It's late and it's been, yes, already a few months since you left. Years or centuries, seconds without you are always eternity.
Despite the darkness of the night, I could make out its shape very clearly through the glass door of the living room.
I slid the door open and walked out.
The air whipped my face, in the distance I knew the mixed guards not knowing if they should stop me or let me.
But despite all these obstacles, I moved forward. I advanced until I found myself face to face with the large fountain, the ghost of my memories.
As before I saw the reflection of the moon in the calm water. Big, round, white. I stared at the celestial body as if it had been the first time I had seen it.
I leaned over slightly and touched the cold water with my fingertips.
Going back and forth in the fluid, I returned to a time when everything was simpler.
I ran in the meadow, the tall grass whipped my bare ankles.
For the kid that I was at the time, that was my conception of paradise. Running in the tall grass, the smell of lavender filled the air and the typical sun of the region burned my bare back. My sister, my model, my family, was running after me, she was going to catch up with me for sure. Even though I knew I was going to lose, as always, this frantic race I didn't care about. C It was the holidays and I intended to take advantage of it.
I laughed as I ran and laughed again when I fell under his weight in the grass. My skin was scraped and full of dirt but I laughed out loud.
On our return to the hotel, she had wet a corner of her t-shirt in the water of the small fountain directed by the marble mermaid and she had patted my knees.
According to her, water was magical, it could heal all the wounds in the world.
In reality, it was rather the moment that was magical. But at the time, I didn't know it yet.
I opened my eyes again and turned my head towards the small wood of the estate. I had the impression of still hearing his laughter making the air of the Mediterranean vibrate, resonating in my heart of stone which at the time was still frail. and fragile. I had the impression that she was still there, in the woods, hiding and that, at the first opportunity, she was going to appear and start chasing after me.
Like the good old times.
I sighed as I sat down on the edge of the fountain.
Those days were long gone. I had to get used to the idea that my sister wasn't there, ready to pounce on me and shout that I was the cat.
She was gone yet I had the impression that she was everywhere.
I plunged my hand into the cold water, it made me shudder with all my being.
I was going back and forth in the water, blurring the tranquil reflection of the moon.
Lost in my thoughts I didn't hear footsteps approaching, that's why I jumped when I felt a jacket land on my shoulders.
I turned in fright to a man who was unknown to me.
- I didn't want to scare you, he said to me, sitting down.
- You didn't scare me, I said defensively.
- I'm beginning to understand why you fascinate my family so much, he laughs.
His features were the same as those of Vladimir themselves similar to those of his father.
The resemblance was disturbing for me, who absolutely did not resemble my parents. With my sister, we used to be told that we had the same look of mischief in our eyes, but our resemblance stopped there.
It's sad, come to think of it, to think that the only thing that connected me to her when I looked at myself in the mirror was a glint in the back of her eyes, dull and hidden for years.
- You are his brother, I whispered.
- Yes indeed
He smiled and a dimple formed in his full cheek. I had the impression of seeing him as a child playing with his brother.
This dimple was the vestige of his childhood spent most certainly in violence and murder.
- My name is Vinchenso but please spare me this fossil and call me Vin.
I smile.
- Speaking of vestige, I'm Elisabeth, I said, holding out my hand to her.
To my greatest astonishment he didn't shake it but took it in his before kissing it.
- Elisabeth, I am delighted to meet you.
I blushed at his remark, fortunately camouflaged by the darkness.
- What are you doing here so late?
- I needed to get some fresh air
- You should go back to your suite, it's cold at night.
I nodded and stood up followed closely by brother Ivanovich.
Anyway, I couldn't have stayed here forever.