A cool shudder trickles down my spine. I Glance around nervously, cold; hesitant light streams in through a cracked walls in front of me, casting eerie shadows on the walls. As I walk forward, I can't help but feel a sinister presence following me. Whirling around, I see nothing but the empty, dark space.
Shadows seem to swirl around my feet, potentially trying to suck me into the scratchy, hard floor. In a burst of panic, I feel fear suddenly settles in and I am conscious that I'm not alone in the dark soundless space.
Something brushes my back, the harsh tingling sensation permanently stuck to my skin. I turn, but there is nothing...no sound...no movement. Nothing I can see, that is.
Outside I can hear an ear piercing howl it almost sounds like laughter syncing in with the scream, to my dismayed mind I drop to the floor. A low chuckle breaks my thought process, directly in front of me. I scream but hear nothing in the overwhelming blackness.
I'm being drawn in, drowned in slumbering evil, there is no escape. The darkness becomes an unceasing ocean of black tar.
I hear the scream again louder this time, recognizing the voice almost immediately.
"Mum?" I shout, only hearing my echo and no response. I tried several other times still not getting an answer. Panic suddenly stops my heart from beating, my brain from thinking, my body from moving.
All of a sudden, as if the speed of light, a curtain opens, I walk gingerly towards the curtain only to be confronted by a door. I look around seeing myself on a staircase. I don't dare to breath, I'm at my old house.
"Shut up, you'll wake him up!" Said the rough, hoarse voice, its dad. He's got Mum in a headlock. She muffles her cries as he pushes her against the wall, making her hit her head, hard. Yet not hard enough to draw blood just a small dent in the wall.
"Mum!" Yelling and hitting on the glass mirror in front of me, I bang my fists but it just won't give in. I have to get to her, I breath slamming myself against the barrier, I have to save her, with one last burst of effort I kick the mirror, culminating its desolation. I'm sinking.
I wake up in cold sweat, a banging headache and tears sliding down my cheeks, leaving salty trails. I can hear my heart beating in my ears, scared that my drums might burst.
I remember that day, I was only 13 years old dad had come from work pissed. He was always drunk after work.
I get up, walking through the landing and reaching my mother's room, I push the door gently and walk inside. Mum's sleeping soundly, pulling the duvet up to cover her shoulder, I kiss her forehead. This time I will protect her.
I walk straight to the bathroom knowing full well I won't be able to go back to sleep, to be honest, I never do. This nightmare wasn't as bad, I've had worse. I've had worse.
I look in the mirror wincing slightly as I catch a glimpse of my bruises, their bigger than I thought. I hear my mum's alarm going off and realize it's only 6:45 in the morning.
I strip before hopping into the shower, putting it at the perfect temperature. Grimacing slightly as the heat stings my bruises. Sometimes I want to scrub the body ridding it of my pain and watch the water disappear down the drain. Once I've finished, I make my way to my bedroom. I open my wardrobe, looking at the mirror stuck onto the door, frowning I see a skinny boy looking lost...abandoned.
I feel to small, too weak to be in the world I close my eyes letting darkness circulate through my veins. Trying to think of a happy memory, that seem to have happened centuries ago.
I grab the nearest top and jeans not caring whether or not they match, I'll get made fun of anyways. At least it's Friday.
*knock knock*
"Good morning, honey" mum spoke happily, it's too early in the morning to be this cheerful. "I'm leaving now, I've made pancakes, I need to tell you something when I get back from work today. I love you, bye."
"Love you too, mum," I say kissing her forehead.bAll I have to do now is eat then wait for Nick to come pick me up...if he's actually coming.
It's only been 45 minutes and I've already changed my clothes at least 7 times. I don't actually know why. Its obviously not that fact that I want to look my best in front of him...is it? Surely I shouldn't care what a guy thinks of what I'm wearing.
I shake my head, before realizing I haven't eaten yet. I eat my pancakes while watching television, though it doesn't help distract me I keep glancing at the clock.
And I'm already anxious, is he even coming? I shrug at the question. Knowing if I don't leave now I'll be late for school.
I grab my bag ready to leave, trying not to get too upset about Nick not coming, firstly looking out the window just to make sure. I see in the distance a black Nissan making its way to our house.
I jump into action, looking in the mirror, patting my hair in place, smoothing my top and jeans and subsequently hating everything I see.
I hear a car engine move into our driveway as the pricks of excitement flow through me. Before a ding erupts from the door. I take a deep breath before opening the door.
"Oh hi...what are you doing here?" I ask casually trying to hide the relief and happiness from my voice and succeeding. Pretending to be surprised.
"I'm here to take you to school, of course," he said smiling genuinely, making my heart flutter for some unknown reason.