Adien POV
The party is loud and there are flashing lights everywhere. The music is blaring deafeningly people in clusters sitting around outside either making out or just talking. The occasional drunk person stumbling around. Surely it was too early on in the night to be that shitfaced. The atmosphere is hot and sticky yet the night is young.
I feel free.
Thoughts ran through my mind, I'm in the upmost disbelief. Am I actually here? This party is amazing! Swarms of people flood the stairs and the hallways, I look back at Nick and see him staring at me, anticipation plastered onto his face, but the party scene was nothing to him.
"You guys are back, great! Can you put the drinks on the food table?" Jared spoke walking past us before shouting at the top of his lungs "Put that back, my mum will kill me if she found out I broke that,"
We both laugh, taking the drinks to the table Jared assigned.
"Are there rules or a guidebook to help me through the night or something?" I ask nervously making sure to stick near Nick who is laughing at me. The douche.
"Of course not, I have a present for you but you have to promise me something," Nick replied leading us to the couch, currently being used as a bed for the sexually active "Get a room"
"What's that?" I ask moving out of the way as Nick pushed the drunk couple off of the sofa, enough to make space anyways.
"You have to promise to let go and live a little. Maybe have a few drinks and mingle with some cute girls"
I burst out laughing, accidentally slamming my body onto the sofa.
"I can't talk to girls let alone dance with them," I mutter half joking half serious, in honesty girls are much easier to talk to than guys.
"Whatever. Do you want some drinks?" he shouts as the music became louder.
"No...I mean yes" I stammer after Nick gave me a 'what did I say about letting go?' look. Nick walks away shaking his head in amusement.
I instantly regret letting him leave me alone. I feel like a neglected green apple in a field of red apples. Everyone here is popular, attractive, outgoing, sporty, confident, carefree sex addicts.
Then there'
The shy, unpopular, unattractive, not good at sport, anxious walrus. So basically the total opposite.
Who am I when I don't know myself, I'm invisible that's what.
I'm suddenly pelted with the mass of two bodies, the same drunk couple that was here before, getting it on...on my lap. I try desperately to squeeze myself out, but they're two heavy bodies and I'm weak and scrawny.
I eventually get myself out, not to mention the much struggle, by the time I'm free Nick is back carrying drinks.
"Here I brought you some vodka and coke, it's probably the one that you'll like the most," Nick announced not bothering with the couple on the sofa.
I hesitate, remembering how the fridge used to be jam-packed with alcohol. There was never a shortage of alcohol in my father's house. I remember the empty bottles and cans that were occasionally scattered around the place. I told myself I'd never drink, but that was my old life.
"What's wrong? You don't have to if you don't want to," Nick reassured me gently, looking at me in the eyes. There was an intensity about his glaze that I couldn't decode, I felt naked, like he was looking into my soul.
"No, I want to" I breathe shakily, I have to put my past behind me. It's the future now and my future isn't going to be about my childhood trauma.
I take the drink swiftly from Nick's outstretched hand. I lift it to my lips and drink... it's harsh and sweet at the same time. The intoxicating beverage leaves a soulful taste in the back of my mouth. The vodka warming my chest, it felt nice.
"You look so cute with your face scrunched up like that," Nick comments, his eyes widening shocked at his word phrasing.
"What did you say?" I lie pretending not to have heard so there are no awkward silences, it seems to relax him seeing as his tense shoulders came down and he resumed to his usual lazy posture.
"Nothing, it's fine" he whispers unable to look me in the eyes, instead he begins looking around at the wildness.
"I'm glad I came" I announce trying to get his full attention and failing.
"Hey, guys I didn't know you were coming." Angel came up to us walking in a tight blue dress with clear heels. She's probably the most popular girl in the school and the most beautiful.
"Hey, Angel" Nick spoke casually before hugging her, receiving a kiss on the cheek.
"Hi, Adien" Angel turns to me. I'm shocked she knows my name, we've pretty much never spoken. Though I remember she was one of the first people to say hi when I first arrived. She’d been talking to the receptionist about increasing the funding to some council project.
"H...hi" I stutter even though she is yet again probably the kindest girl in the school. "How do you even know my name? Other than that one time you helped by picking up my books that I'd dropped, we've never actually talked"
"Well, I have to know who my best friend is ditching me for" she laughs punching Nick on the shoulder before giving me a hug. "Don't worry, I don't mind. He used to follow me like a lost puppy, you've done me a favour in taking most of his attention."
I smile, hugging her back with maybe more affection than needed. Nick laughs at Angel's snarky comment, rolling his eyes in defeat.
"Angel, don't you think your dress is a bit showy?" Nick teased pulling at the edge of dress.
"Shut up. I need to make an effort, I have a reputation maintain" she stuck her tongue out childishly.
"What reputation?" He mocked sticking his tongue out with the same level of childish incivility.
"I don't actually know why anyone likes you, especially Adien. He's actually a nice guy," she asks crossing her arms. Nick rolls his eyes. "Yeah keep rolling your eyes, you might find a brain there but I doubt it"
This resulting in me laughing harder. I almost forget that I'm at a house party, with teenagers, getting drunk off vodka and making friends with people who I've never spoken to. I finally feel at home in this town.
It's been a few hours and it's just past 12. So far it's been great. I've actually danced with some girls, well technically they were dancing with Nick but they didn't mind me joining in.
"I think it's time for my surprise, follow me" Nick announces breaking off with the drunk ginger girl and the sweaty blonde. He was so at ease with suddenly leaving, if it was only me I would have continued to dance with the girls until they got bored and left or I collapsed from exhaustion. I was more drunk than I’d ever been before so I have no idea how i managed to walk straight.
"I love surprises, but I don't trust you" I tease, following him up the body filled stairs.
"You must trust me just a little,"
"Well, I guarantee after this you'll have no choice but to trust me" he spoke confidently almost cocky.
"Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night" I laugh patting him on the back with fake sympathy.
"Stay here, I'm coming back in a second, don't peak!" He spoke pushing me into the bedroom, it has a beautiful stone wallpaper that gave the room a specific authentic atmosphere. The room was vacant despite the obvious clutter of horny teens downstairs.
It's doesn't take Nick long to come back.
"Here she is," he spoke bringing in a brunette, who looked slightly tipsy. I'm so shocked I can't even move.
"I'll leave you two alone" he whispered wiggling his eyebrows and laughing.
Before I could protest he slams the door shut.
"I'm sorry, I'll get you home" I finally say to the girl who seems to be rocking.
"Shhh," she shushes me, putting her finger on my lips, running her finger down my body making me uncomfortable. I’m sobering up rapidly.
"No, we have to go," I say grabbing her hand before they reached my privates.
"Don't be like that honey, I'll be gentle I promise," she spoke seductively biting her lip.
"I don't want to," I whisper grabbing her wrist a bit too roughly.
"Nick told me you're a virgin, he said that he wanted to make this night memorable for you." she throws herself on me.
Black corners my vision as the tears begin to spill. No, I can't not now not ever, I can't let my past get in. Then the dreadful memory floods back in...
I sit on the floor of my bed, waiting for mum to come home. She never normally leaves me alone home with dad, but today was an exception she was late for work and had to stay in later to fill in the extra. I try doing homework, but it's hard to concentrate. Constant fear compels me to look at the door, jumping at every rustle of sound, it was like being afraid of creature lurking in the dark, but the creature was real.
I could hear his deep humourless laughing, he must already be drunk, I shiver at the thought. Counting down the seconds, minutes, hours until my mum came home. I probably won't have dinner today if she comes in late, dad always gets really mad.
I hear thundering feet stomping up the stairs. I scramble into bed if he comes in and he thinks I'm sleeping he hopefully won't bother me.
He opened the door of my room. I shake fear hoping...praying he would leave. He usually does.
"Get up!" he bellowed throwing off the covers. "Let's have some fun"
He started unzipping his trousers. I instantly knew what he was going to do. I trembled frozen in fear.
"No, dad please don't," I scream getting on my knees and begging. He didn't listen, I cry out tears now rushing down my face like a waterfall. He pushed me onto the bed.
"Take off your jeans," he shouted expectantly, swinging the bottle of vodka towards his chapped lips.
"No, I won't" I screech backing away only to hit the wall. I'm trapped, I have no chance of pushing him over, he gets inhuman strength when he's drunk.
"Then I guess I'll have to do it for you," he smirked before jumping on top of my stomach. His weight taking the breath out of me. I scream at the top of my lungs, by now one of the neighbours should have heard. But they never do anything when they hear screaming.
"Shut up, shut up!" he shouts hitting me on the head, my head throbs but no matter what I don't stop screaming.
A rapid thudding suddenly starts coming up the stairs. Instantly the door of my room bangs open, low and behold my mum stands there looking furious. It was the type of fury that would make any murderer cower. A look that didn't suit my mothers kind, gentle face.
"Get the fuck off my son," she bellowed stampeding into the room like a rhino, I saw flames coming out of her ears. Like an inhumane motherly instinct had taken over.
"How about you get the fuck out, then I'll deal with you later" my dad sneers still trying to unbuckle my belt.
With a flash of light, my mum jumps on top of my dad, making him roll and crash to the ground with a thud. She starts hitting him, punching him with all the fight she had left, all the fight she's been holding in for so long.
I would have cheered but the previous situation still plastered into my mind.
"Adien, give me that," my mum asked pointing toward the bat. The bat my father had bought me when he was trying to force me to start playing sport, just before he realized I was a massive failure of a son.
"But mum!" I argue shocked and slightly scared.
"The bat, please Adien, give me the bat" her voice softened it was gently and pleading like she was speaking to a child.
Reluctantly, I give her the bat turning around and walking out of the room. She drags his limp body out of the room a few minutes later.
"Go pack your bags, we're leaving" she ordered her voice gently but held authority. I nodded going back to my room and packing not having a moment's hesitation, it's not like there would be anyone that would miss me.
Memory ends....
I'm back in the real world, the flashback only a remnant of my broken childhood. She's now on my lap, unbuckling my belt just like the way my dad did. By now I'm screaming kicking my legs and trying to get out.
"Hey Adien, are you okay?" Nick asks behind the door after knocking.
"Get me out!" I scream the fight completely rid of my body. Without a moments thought, Nick bursts in pushing the brunette from my lap.
"Come on, let's get you home" he spoke helping my shaking body to a slightly standing position. I nod unable to move by myself, he must think I'm some kind of stupid baby.
“Can you please make sure she gets home” Nick pleads to a friend from outside the door.
We make our way out having to tread carefully trying not to step on either vomit, bodies, used condoms or shattered bottles. We finally reach the car as we pile in the mood changes.
"I'm really, really, sorry Adien" Nick apologies not turning on the car.