They tried to bury us, they didn't know we were seeds.
At the far end of the door, seated behind a solid oak desk, sat a stunningly handsome man. He was chatting with an elderly man until he looked at me.
With a wave of his hand, he cut short his eldest while keeping his piercing eyes on me. What poise, what authority.
Determined, I walked in a straight line towards him.
I stopped only when I was a few millimeters from the end of his desk.
In the silence of the room, I took the time to detail it in more depth.
He was a strong, square-shouldered man who looked like a God.
He must have been the hero of a lot of female fantasies. He was the kind of man who had all the women at his feet when he wasn't looking for anything serious. I have been given to see, whether in reality or in stores, yet he had everything the perfect asshole, deceiver and womanizer. Everything about him imposed respect and idolatry. He emanated from him a virility that made me shudder to the spinal cord and aroused a feeling in my lower abdomen.
Yet I was supposed to hate this kind of man.
He was scrutinizing me too. He rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt without taking his eyes off me.
I moistened my lips, I tried somehow to get out the unhealthy ideas that were germinating in my mind.
Take it easy, Elisabeth good God, good evening!
- Sit down please, he said to me in a deep voice after an interminable staring game.
Finally I sighed, as if I had been in apnea and that I had just come back to the surface, I sat down on an armchair facing his desk.
He was also tall and imposing. I sat straight as a post, I was not in my element. I had the impression of being prey for this man who had only one goal: destroy me.
The man from earlier, stiff, like a pawn, studied me up and down.
I have no room for error.
- So, Miss Rosefield, you are playing with my henchmen.
I felt like I was in my director's office trying to pull up my braces. The situation was all the more awkward because the feeling in my stomach didn't go away.
To be honest, she only got worse at the sound of his deep, masculine and downright sexy voice.
- How long already? A day ?
- One week, I corrected him with a glint of provocation in my eyes.
He dodged a smirk.
- That's right
Suddenly he got up taking advantage of me, I was sitting and he was standing.
He was trying to make me uncomfortable.
He walked around his desk and came to stand in front of me, leaning slightly on the end facing me.
- Tell me why I couldn't just kill you for this affront?
My blood froze, yes indeed he could quite simply kill me, make me disappear with the snap of a finger.
- If you wanted to kill me, you would have done it already, am I wrong? I say with my head held high.
He laughed.
- Indeed, maybe I only keep you because you amuse me with your rebellious way.
At the end of this sentence, he leaned towards me so close that I could almost feel his mouth brush against my ear while his perfume intoxicated my nostrils.
- Maybe I just want to fuck you Elisabeth
His harsh words only accentuated the fire that consumed my lower abdomen.
The bastard he was trying to make me lose my means.
- If so, I said getting up, you're wasting your time, you're not my type of man.
And before leaving, finding the courage of I don't know where I left him, turning my head:
- Especially since I heard that it did not exceed the bar of ten centimeters.
And I left with my head held high, jostled by this reply that was far too daring for the virgin that I was.