Nick POV
"Please, I need to stay!" I plead almost getting on my knees and begging. I'm leaving that move as a last resort.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I can't let you stay. We have to discharge you from the hospital. If there is an emergency and we need beds then it'll be a shame if you're using one when you're fine," the nurse explained standing her ground shaking her head with a smile on her face. I can tell she thinks I'm ridiculous.
"That's the thing though, I can sleep in Adien's bed with him, we've been doing it since we came" I try reasoning with her. Holding my breath as if it would help the situation. I quickly realise I just admitted me and Adien have been sleeping in the same bed together and breaking the hospital regulations.
"Yes, I saw when I came to do a checkup yesterday, you two looked sweet...but it's a violation to hospital rules. Only parents with children 8 and under are allowed to do that." She sympathised giving me a sorry smile. "The Matron won't like this, I can't do anything but extend your discharge an hour or so"
"I can't go...he gets nightmares. What if it happens again? What if he has another seizure? I'm scared of what it might do to him," I cry out widening my eyes to make them teary, maybe then she'll give in.
"Don't give me those puppy eyes. The hospital is amazing and we will do all in our power to make sure he has the best recovery possible so you mustn't worry." She takes my hand patting it gently before saying "I really am sorry" she apologises before leaving me in my defeated state.
I really don't want to go. Adien's going to be stuck here another day and I won't be able to protect him. I'm so close to uncovering his past, I've watched the news report multiple times. With what I have gathered I assume the man is Adien's Dad. They look so much alike but he must be lying Whitney would never hurt someone like that.
I shake the thought out of my head, pacing the hospital trying to find something productive to do. I can't go back to Adien he has to talk to his mum privately and I can't go around to Sophie her mother doesn't seem to be the sort of person...that I would particularly like to be around.
I stumble with no actual direction, my mind blank yet not being able to stop thinking. I keep trying to solve the mystery puzzle of Adien and his oh so mysterious past. It's not working though, the more I think the more complicated it gets.
"Nick, are you ready to go?" Sally appears beside me smiling as always. I don't think I've ever wanted to stay at a hospital. I should be excited to leave but I have a guilty weighing sensation every time I hear the clock ticking. So constant.
"I don't want to leave, I can't leave Adien all by himself," I explain, walking with Sally aimlessly around the crowded hospital.
There is always commotion, someone dying, an emergency patient. It's depressing to see crying family members and dying people sitting in their bed trying to act like dying is okay, until the last minute. Then they suddenly realise they want to live. It's like a punch in the face I guess.
"I know, but the doctor said no and what the doctor says goes" She hugged me sympathetically although she was smaller than me I always felt little again every time she hugs me.
We trudge to Adien's room ready to say bye. It's a long goodbye, I could almost see the anxiety dripping off of Adien. As I look closer I can see slight redness in Whitney's eyes like she's been crying, she doesn't seem to be able to look up. Her bloodshot eyes are looking everywhere but me or Sally.
After the anxious exchange of goodbyes, we take to the car. Every step I take makes me slouch lower and my stomach sink. We sit in the car silence compelling me to think even more. I can't relax unless I know there will be someone protecting him from his night terrors, but even that isn't good enough I only trust myself to protect him. The sheer terror in his face after those nightmares haunts me.
"How are you feeling?" Sally asked cautiously, seeming uncharacteristically nervous. I frown not understanding why she seems scared to ask me this unbelievably simple question.
"...Fine" I replied suspiciously. “My concussion has completely cleared up, no more migraines, or ringing ears and disorientation.”
"You've forgotten haven't you?" She asked piteously, though it was more of a statement than a question. My frown deepens, my heart starts beating faster as I realise what I have forgotten.
I can't believe this, my breathing shortening. I can almost feel the horror of betrayal vibrating from my parents' graves. I forgot, I fucking forgot.
Sally tries talking to me the rest of the journey but I don't listen to her, the words are going in one ear and out the other. She eventually gives up realising I don't want to talk.
Once we reach home everyone is just about ready to have dinner, I trudge upstairs claiming that I'm not hungry. Immediately everyone knows something is wrong because I'm always hungry. Fuck, I forgot.
I collapse on the bed feeling all the last remains of energy escape me. I close my eyes willing the pounding in my head to stop. It doesn't. I hear an insanely loud knock on the door and groan willing the person on the other end to leave. They don't.
"Nick? Are you okay" I hear Angel whisper, my pounding head makes her voice 10x louder than normal. I turn pretending I'm asleep but she knows I'm not sleeping. "Pretend your sleeping all you want, but I know your not. Sally told me to tell you that you don't have to go to school tomorrow or on Wednesday."
She waits for a minute before leaving, probably realising that I don't want to talk. I hate ignoring her. This home is the closest thing I have to family.
It still hurts that she likes Jared instead of me, I've liked her since she first got to the foster home 3 months after me. Despite having known her for years it was the way we comforted each other that made me fall for her.
But, there's something wrong with me, I don't feel the same way toward Angel as I used to and I forgot the anniversary of their deaths. As soon as Adien came into the picture everything changed. I don’t feel like myself anymore, yet I feel more like myself that I ever have before.
I turn over finally feeling the overwhelming shadow of sleepiness. I have to figure Adien out, I need to know why he changed everything because I don't want anything to change back. Why suddenly things I care about seem less important, Why his presence makes me momentarily forget about my past.