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Jhoni knew who the man Jensen was sleeping with. And judging from his anger, Jhoni must have known for a while. No wonder he was angry at Adam. He must have thought his Papa was a fool who couldn't keep the attention of his husband.
"Did you hear what he said?"
"Kinda hard not to, when he was screaming it." Adam replied, his tone sharp.
"Bella and George didn't even look at me."
"They saw everything I saw and as far as I know, they know you did a very bad thing."
"What about you, Adam? Do you hate me?"
"Hate is such a strong word, Jensen but yeah, I do. I'm torn between choking you and punching you."
"I just... I-"
"How would you feel if I was the one cheating? What would you do..." Adam stepped close to Jensen who was watching him with careful eyes. "...if you saw me with another man? If you saw me under another man?" Adam asked.
Without hesitation, Jensen replied. "I would kill him."
"Then you know half of what I'm feeling right now." Adam said and takes a couple steps backwards before turning around. He doesn't get too far because in the blink of an eye, he was shoved against the wall with Jensen right in front of him, pressing his hips right into the wall. No words were spoken, the air was tense but also mixed with a little something. Something Adan hadn't felt in a long time and before he could stop it, Jensen's mouth was on his.