If they want to dictate my life to me, I'll make a mistake with every sentence.
The moment his sentence was understood by my poor brain I thought I was going to collapse.
I, Elisabeth Rosefield, had just been kidnapped and taken to Russia against my will.
How the fuck am I gonna get out of this shit?
- In... in... in Russia? But fo... why?
- You will know it one day for the moment follow me and shut up
- No no no and no! I won't move until I know where you're taking me!
He approaches me with military steps and takes out of his belt the blade he had already pointed at me.
- I'm fed up with your childish whims, you shut up and move on. I've already been much too patient with you so now either you obey or you're going to start to hurt.
I swallow hard and try to breathe.
I have no doubt that he would dare to carry out his threats.
In truth I was even surprised that he hadn't done anything yet.
I am without the slightest opposition. Even though I don't recognize the person I am, I feel that my survival instinct has muted my desire for rebellion.
But I don't blame myself knowing full well that without it I would already have scars on my body.
I climb against my will in another armored car which very quickly engages on the highway closely followed by a procession of a few cars.
We've been driving for a while when the driver asks Ivan in my language where to take him.
- In the brothel 337
When my mind was reassured by the call "house" an alarm rang in my head. My brain had just understood the entire sentence.
They were taking me to a brothel.
- WHAT ?
- And yes honey now you work in Russia, he laughs
- YOU CAN'T FORCE ME TO BECOME A WHORE! I yelled trying to unbuckle my seat belt.
I was seriously starting to panic when, suddenly, without my understanding anything, my cheek hurt.
Touching the latter with my right hand I understood what had just happened.
The bastard had just slapped me.
I gave him a dark look. He, not the least frightened in the world, began to speak:
- No need to look at me like that darling you were going hysterical, he sneers. If indeed I can force you, well technically I can't but the boss yes.
- How so ? I asked.
- You are his property and like all the girls he owns you will end up as a whore in a brothel
Her laugh makes me want to stick two fingers down my throat and throw up. To throw up my life and the world I've just been thrust into.
Now I was someone's thing. A man I didn't know from Adam or Eve.
But I wasn't going to let it go. If these men thought I was going to accept that without flinching, they didn't know me.
Because if there's one thing I don't accept, it's not being able to decide my own destiny.