Adam kissed Jensen back. His arms were around Jensen's neck as the kissed, every flick of their tongue, the way Jensen's hand felt on his skin, the tingles that shot through him as they kissed like this was the only thing they've ever wanted.
Adam doesn't struggle when Jensen grabbed him by the thigh and hosted him up. Adam wrapped his legs around Jensen, his fingers pushing through Jensen's soft hair as they kept on kissing. When they do finally pull away from each other's lips, Jensen's mouth goes straight to Adam's neck. He nipped, sucked and licked. He left a trail of love bites from Adam's neck to his collar bones.
"Jensen..." Adam moaned, his fingers tightening their hold in his husband's hair.
"Baby..." Jensen said. "Please... just let me..."
All logical thoughts fled out the window or turned to dust when Jensen kissed Adam again. This time, his movement was more sure. He pulls Adam's pants down and wrapped his hand around his husband's cock. Adam lets out a ragged moan that breaks their kiss, his head falling back against the wall.
"Ah...Jensen. Jensen..." Adam moaned, his body arched as he tried to get even closer to his husband. Jensen gives Adam's cock a few more tugs before he started making his way upstairs, his hands cupping Adam's bum as he headed towards their room.
When they get there, he gently placed Adam on the bed. Adam doesn't know what he's doing, all he knows is that his husband hasn't touched him in months and now he was everywhere, in every touch and ever breath.
"Look at me, baby..." Jensen said, his voice soft.
Adam hadn't even realized he had been crying. That his tears were rolling down sideways and dropping onto the bedsheet.
"Are you okay?"
"Everything is awesome." Adam sniffs. "My husband who hasn't touched me in months is finally touching me when he thinks he's going to lose me. I'm great, thanks for asking."
Jensen goes still and gets off the bed. Adam wipes off his tears and sits up.
"Was it something I did?" Adam asked and Jensen immediately rushed to his side, kneeling beside him with a hand on Adam's thigh.
"No, Adam. You're an angel."
"Then was it because of the kids? Do you not want them? Is that it?" Adam asked, his tears spilling over again.
"It's not because of the kids. I know you might find it hard to believe but I love our kids, every single one of them. They're a piece of you and I. I love them as much as I love you."
"Then why..."
"Baby..." Jensen said, moving his hand from Adam's thigh to his hand. "Why don't you rest a b-"
Jensen doesn't get to finish because they were interrupted by a loud bang. They both looked towards the door in alarm and Adam instantly calmed down when he heard Sara screaming his name. Jensen doesn't even get a chance to prepare himself because in the next few seconds, the door to the bedroom was pushed open.
Oh shit, thank God they stopped when they did.
"You piece of shit!" Sara snapped at Jensen when she sees him in the room. "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"It's my hous-"
"I know you're not about to say it's your house and non of my business because I can punch you again and this time I won't miss your face." Sara snarled, her eyes bright with anger.
Jensen looked away from Sara tonAdam and gave his hand a little squeeze. "I'm going to leave you two to talk. I'll be back."
"Can you gives the kids and I a few days? I'll send Mr. Belcher to you with the divorce papers. I don't care what you want to take, just do as long as it's not any of the kids." Adam sighed.
"Adam, you don't mean that."
"You bet my left boob he does! Now at least give him a little respect by listening to him."
Adam doesn't know look at Jensen but right at the flat screen on the opposite wall. He listens as Jensen walked out of the room and breaks down immediately the door was shut. He hasn't even realized he wanted to cry that much. Sara immediately made her way to him and pulled him in for a half hug, her hands going around his shoulders from the side.
"I'm sorry for coming late but my mother has a lot of shit she wanted to say about me being arrested. Was he here for long? Did he touch you? Did he bring the blonde bimbo?"
Adam shook his head. He tries to take a deep breath but ended up choking a bit on his tears. It took him a while to stop crying. Sara doesn't rush him and just rubbed his back through the whole thing, patient and quiet.
When he finally gets his voice back a few minutes later, he narrated everything that has happened in her absence, especially his suspicion about Jhoni knowing who exactly the blonde man was.
"He even tried to tell me when we were at your house on Sunday but I didn't listen..."
"Have you talked to him about it?"
"I don't want to see him sad, Sara. The last person I want to see cry is Jhoni. It will break my heart. Completely shatter it."
"You just can't avoid it." Sara reasoned and Adam finds himself nodding.
"When he gets back from school then? Or maybe during the weekend because I don't want to make him even more distracted than he already is."
"Let's do it during the weekend then." Sara replied. "What about Mr. Belcher? Are you really going to tell him to draw up divorce papers?"
"I honestly don't know. I love him, Sara. I actually am still in love with Jensen."
"Do you still want this marriage? Do you believe this marriage is actually going to work out? That you both can move past this?"
"I honestly don't know."
Jhoni could stop drumming his finger on the table. His Maths teacher was droning in and on about quadratic equations and was trying to solve for x on the white board.
He ran his fingers through his hair and gnawed in his bottom lip. He shouldn't have left his Papa alone with Jensen, he should have waited. His CGPA was a 4.5, so he could miss a few days of school.
Were they yelling at each other right now? Jhoni thinks to himself. Were they shouting about kids and divorce again?
What if his parents really get divorced? Would Bella and George go with Papa or would they stay with Jensen?
Deep down, Jhoni knew he really missed his Dad, it's been a while since he sat down to talk with Jensen. It's been long since he had gotten a hug from him too.
Jhoni doesn't realize a tear had slipped down his face.
He's snapped out of his thoughts when he feels someone tap his shoulder. He turned to the side and comes face to face with the person sitting beside him.
"Here..." The boy hands him a handkerchief.
Jhoni frowns. "Why?"
The boy looked around to make sure no one was looking before leaning sideways to whisper. "You are crying a little."
Jhoni's eyes widened and he quickly grabbed the handkerchief. He quickly wiped his eyes and took several deep breaths.
Jhoni never cries. At least not since he was six. He had always been a happy baby, according to his Papa. He had never really had a reason to cry and he could also push down the emotion until it was buried deep.
"Thank you." He whispered as he gives the boy. He uses this opportunity to take a good look at the boy beside him. The boy had pale white skin and strawberry blonde hair with freckles lining his nose. His eyes were a bright green with... was the blue in his eyes too?
"Mr. Grey!"
Jhoni looked away from the boy to his teacher. He gives the man a droll look and rests his chin on his hand, his elbow on the table.
"Do you have something you want to share with the class?" Mr. Jenner, the maths teacher, said.
"Yeah... Can I leave?" Jhoni asked. He doesn't even wait for his Mr. Jenner to reply, he just got up and walked towards the door. He could hear his classmates murmuring as he walked out of the class.
He makes his way to the library, pulled out his phone and AirPods before taking a seat at the corner, far away from the door and windows. He pulls out his phone and scrolled through his contacts.
To: Poppy
Are you okay? Is Dad still there?
He doesn't get a reply on time. He put on his AirPods and hit shuffle in his music app. BMIKE's Anxiety comes on. He thought about changing it to another song but the lyrics got to him.
These days I Just don't feel shit
I don't feel a thing at all, I don't feel like I exist, BMIKE yelled into his ears.
The thing is... when Jhoni was little, he used to wish he'd grow up to be just like his dad. His dad was strong, his dad loved and treated Papa (years ago) like he was the most precious thing he had. He used to wish he'd grow up and settle down just like his parents. He used to wish he'd find love just like his parents.
Love was just a sham.
Something that disappears after a few years and after a couple of kids.
If you love someone, you don't treat them like they were nothing. If you love someone, you don't treat them like they don't exist. If you love someone, you spend time with them and try to make them smile and laugh. If you love someone, you make sure they only every cry tears of joy. If you love someone, you don't just abandon them for another person.
To: My first baby
I'm good. How are your classes?
Adam had sent that text hours ago and now it's already three. He had busied himself with making supper for the kids and Sara, who had gone to pick Ian.
Adam had already prepared a late lunch for all of them. Just a couple of sandwiches and a large salad. He was listening to Kesha's Praying when Jhoni comes in with George and Bella.
Adam squats down and hugged George and Bella as tightly as he could. They hugged him back just as tightly.
"How was school my little angels?"
George doesn't speak, he just pulled his glasses off his face and clutched it in his hands. Meanwhile Bella had no qualms talking about her finger painting class.
"What about you George? How was your day?" Adam asked. He stared at his son with hopeful eyes and gently pushed his fingers through George's blonde hair. He looked just like Jensen.
George shrugged. However, Adam doesn't get a chance to ask more because George walked right out of the kitchen. Adam looked at Jhoni who also shrugged.
"Bella, darling, why don't you go and wash up while I talk to your brother?"
"Will I get ice cream if I do?"
"I can give you half a scoop?"
"Two scoops."
"One scoop with sprinkles." Came Bella's final reply.
"Fine." Adam said dramatically, his smile so big on his face. Once Bella was gone, Adam reached out towards Jhoni who goes straight into his arms and hugged him. Adam smiles sadly as he held his son. From the age of twelve, Jhoni went out of his way to avoid hugs. Yet, here he is, his arms wound tight around Adam, his nose pressed to his Papa's shoulder.
"Are you okay, Jay?"
"I will be."
"I know you don't want to but if you do need to talk about anything, I am here for you." Adam said softly.
"I know."
They pull apart a few seconds later and Adam asked. "Do you know what's wrong with George?"
Jhoni nods.
"Can you please tell me?"
"Poppy..." oh no. Poppy only came out when it was something serious.
"He thinks you're going to stop loving him. Just like dad."