I became a cold person over time, infact it was not a joke when we said that pain changes people.
She had just left the room, yet within minutes, her absence was already felt.
- Tatiana, what are you doing, stupid woman? Growls my father.
My mother turned white. Faced with the dark words of my father, the blood left her face worn by the age she was beginning to have.
When I was young, my father was so violent with my mother that she almost died more than once. I will remember all my life the day when she came between my father and me when he wanted to hit me.
A few hours later she was lying on a hospital bed. My father had just broken two of her ribs.
No matter how bad she was with people, she had never forgotten what my father had done to her all those years.
It was marked on her skin and in her.
Even today she was afraid of him, he was certainly the only person who terrified her to the point of having nightmares.
- I ... I ... Bablutinate my mother.
- I swear on the Gods that if you do the slightest harm to this girl I will kill you with a bullet in the head, assures my father while he stuffs a piece of chicken in his mouth.
I saw my mother's hands start to shake, as if she had Parkinson's syndrome. She trembled with fear in front of my father, but I said nothing.
Although I knew he would actually kill her if she touched Elisabeth, I didn't argue with my father.
No matter how much I behaved like a bastard, I knew my mother could be demonic with this girl and something deep inside me forbade me to let her.
I couldn't help wondering why my father loved Elisabeth so much.
As this girl, unknown and unremarkable, had she been able by her fiery temper and her pretty face to enter the heart of this cold man who was my father?
My mother gave me a look and when she realized that I agreed with him, she got up and walked out of the room.
A normal person would have been pained to see his mother like this, yet it didn't affect me. I had indeed been heartless for a long time, it was far from being a role.
The suffering of others no longer reached me, I had been immune to feelings for a long time.
When I had finished eating, I went up to my office but, passing in front of Elisabeth's room, I was stopped.
Pushed by a supernatural force, I opened the large white solid wood door and entered the large bedroom.
She was lying on her bed like a princess locked in an ivory tower. When she saw me, she got up. I approached her, erasing the space that still separated us. She looked at me, planting her two eyes on me, anchoring her gaze in my chair.
Her slightly tangled hair gave her an air of femme fatale, I raised my arm to touch this golden fleece which reflected the light but I stopped.
The resemblance she bore to Sonya made my stomach turn to the point of vomiting. I ran my tongue over my parched lips.
- My mother didn't have to talk to you
She stared at me intently as if my eyes were a reflection of my soul.
What was she looking for in my emotionless gaze? What could she read in me?
- No indeed, she said in a voice tense with emotion.
For a short moment I tensed wondering if I had the right to move forward on this slippery and steep slope, if I had the right to play with the feelings of this girl who was still so young, then I felt a strange need inside me. ,that of touching her, of knowing her thoughts, of having her close to me.
I reached out my hand until it touched his excruciatingly attractive face. His cold cheek warmed at the touch of my palm and his eyes began to sparkle, certainly against his will. I held her budding feelings for me close to my fingertips I was sure of it. stop. I don't even know why I made that choice, all I knew was, the moment I stroked her rosy cheek, I didn't want to let her go. had no right to leave like Sonya. She was mine, her and her big eyes, her and her character comparable to a flame, her and her fragile beauty which contrasted so much with her personality as a strong woman.
She's mine.
I trapped between my fingers a lock of her hair that had come to graze my hand. Her thick brown hair was in contrast to Sonya's thin black hair and I was delighted to finally find a difference to relate to.
" It's not her"
My younger brother's words burst into my head out of my control.
- Why do you act so well? I complained in a whisper.
Maybe she was different from Sonya after all?
No it was impossible, they were the same.
I pulled away from her abruptly when I understood the harsh reality.
They were as fake as each other and all Elisabeth was looking for was to seduce me. She was deceitful and fake, she was like Sonya.
She was playing a role, she had appropriated the character that I liked in a girl only to please me but I will not fall for the trap again.
I was Vladimir Ivanovich, I was not weak, even less in front of a woman.
I was going to take her at her own game. From now on I will no longer be the mouse but the cat, it was she who was going to suffer.
Little paper bird I will break you.
I moved away from her thus ignoring my primitive instinct which urged me to make myself mine.
- Get ready for tonight, I'll have your dress brought in an hour, I said.
I looked at her one last time before leaving, capturing her deceptively youthful gaze, that gaze that was going to be red with tears after my visit, as well as her full, rosy cheeks that were going to suffer repeated salt water damage.
It was all just a matter of time.
The countdown begins.