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Chapter 8

Nick POV

The ride to school wasn't as awkward this time, I don't even know why I'm happy he's here, last time we spoke we were at each other throats. I feel partially humiliated at my excitement.

"So...what up?" I ask as casually, who even says that? Fuck sake Nick. There was this pain in my lungs that wouldn't cease, I hadn't noticed it until I stepped into the car.

"Urm nothing ...you?" He replied I could hear the uncertainty in his voice as if he's confused why I'm trying to make conversation. To be fair I'm confused why I'm trying so hard to make conversation.

"Well...do I have any classes with you?" I try again

"Look you don't have to pretend that you like me, we both know you're only doing this to get your grades up and yes I have around 2 classes with you, not that you've ever noticed" he whispered harshly, though I could hear the hurt in his voice.

The air is suddenly filled with silence, so quiet I could've heard a fly sneeze. Can flies sneeze?

"I'm sorry, correct me if I'm wrong, but you look really tired and that bruise is looking worst than yesterday" I point out regretting it almost instantly, I guess my desperation to fill the silence had got me in deep shit. To be honest it usually does. Great going Nick, insult his appearance, a great way to reconcile.

"Thanks, I already know how shit my face looks so you don't have to point it out" He muttered in a tone I'd imagine puppies would adopt after a scowling.

"Well not shit exactly just tired...anyway so meet me here after school, will it be okay if we study?" I ask just as we arrive at the school parking lot, we're early so must of my friends won't be here, I don't want them to see me and him together.

They'll ask me why I'm with him and it's too much of a long story for me to spill.

"Yeah, whatever" he spoke, before sloping out, slamming the door for the second time in not even 24 hours. I sigh trying to figure out what I've done wrong now. I watch as his body twists and turns in the mangle of cars, he has a really nice ass...

Wait, what...????!!!!!

I don't know what this kid is doing to me...


It's the last lesson and we've only got 10 minutes before schools over. Freedom at last. Mrs set homework as soon as we stepped into the class, it's a shame I'm not going to do it. One less paper for her to mark is a win-win situation.

"Why have you been so quiet?" Jared asks jokingly, jumping onto my back and nearly making me topple over. For some reason, Jared, 6'3 giant, must believe he's as light as a feather.

"Nothing..." I say quietly before hitting him around the head with the textbook. It doesn't take him long to recover before he decides to knock my book onto the floor.

I frown usually he would hit me back, I get up picking the book off the floor and dust it down. I turn back to sit down, I'm about halfway to the seat before the chair gets pulled from under me resulting in me collapsing onto the floor, grabbing Jared's arm in the process, which doesn't help as he falls too. For someone that's so sturdy, he doesn't have any sense of balance.

"Nick and Jared stop that now! I've had just about enough of you two always messing around with my lesson, see me after lesson finishes. I ought to send you to Mrs. Moore, this constant disruption should be a criminal offense " Mrs dolly shouted, I struggle to keep a straight face as I see every pair of eyes in the room looking at me and Jared scattered on the floor.

"Sorry Mrs" we both choir with humour in our voices, laughing behind our hands. Mrs. Dolly was about a thousand years old with a mop of gray straw for hair, a short stout woman with a constantly disapproving face. She was the type of woman who thought phones and technology were the root of all evil.

Once the lesson finished and Mrs. Dolly lectured us on misbehaving and how it would affect our exam results, a lecture that she had almost every lesson. A lecture that I could recite by heart.

"Hey, where are you going? What about practice?" Jared shouted from across the nearly empty hall, after our verbal beating.


I forgot about basketball practice.

"Sorry I can't, tell coach I'll practice twice as much next week" I yell back before sprinting to my car.

Adien stood awkwardly beside the car, the look on his face read what-should-I-do. I could have had a fit of laughter had I looked at his discomfort any second longer.

"Oh hello Mr. Newman, didn't expect you to actually come," he said smiling brightly, stepping in front of me. He had an amazing smile, something I'd rarely seen, he should smile more.

"Why hello Mr. Lester, why are we in such a good mood compared to this morning?" I smile at his infectious happiness, it did something to me.

"Oh, no reason at all," he said quite distantly ruining the only moment we've ever had that wasn't awkward, arguing or complete and utter distaste.

"Let's go," I say, taking my keys out of my back left pocket. Before entering the car, then switching on the radio.

"So, where are we going?" Adien asks after zoning out, looking slightly stressed. He had this quiet, mysterious ambiance about him, no one knew anything about him.

"My favorite diner" I reply trying to lighten the mood.

"What's it called?"

"You'll know it when you smell it" We both laugh its sound warm and welcoming. We barely spoke on the ride there, but there was a quiet understanding, music fulled the void our word weren't utilising.

"Wow, it smells good!" He exclaims as we arrive.

We go into the almost empty diner, that mostly contains families, this is one of the reasons I like it so much no one from school goes here, I hate seeing people from school, there have been times I've run out just to get away from teens. It's the diner my parents and I used to go every Thursday after basketball practice. Why did I bring Adien here?

"What's wrong?" Adien asks concern in his voice, I must have been looking some type of way. I shake my head, before leading him to my favorite table; right at the back.

We sit down as I bring out the books I have to study.

"What can I do for yo- Nick is that you?" I look up to see Shay "I haven't seen you in ages, 4 years right?"

I smile receiving a hug from her "I know things have been hard lately" I smell her neck and saviour myself in her sweet smell.

She looks beautiful late time we were together we were 13 she was such a tomboy now...she's blossomed, her short black hair looks glossy.

"So, what are you ordering or are you just getting drinks for the moment?" she asks after a long pause, looking straight at Adien and giving a flirtatious smile. I frown not liking this scene for a reason I can't really explain.

"It's okay I'll pay" I insist after we order our food, handing Shay the money.

"Thanks...so what are you confused on?"



"I love that movie, I can't wait for the next, what's it called I forgot?"


"We should go together," I say before I can stop myself. "We better get going, it looks like its going to rain and it's getting quite late".

"Yeah I guess, let's go" he sighs, finishing his food. It began chucking it down, almost as if my words enabled the rain.

"Hurry up and open the door"

"I can't my hands are fumbling too much" by the time we get into the car we're nearly soaked half to death. I put the heaters on blast and pray it'll dry us in the 10 minutes it takes to get to Adien's house. For the first time this car ride is filled with laughter and conversation.

"Okay on the count of three we run to your porch, okay? 1...2...3"

We sprint to his porch, laughing, our clothes sticking to our skin, our shoes making a squishing noise every time we remotely move.

"Well thanks, that's probably the best lesson I've ever had. I think I learned more in 2 hours with you than a whole school year with my teacher. " I say as we reach the safety of shelter "I wasn't joking about the movie together I have this favorite movie it's a real tearjerker though"

"How about tomorrow at about 3?"

"Do you have a DVD player here? I have one at my house but we're moving so no one knows where anything is" I lie, its a horrible lie but I can't have him knowing I'm a foster child or anyone else for that matter.

"Okay see you tomorrow then," he says looking right into my eyes, no one wanted to move well at least I know I didn't want to move. We just stand there for a moment, breaths caught in our throat.

"Bye," I say leaning into a hug but then regretting it and retreating in mid-air.

"Bye," he said quietly a hint of sadness in his voice.

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