The past couple hours in Y/n's room were spent in silence. Camila had no inspiration of what to write about. She had mentioned how tedious her life had been the past year. No romance, family drama, friends, nothing.
"Wow, I really am boring." Camila sighs, laying back as she stares up at the ceiling.
"Don't say that." Y/n huffs, sucking her tongue as she moves down next to the cuban.
The both of them were now looking up at the ceiling together. This made Camila immediately nervous. The closeness and lack of space they had between each other, made Camila's heart pick up speed. What is wrong with me? Why am I feeling this way?
"What about celebrity crushes? Do you have one of those?" Y/n asks, focusing on the lampshade that had surrounded her lightbulb.
"Of course I do. Everyone has a celebrity crush."
"Not me."
"Really?" Camila hums, slightly piqued that she had not even been Y/n's crush.
"I never really put in the time or thought to have one. What's the point in crushing on someone who doesn't even know I exist?"
I know you exist.
"Right." Camila mumbles, avoiding eye contact. "What about celebrity crushes again?"
"First off, who is your celebrity crush?" Y/n asks, sitting up in hopes of getting somewhere with this song writing process.
"Well..." Camila hums, sitting up as she stares at the beige carpet covering the floor of Y/n's room. "I like Ryan Gosling."
"Okay, good. How does Ryan Gosling make you feel?"
"Nothing. I just like him in the notebook."
Y/n huffs in frustration, her hands covering her face. "Anyone else?"
"I mean I kinda like Nick Jonas— but my fans know that. If I wrote a song about him they would immediately know and my label doesn't like that kind of attention."
Rolling her eyes, Y/n glances to the song book on her desk, biting her lip as if she were debating whether or not to resort to it. Shaking her head, Y/n reminds herself that it would not be a good idea to give Camila another song.
"What about your favourite food?" Y/n suggests, running out of ideas.
"I want to impress my fans not give them a reason to throw me in the trash." Camila chuckles.
Pouting in defeat, Y/n takes one last look at her journal, her eyes flickering between the book and Camila. The way Camila's eyes had averted towards her fingers, her slouched back and somewhat hopeless vibe. Y/n couldn't take it anymore.
"Fuck, fine!" Y/n huffs, pushing herself out of bed before snatching the journal out of its place.
Observing closely as Y/n grabs the acoustic guitar from the corner, Camila makes room for the easily coerced latina.
"What are you doing?" Camila questions, looking at the waitress cautiously.
Ignoring Camila's questions, Y/n tosses Camila the book before instructing, "Open up to page 14."
Giving Y/n a hesitant look, Camila decided to skip the debate in her head before following Y/n's instructions. There she found a page with the title,
"Real friends?" Camila voices, glancing between the page and Y/n.
"It's about my best friend. I wrote it last night."
"You wrote this last night!?" Camila exclaims in surprise, noticing how polished up and ready the song was.
"We got into a fight last night."
"About what?"
"I told her that I was going to help you with your music and she got mad because you took my song without permission. I told her she would never understand and that's when she took her apron off and told me never talk to her again."
Camila hadn't realised till now that Y/n had been so open to her. Y/n telling Camila about her grandmother and now her best friend. Camila had never met someone who was so comfortable with speaking about their personal life, especially when it was with someone she barely knew.
"I'm sorry." Camila whispers, remembering she had been the cause of Y/n's loss.
"It's okay. She doesn't know what it's like to need something so bad. Whatever it is."
"I ruined your friendship with your best friend. You should be yelling at me— I wouldn't be surprised if you punched me!" Camila rambles, not minding the thought of Y/n's fist touching her.
"Really, it's fine. She'll get over it in a day or two. She did the same thing when I told her I couldn't make it to our annual Harry Potter binge. Yeah, she was pissed."
Remembering the look on her friends face, Y/n couldn't stop the eruption of laughter that was threatening to escape her lips. Camila had now discovered her favourite sound, Y/n's muffled giggles, her inability to keep them down, made Camila swoon even more. No, am I really falling for this girl? It's been two days, what is happening to me?
"Sorry." Y/n sighs, shaking her head. "She's a handful sometimes, but thats why I love her."
Camila wished she could relate. Yeah, Shawn was a loyal and caring friend, but he wasn't someone that made Camila feel open. Sure they had their moments but somehow, it wasn't enough.
"What about you? Do you have any best friends?" Y/n asks, leaning her chin on her guitar as she awaited Camila's reply.
I did, but I lost them all to my five seconds of fame.
"No. No, not anymore." Camila whispers shamefully, her head handing down as she refused to see the Y/n's elicit.
"Well then this song is perfect for you. Here, help me figure out some chords then we'll go to a studio or whatever and get this baby out into the world."
Finally looking up, Camila couldn't help but stare at the waitress with glazed eyes. How thankful she felt to have someone who made her feel the opposite of an emotionless robot. Someone who genuinely helped her in ways that she needed them.
"Thank you, Y/n— really. You have no idea how much this means to me. You're the reason people are finally noticing me."
"I should be the one thanking you." Y/n chuckles as her fingers caress the neck of her guitar.
"Why?" Camila hums, tilting her head to the side.
"If you hadn't found my journal, I don't know what I would have done with myself. It's my escape from reality. I thought some inconsiderate douche had stolen it— but then you showed up, answering my prayers. So thank you, Camila."
Camila couldn't stop her smile from fading into a flat line. The day had been going great until she realised what got her here in the first place. Camila knew it was wrong to lie to someone that went out of their way to help her. But Camila couldn't help it.
To make matters worse, Y/n places her guitar to the side before crawling towards the confused cuban. Camila's eyes they grow wide when Y/n's arms wrap perfectly around Camila's neck. Camila had been so in shock that she didn't even get the chance to reciprocate the embrace.
Gulping down the stutter that had soon to be let out, Camila feels Y/n pull away slowly, missing the warmth she had kindly shared. Suddenly Camila's guilt had disappeared, thus her giving into her cravings.
"Come back." Camila whispers, pulling Y/n back into her arms.
The action had taken Y/n off guard so much that she had no clue of how to react, similar to how Camila had previously been feeling. Though it had been an awkward gesture, Y/n didn't seem to mind. In fact, she was enjoying the contact and intimacy.
As the both of them sat in silence, hugging one another, Y/n's eyes drift to the window to see that the outside world was pitch black. Time had flew so quick that she didn't even consider the time to be late.
"It's dark outside, Camila." Y/n mumbles against the older girls shoulder, not wanting to pull away as much as Camil didn't.
Frowning, Camila mindlessly separates from the latina. She then pulls out her phone to see that the time, 6:52pm.
"Wow, I didn't realise how late it was." Camila mumbles before stuffing her phone back into her pocket, ignoring the multiple tweets that had invaded her lock screen.
"Yeah, me neither. I was actually enjoying our time together."
The statement seemed to have brightened Camila's mood as the corner of her lips pull upwards. Our time.
"Yeah, me too."
"I guess you'll be going now?" Y/n both asks and suggests.
Not that she wanted Camila to leave, it was just very late and the waitress had an early morning the following day.
"Yeah, I guess I will."
"I'll walk you out."