Adien POV
It's around 12 noon and unfortunately, it's also Nick's last day at the hospital and I'm terrified, for the first time in forever I haven't had a nightmare and it's because of Nick.
He was here for me all night and I felt his presence when I was dreaming. It was a weird dream I couldn't make sense of it. I shake my head to get rid of the thought, smiling at Nick who happened to just walk into the room from his shower.
"I don't actually know how you do it, waking up at 8 am when you don't have school," he asked grinning back at me, with a brilliant pair of white teeth. "What do you even do when I was still sleeping?"
“Well, I showered, read a book, went around and introduced myself to some of the other patients. Did you know there's a girl called Sophie in the girls' ward who's around our age?" I explained, smiling as he shook his hair like a wet dog.
"Why is she in the hospital?" He asked racking his hair with his long fingers.
"She's in here because she attempted suicide, for the second time and she has an eating disorder, symptoms of both bulimia and anorexia. She's really nice and she promised to come to visit us later in the afternoon" I explained looking at the tv advertisement. Not really noticing Nick stripping down.
"Jesus, couldn't you have given me a word of warning before getting naked like that" I squeal turning around so enthusiastically I'm surprised I didn't get whiplash.
"That would have ruined the surprise, anyway I bet you liked what you saw" He chuckled flushing as well, while I went beetroot red. Absurdly, we didn't feel the slightest bit awkward, we just carried on chatting before Nick decided to sit on the bed beside me after I had gotten lost in the endless episodes of Brooklyn nine nine.
"Breaking news!" spoke the beautiful news reporter who seemed to be standing outside a hospital...hold on that was the hospital from my old town. "A 36-year-old man, who has been identified as Micheal Tush was found in a house beaten nearly half to death, with a baseball bat. The victim seems to be up and healthy after suffering 3 months in hospital with multiple brain damage and a few broken bones. Evidence shows that this was a brutal assault, carried out by his wife and his 17-year-old son. If you see these people please contact the police, who a working restlessly to find justice"
I'm frozen in fear and the picture of me and my mother pops up onto the television, my heart drops further than the ground and my breath is caught in my lungs suffocating me. It's an old picture thankfully, It was one of the few pictures we took. I begin to hyperventilate. Nick beside me is equally frozen from the shocking discovery.
"Adien, that looks a lot like your mum" Nick spoke barely a whisper. I shake my head in disbelief, grabbing my phone from the draws beside me. I call my mum rushing out of the room, leaving Nick completely speechless.
"Mum?" I scream unable to contain my panic and fear "Have you seen the news report?"
"Yes, we'll have to lay low for a while. We might have to move again if anyone gets suspicious. I'm so sorry sweetheart, I blew it again didn't I?" She cried her breathing getting rapid.
"Don't ever say that okay. You're the best mother I could ever have. If I wasn't for you we'd be stuck in that house. The last thing he did to us would have happened." I stutter my hands trembling, trying to relive the memory of the last thing he did.
We finish talking saying our troubled goodbyes, then I stumble into the room where Nick sits motionlessly looking at the report again. I step over to him grabbing the remote and switching off the television.
"What the hell is going on, I've known you've had issues but not like this" He exclaims loudly standing up to over tower me which seems pretty easy.
"I don't want to talk about it, please leave me alone" I speak unable to look into his eyes.
"Leave? What do you mean leave? You can't just drop a bombshell like that and not explain"
"Well, it wasn't me that dropped the bombshell. Anyways, its personal and you know how news reporters are they stretch and change the story to make to more dramatic. My father a liar."
"Who are you trying to convince me or you?" He spoke twisting my last nerve.
"I don't know" I scream trying to hold back the pool of tears that were forming rapidly. "I...don't know"
For a moment I thought I could handle this but then I started having a panic attack. My lungs tightened and my eyes started watering like Niagra Falls. Almost as it a reflex Nick opened his arms and swallowed me into a massive hug.
"Don't cry," Nick spoke wiping my tears with his thumb. "I can't have you crying"
For what seemed like hours I wept into his chest, listening to his racing heartbeat. I could almost feel his overpowering questions building into his skull. But he stayed still, enveloping me in a tight, reassuring embrace.
A silent knock echoes the still room. I wipe my tears quickly praying that my eyes weren't red.
"Come in," I croak my voice weak and barely audible. I sit up abruptly slapping my face gently as if readying myself.
I smile as Sophie enters the room she's petite, ginger, with billions of freckles, looks like a 10-year-old and dangerously skinny. She's shy but enters anyway, her eyes widening at Nick obviously not wanting him to be here. I bet she can feel the slight tension in the room.
"Hi, I'm Nick" Nick spoke introducing himself, being his confident, normal self.
"Hi...I'm Sophie," She answered whispering so quietly we strained to hear her. I pat the space next to me encouraging her to sit down.
She hesitates before wearily sitting down next to me, relaxing slightly as the tension in her shoulders loosening. We sit for a while In silence it becomes a little awkward I'm almost about to break the ice when Nick does it for me.
"Do you guys want to get out of here?" He askes out of nowhere.
"What, you mean to explore the hospital? It's not very fun trust me I've been here enough times to know it doesn't get any better" Sophie answers innocently.
"No, I mean like get out of here, the hospital. Let's go somewhere. My car is outside and we could just go for a ride if you want. I just hate it on here...It's depressing." Nick spoke his voice shaking slightly closer to the end. His enthusiasm leaking out and attaching itself to me and Sophie.
"I don't know, I'm not allowed to leave!" Sophie whispered suddenly extremely interested in her hand and unable to look at either me or Nick. I suddenly remember her severe case of anxiety.
"Come on, it'll be fun, I promise. When was the last time you left this hospital? No one ever has to know" I plead trying my best to convince her. She gives a slight nod and that's all the answer we need. Nick bounces up leaving the room before telling us the coast is clear and beckoning us to follow.
We do just that, following close behind. I take Sophie's hand giving it a little squeeze of comfort, it seems to have helped as she squeezes my hand back. We swerve the hospital halls, Sophie leading us as she knows the way better.
So far we haven't run into any problems. We reach the entrance, but stop as a ton of nurses and doctors stand blocking the doors.
"That's it we tried, let's go back now" Sophie squeaked tugging at my hand and Nick's top.
"There has to be a back door. Come on we're nearly there" Nick pleads sounding like a child, It's really cute...I think.
"Fine. There is a backdoor its not too far" We stumble to the back door, before finally reaching it, it was like going through a large, long, dark tunnel and finally seeing the light at the end and it's bright and welcoming.
"There's my car!" Nick shouts breaking into a sprint, I start running before turning back to see Sophie stumbling and not able to keep up. I remember her telling me how weak she was, so I swerve around and try to help but It proves to be a hassle.
"You guys are so slow" Nick groaned running back toward us and picking Sophie up. He started running again with me following behind. It amazes me how Nick is carrying extra and he still manages to runs faster than me.
Sophie laughs the whole way to the car, she seems to be enjoying the attention and for some reason, I can't help but feel a little pang of jealously.
We slid into the unlocked car and buckle our seatbelts, the excitement taking over, even Sophie was unable to contain her excitement.
"So guys...Are you ready?"