"Can anyone give me the answer to the syllabus outlined on the board?"
Her voice booms through the small classroom, catching close attention from all students in the room.
She didn't know whether her past reputation had been the reason for such obliged respect in a classroom full of preteens, or whether it was their previous teaching that had made them so obedient.
However, her curiosity towards the students behaviour was soon drawn when a curly haired boy sitting in the front row, raises his hand, a vague curious expression clear on his features.
"Yes, Nate?"
"Is it true? Did you really write all the songs on that chicks album that time way back in 2018?"
A boast grin seemed to form across her lips at mention of previous remarkable events that, to this day, shaped her future.
"What?" The confused 16 year old spoke.
"Not chick. Camila. If you want to know the story then you must know the proper name of the woman who started it all- the woman who is the reason we are all in this room today...Do you understand?"
No words could form in Nate's sudden cotton mouth as he had now taken the time to feel the wonders the edge of his seat had to offer. He, and the overall majority of her students were now all intrigued with the story that had yet to begin.
"Now that that's out of the way...lets proceed with the story about the, Writer In The Dark."