After the brief but awkward breakfast both Camila and Shawn had experienced, Shawn announced his departure in which Camila had been yearning for the moment the guy had stepped into the restaurant. Camila had now been waiting patiently for Y/n to finish her shift.
As she waited, her eyes couldn't seem to withdraw from the guitar that had been displayed on stage. She had only wondered who it had belonged to. Camila's first thoughts were Y/n, but a guitar like that for a sweet girl like her, it just didn't seem to fit the puzzle pieces.
Looking away from the instrument, Camila looks towards the waitress who had been dressed in some denim shorts and a white t-shirt. An outfit so simple but elegant only made Camila swoon more than she had anticipated.
"Where are we going?" The confused cuban asks, pushing herself out of her seat as she follows close behind Y/n.
"To my house, obviously." Y/n smiles, rolling her eyes playfully as she leads Camila out of the back entrance.
The waitress then stops when she reaches a sky blue scooter. Camila then watches in confusion when she sees Y/n preparing herself to ride it. Camila's confusion grows even more when Y/n hands her a helmet.
"I think I'll just take my car." Camila declines, attempting to leave.
"Do you really want to deal with the fans waiting by your car?"
"I mean It's better than that death machine."
"What are you afraid of? Falling?"
Y/n's reply seemed to have taken Camila off guard. Somehow her question had taken a different meaning in Camila's head. Of course Camila found the waitress immensely attractive, but she never thought she'd be thinking about falling for this girl in any way.
Camila never saw herself falling for someone. Not after the first time. The only time she had fallen for someone, genuinely fallen for someone, was her ex band member. She swore that after that unforgettable experience, she'd never fall again.
"I don't fall." Camila states, stopping to think for a moment. "Okay maybe sometimes, on air but a scooter is different. It's like...It's like a prissy motorcycle."
"Did you just call my baby, prissy?" Y/n gasps, placing her hand over her chest dramatically.
"Technically I didn't say that officially. I said it was like a prissy motorcycle." Camila reassures, only making the waitress roll her eyes.
"Get on, Cabello. I won't say it again."
Sighing in defeat, Camila places the helmet on her head before gulping at what she had to do next.Staring at Y/n from behind, Camila's hands clam up as she waits for Y/n to give her the green light.
"Are you gonna get on or what?" Y/n giggles, looking over her shoulder as she starts the engine of the scooter.
"How do I get on exactly?" Camila calls over the semi loud engine.
"Sit behind me! Come on, Camila! We're wasting daylight!"
Nodding in response, Camila climbs onto the leather seat before clenching her fists. Camila then swallows the lump in her throat when her hands manage to place themselves on Y/n's shoulders.
Rolling her eyes as she smiles, Y/n removes Camila's hands from her shoulders, intending to wrap them around her waist. Cutting to conclusions, Camila miscommunicated the situation as pushing boundaries, thinking she had made the waitress uncomfortable. One thing Camila feared more than losing her family was rejection.
Snatching her hands out of Y/n grip, Camila massages her wrists as she feels her heart beat quicker. Jumping off of the scooter, Camila hastily removes the helmet before backing away.
"I'll just drive." She mumbles, trying her best to avoid any eye contact.
"What happened? You were doing so good." Y/n giggles, finding the situation quite amusing.
What happened? You're really asking that? Were you not aware that you just rejected me? And why are you laughing?
"Where do you live? I'll drive." Camila repeats, not wanting to make the situation more awkward then she had thought it to be.
"974 Orme Avenue."
Leaving the waitress with a nod, Camila hastens to her car without another word. She had already embarrassed herself enough, she wasn't intending to any further.
ARRIVING AT Y/N'S HOUSE, Camila purses her lips when she sees the house in front of her. It was decent. The lawn was freshly cut and the gardens looked well cared for.
"You coming?" Y/n asks, removing her helmet as she makes her way to the porch, waiting for Camila to follow behind her.
"What am I doing?" Camila asks herself, removing the key from the ignition before getting out of the car.
Camila had to admit, she did have regrets. She didn't intend to stumble upon a miracle that night Y/n had performed her song. But it happened. Therefore, being the reason why Camila followed close behind Y/n.
"Abuela!" Y/n calls, entering the small but comfortable house.
"Hmm, cute house." Camila comments, taking in her surroundings as she walks deeper into the home.
Disappearing into the kitchen, Y/n makes her way to the fridge. Camila frowns when Y/n's location had been unknown to her.
"Y/n?" Camila mumbles in search of the latina.
"My grandma left for vegas. I swear that woman is like a gypsy."
"Why do you say that?"
Y/n frowns as she leans back not the kitchen counter, crossing her arms over her chest as she thought.
"Well, she likes to leave a lot. She'll pop up here and there. Something was always off about her. I actually wrote a song about it the night she told me."
"Told you?" Camila asks, tilting her head to gesture her curiosity.
Shifting in her spot, Y/n's eyes train on the white tile floors. "Ever since my lito stopped loving her, I guess everything kinda went bad from there. She kinda felt like...she had no reason to stick around- except for me and my brother of course."
"What about your dad? Does she not care about him?" Camila interjects, curious about Y/n's fathers omission.
"Of course she cares about him, but he doesn't really need her."
"Do you need her?"
"There's a lot of things you don't know about this family, You'd be surprised how much I need my grandmother."
"Does she know that? Why isn't she here-"
"It's not her job to be my mother."
As soon as the words left her lips, Camila could feel the vibe between her and the waitress had changed. From once open, to closed and silent. Camila knew she shouldn't have pushed the subject but her curiosity got the best of her.
"Why would you even consider it to be?" Camila croaks, knowing that by saying this, she could have ruined the chance at an active career.
"I think that's enough of my personal life for one day. Come." Y/n sighs, leading Camila through to her room.
When both latinas reach the room at the end of the hall, Y/n opens the door for Camila before allowing her entrance. Silently thanking the waitress, Camila makes her way into the room before adjusting to the scene.
The room had been designed to fit a young adult. Speaking of, Camila had only just realised that she had no knowledge of Y/n's age. Judging but the plain white bed spread and simple decor, Camila came to a conclusion that she had been around 19-20 years.
"Okay, here." Y/n says, handing Camila a pad of paper and a pen.
She then makes her way over to her bed before patting a seat down next her. "Sit." She commands.
Doing as she was told, Camila takes a seat in front of Y/n before flashing her an awkward smile, not really sure of what to do next.
Camila had worked with many songwriters, but she felt different about it this time. She knew some of that feeling was because of Y/n. It was as if Y/n's thoughts were the centre of Camila's. All she could focus on was what was going on up in the waitresses head.
"Lets start brainstorming, I guess?"