Adien POV
My ears start functioning before I can even think about opening my eyes. I hear a few murmurs but I can't translate. The voices sound familiar, but at the same time unfamiliar. I attempt to open my eyes, but the struggle is real.
This isn't the first time this has happened to me, I was diagnosed when I was young, but it hasn't happened for quite awhile now. It hasn't happened since we left...him.
The person I refuse to call dad.
The voices become louder I can now hear them clearly, they seem to be beside my bed or in my room.
"He's fine, but his seizures seem to be caused by trauma. Has he gone through any traumatic experiences recently?" an unknown voice asks.
"His father died," I recognize the voice instantly. My mum, she's lying about my dad. She's told the lie so much now I think she sometimes believes it. He might as well be.
"That must be it. How long has it been since his last seizure?"
"It's been about 5-7 months, his case is mild so the doctors thought it would be gone now. He also has night terrors and sleep paralysis " she adds hastily.
"Night terrors and epilepsy are sometimes linked, which would probably explain why he had a seizure after such a long time. Well, he should regain consciousness soon. I am really sorry about your husband " the probable doctor announced sounding a little too affectionate.
There's a silence and a ruffle of feet that fade into the distance. I suddenly feel alone, the darkness swallowing me. I feel the most uncomfortable sensation ricocheting every bone in my body.
"Adien, wake up for me, darling" my mum pleaded taking my hand in hers. "Nick is here. I think he has a phobia of hospitals because he fainted as soon as he set foot in the hospital"
My blood goes cold. Oh no, not Nick, I hope he's okay. Oh shit, Nick I bet he's disgusted in me after seeing that. I fight the darkness willing myself to open my eyes.
"He's okay if you're wondering, up and awake. I'm going to go get some coffee I'll be back soon" she kisses me on the forehead releasing my hand. What feels like hours, but is actually seconds passes and I overcome a sudden loneliness. Is this what death feels like?
"Adien! Are you awake?" a rough voice spoke moving towards me. It was Nick!
"Hey, please wake up"
He voice sounds like he has a hangover and woke up too early. I continue my struggle only stopping when I felt a warm hand envelope mine.
"You probably can't hear this, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry and...please forgive me" he muttered his deep, musky voice cracking. Sending shivers down my spine... wait that came out wrong. I hear a gasping sob and feel a head rest on my chest I desperately want to comfort him but my body resists.
After many failed attempts to open my eyes, I give up relaxing a little, letting the tension out of my body. Almost instantaneously my eyes burst open, only to be blinded by the blazing light up above. I groan at the stinging in my eyes before feeling Nicks head whip upward.
"Of course, I forgive you," I say before dropping off the edge of unconsciousness.
Whitney POV (Adien mum)
I sigh heavily slouching into the cushioned chair. I thought this had all stopped. I thought my baby was okay now.
Nick's mother was called and she would be coming shortly. I sip the coffee closing my eyes, taking in the heat.
"Mrs. Lester? This is Sally Owens" a nurse announced disturbing me from my relaxation.
"Oh yes, Nick's mother" I smile looking up at the smiling, blonde woman.
"I'll leave you two to talk about what happened" the nurse spoke already walking out of the waiting area.
"Between you and me, Nick is not my-" she was cut off abruptly.
"Sally- I mean Mum, what are you doing here?" Nick walks into the area almost shouting.
"Nick, I can't believe you came here. I know how much you hate it. Are you okay?" she spoke rapidly feeling his face for any injuries. Her apparent x-ray vision checking for internal lacerations.
"Yes, I'm fine" he chuckles "It's Adien you should be worried about! He woke up then went back to sleep almost immediately"
I sigh a breath of relief, I bet he's exhausted. He doesn't talk to me anymore about his nightmares, I can't understand why. I don't blame him, I never bring up mine. Or my hallucinations.
"He's just tired, he always is after these sudden attacks. He seemed fine when you left for the party. Anxious, but fine." I question curiously.
"I don't think he liked the atmosphere, it was loud and scary for someone that hasn't gone before," Nick replies still standing, shoulders tensed.
"Well, I'm glad you're both okay" Sally fills the silence.
"What were you saying before Nick came in. Nick is not your what?" I ask curiously trying to change the subject. I instantly see Nick whip his head towards Sally eyes bulging out.
"Oh, nothing" she shrugs smiling suspiciously and sitting next to me.
I shake my head not bothering to try and pry more information from her, I already have enough to worry about.
We sit and chat a bit, Nick constantly going off to check on Adien, though he should have been resting his concussion was pretty bad. It's overwhelming really, he's been here a few months and he's already making such great friends.
The way he lights up whenever Nick is around, I've never seen he do that with anyone.
Back where we used to live he never really socialized. Hardly had any friend, always got bullied and never brought anyone over. It doesn't matter anymore that was in the past we need to focus on the present.
I sit for a few more hours and visit Adien as many times as possible. Nick seems distraught. I don't know what, but I think they're both hiding something from me.
"Mrs. Lester, Mrs. Owen. I have good news by the looks of it Adien will be discharged in 3 days time and Nick in 2 days but only if he feels the need," the doctor announced not bothering to read off of the clipboard that he was holding.
He was instead staring at me usually I would have glared right back, but my stupid rapidly thumping heart got in the way, leaving me staring helplessly back.
"Thank you," we choir the anticipation takes from our shoulders. Our glaze still unbroken.
"I'm fine, but I want to stay...I don't want to leave Adien. I refuse to leave him," Nick spoke standing up as if ready to fight. I roll my eyes, the drama queen. Men.
"Okay," the doctor says flatly as if not caring, only now looking at the clipboard. Nick looked taken aback at the Doctors casualty. His only response was shakily sitting down. "Hopefully I never see you again in these circumstances." he laughs stealing a quick cheeky glance at me. And exiting the room, with the swift urgency that only a doctor could master.
"So do you and Doctor Sexy have a thing now," Sally asks laughing. We've got to know each other in these few hours, she's lovely and is, fortunately, becoming one of my friends.
"That's absurd, " I roll my eyes trying to stop from giggling like a little girl.
"I have to go, give my love to Adien. Bye" she announced getting up and kissing Nick on the forehead before coming over to hug me. Which is nice...unusual but nice. I haven't had friends in years, it's hard having friends when your husband... ex-husband is controlling.
"Bye," I say hugging her back. Still not trusting her, I have trust issues, as you can tell.