We love each other for no reason, we forget each other for no reason, those who still believe in love, my God, you are naive.
I was late for lunch so I hurried up the stairs. Ivan had bothered me with his paperwork and suddenly I thought, if he wasn't my best friend, I would have him already. fired a long time ago, he was too incompetent to be so highly placed.
I hadn't even entered the dining room when I already heard my mother scream.
My mother was certainly one of the few people who mattered to me, but I had to admit that she was not always kind to strangers.
I walked through the large opening and the first thing I saw was Elisabeth, a tray in her hand, leaving my whole family in awe.
I sat down at the table in the large, silent room.
Suddenly a warm, hearty laugh echoed in another room.
In the distance you could hear the obviously very amusing conversation that took place behind the white-dyed wooden partition.
- No need to call me with big titles, I'm not a lady, I'm eighteen, honey, laughed the American.
I guessed the maid's face without difficulty as she babbled:
- It's protocol.
- Tear down the protocol, continued having fun Elizabeth. What kind of person would want to be called milady?
A few years earlier I wouldn't have hesitated to marry the girl who would have said that, but now I knew. powerful men like me.
I hated that kind of girl.
Never again will I believe in their clichéd spiel. They always pretended to be the rebel, the feminist who fought relentlessly for her convictions.
I pulled myself together as she arrived, a platter of raw vegetables in her hand. She sat down and helped herself to the dishes before staring at her plate in silence.
I noticed the dress she had on. She was so aging.
Suddenly I thought to myself that she had never worn anything other than this type of long, wide, all-purpose dress.
Why did she persist in putting on this kind of clothes when she had a wardrobe worthy of the greatest princesses?
Sonya, she always put on the most beautiful dresses. I remembered that she liked to put on the shortest dresses possible. Not that anyone else is falling in love with my Sonya, that bloody diamond eater.
- Are you a mafia villain too? Elizabeth asked my brother.
- Yes indeed I too am a delinquent, he smiled at her.
- Are you like the right arm? The undercover spy?
I was amused by his remark which seemed so childish to me. By what kind of detective series had it been formatted?
- No, I run the Italian mafia
- Is there the head of the Chinese mafia around this table?
She turned her incredulous little head towards me and for the first time I no longer compared her to that perfidious Sonya but to my little Tashashka.
- No no Icham is not with us today, says my brother just before our father comes to interrupt him.
- Vladimir my son, have you finally chosen who will accompany you to the first charity ball of the season?
- No daddy
Damn I completely forgot about that damn thing.
- FINALLY IT'S TONIGHT! he shouts.
Faced with my silence, he adds:
- If it is like that then I will choose for you.
And, oddly, I felt the bad news coming.