tShe looks like a girl but she's a flame.
- This is out of the question ! I objected.
- Vladimir, calm down, you know very well that when your father makes a decision, he doesn't go back on it.
- Finally Vladimir, Polina is not such a bad match
- I said no
- But
I cut off my uncle with a wave of my hand as a gentle creature burst into my office.
At the end of the room was the young American.
She walked towards me while staring at me. Her long legs executed firm, almost military movements.
She stopped right in front of my desk and, perched on her high heels, she remained motionless.
His brown eyes were fixed on me, they were framed by long hair with rebellious curls that made you want to comb it by hand.
Her little body was dressed in a simple top with a skirt, this outfit was a real provocation. Never had a woman presented herself to me except in a dress.
Her flared skirt ended in the middle of her fleshy thighs.
You couldn't say she was fat but to say she had a model body would have been a lie.
She was far from being the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, yet something made her different, pleasant to look at.
I rolled up my sleeves and she licked her lips.
His lower lip was thicker than the upper one.
When she moistened her lips I felt cramped in my pants.
Calm down, Vladimir, she's just a woman like you've fucked hundreds of times.
- Please sit down, I broke the electric silence.
She complied and took a seat in the large armchair in the corner to my right.
- So, Miss Rosefield, you're playing with my henchmen.
I expected a reaction from her, red cheeks, eyes on the ground, anything but nothing came. She was impassive like the queen's red guards that I had seen as a child in front of Buckingham palace.
- How long already? A day ?
- Seven, she corrected me.
Running away was already a feat in itself but managing to hide from my men for a whole week was a real miracle.
When Ivan had informed me that the girl had escaped, I had first wanted to kill her. not recovered, my orders had changed.
I was intrigued by this girl who had been playing hide and seek with Ivan for so long.
I smiled noticing that she had said this to me as a provocation, yearning to touch my honor.
In reality it was my ego that had taken a hit.
How did a high school girl, a girl moreover, manage to escape me to my country when she knew nothing about Russia?
- That's right
I got up, pushed by the need to get closer to this walking miracle. I walked around my office and came to stand right in front of her.
- Tell me why I simply can't kill you for this affront?
- If you wanted to kill me, you would have done it already, am I wrong?
I was amused by this little bit of a rebellious woman.
As usual, women instinctively submitted to me, most certainly hoping that I would fall for the good little submissive wife.
This had never happened. Partly because I hated submissives and partly because I wasn't one to fall in love.
Apart from the suffering of others.
I leaned close to her. My lips brushed her cold, sensitive skin.
- Maybe I just want to fuck you Elisabeth, I said.
She stiffened under the effect of my language.
Finally a reaction.
- If so, you're wasting your time, you're not my type of man, he said standing up.
She turned her back to me and under her wide skirt I guessed a round, firm posterior.
Suddenly, lost in the contemplation of her attributes, I did not see her stop and turn her head slightly.
- Especially since I heard that it does not exceed the bar of ten centimeters
On this last provocation she disappeared down the hall.
I was torn between the desire to catch up with her to make her mine in this same hallway and the desire to show her what it costs to defy me like this.
She looks so much like her, I tell myself bitterly.
I motioned for one of my guys to come forward.
- I want you to put my three best men on this girl, I want to know everything about her.
I got up but my uncle called out to me.
- This kid is not shy, she
- Not now uncle, I have other things to do, I cut him off.
And with that, I left my office.