"Help you? Why would you, need my help? Your writing skills can't be that bad can they?"
Y/n had been expecting a response but she had never received one. As much as she didn't want to admit it, Camila in fact needed her more than ever.
Ever since she had released Never Be The Same, the response had been overwhelming. She'd never gotten so much attention in the past year. Not since Havana.
"Judging by your silence, you really do need my help, don't you?"
Unable to form any words, Camila nods in response. Y/n couldn't help but bring her bottom lip between her teeth, staring at the Cuban with hesitant eyes.
As much as she didn't want to give Camila the satisfaction of helping her, Y/n knew the right thing was to suck it up and do it. Both of her parents raised her to be kind to those in need of kindness, even if that person did take your song and claim it as theirs.
"Fine. I'll help you, but on one condition."
"Anything." Camila rushes to say, her hopeful yet excited side full on display.
"You give me credit for the stuff I write."
"Of course. You have my word— shit where are my manners! Would you like anything to drink?" Camila asks as she rushes into the kitchen to pull out two glass cups.
"Oh no, I should be off. It's getting pretty late."
Frowning when the waitress inches closer and closer towards the door, Camila couldn't help but yearn for the young woman to stay longer.
But that was until her best friend crosses her mind. She had completely left him in the restaurant alone. Camila did recall him saying that he wouldn't depart regardless of her presence, but she still couldn't help but feel worried.
"Shit, I totally forgot! Hey," Camila calls out to the waitress who had her hand wrapped around the door handle. "you didn't happen to stumble upon my friend would you? You met him yesterday— Shawn?"
"Or right! That Canadian dude. Yeah, he left a little after you did. I gave him my number, he's kinda cute." Y/n gushes, smiling at the thought of Camila's best friend.
Camila didn't know why, but a fire seemed to have ignited inside of her. Jealousy wasn't a familiar feeling to Camila. She never really saw the point in it. But this time was different, Camila didn't know the source of her jealousy.
Whether it was because Shawn was making new friends without her or the fact that Y/n had been somewhat flaunting over the Canadian guy. Either way, Camila didn't like the idea of Y/n and Shawn as an item.
"He's got a girlfriend!" Camila uncontrollably blurts out, covering her mouth as she immediately regrets her words that were far from the truth.
"That's a shame, he's a nice guy." Y/n sighs before sparing Camila once last look. "It was nice to clear the air between us, Camila. Now I can sleep mildly easy tonight."
From this moment on, the smiling Cuban was proud to have been named Camila. The way her name had slipped off of Y/n's tongue so effortlessly, formed a small butterfly in Camila's stomach. Unfortunately not a field of butterflies, just one. But Camila knew that one butterfly, would bug her from time to time.
"Yeah no, I understand if you couldn't sleep at all. I'd be angry if someone took credit for my song too. It was a dick move."
A faint smirk toys with the corner of the waitresses lips as her eyes flicker between Camila and the floor.
"Yes. A dick move indeed. I guess it would also be a dick move if I didn't come by tomorrow and help you with getting some inspiration, now would it?"
Suddenly Camila felt her cheeks flush at the possibility of Y/n returning.
"So it's offical then? You'll help me write more songs?"
"Don't sound so eager, Cabello. I said I'd help you with inspiration. Maybe if things go well, I might consider giving you a song. It's not official though so don't get your hopes up."
Camila knew there was no way of persuading Y/n any further. It was late and Y/n probably had an early day tomorrow. After all, she had more of a realistic job than Camila herself. It's not everyday, someone becomes loved and popularised in the public eye.
Shifting back in forth as the tedious silence eats at both equally awkward girls, Y/n clears her throat as she reaches for the door handle a second time. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?"
Camila smiles at the reassurance, nodding in response as she remembers something.
"Wait! Before you go," Camila rushes to say, stepping in front of Y/n with a nervous smile.
"I don't believe we formally introduced each other."
Licking her chapped lips as she holds out her hand, Camila ignores the confused looks she had been receiving before speaking. "I'm Camila and might I say, you look very beautiful tonight."
"Thank you, Camila." Y/n replies, reciprocating the enviable handshake.
"Although your compliment is kind, it just so happens to be the second time I've heard it."
"Oh really?" Camila hums, doing her best to hide her evident hurt.
"Yes. By your friend, Shawn I believe. But I must say, your introduction is a one to remember."
Although Shawn had beaten Camila to many generic flirtatious moves, hearing that her encounter would be one to remember somehow made up for it.
"Shawn can be a Fuckboy sometimes. Most refuse to believe it." Camila informs, throwing her friend under the bus but exposing the complete truth.
No one never really knew with Shawn, whether he was dating this girl or that girl. He was a very conflicted guy when it came to sharing his relationships with the public, sometimes with his friends and family too.
"I believe it."
Camila's smile remains as she takes the time to admire how genuinely beautiful Y/n had looked tonight.
Camila didn't know whether it was the Latin ethnic background that lured her into the waitress or if it was her way with words. Either way, Camila was running out of words to keep Y/n's presence.
"Well— I'll be going for real this time. Goodnight- I mean morning? I'm not usually up this late— I mean early?"
Camila couldn't help but lightly giggle at Y/n's stammering. This once confident and sweet girl, now a stuttering and awkward mess. Camila would be lying if she admitted Y/n's behaviour to be not even the slightest bit amusing.
"Goodnight, Y/n. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow." Camila speaks, offering Y/n a tired smile.
Come to think of it, Camila hadn't slept in over 24 hours. She was surprised she wasn't face down on the floor by now. If anyone knew Camila, they'd know that she loved her sleep.
"You too, Camila. Goodnight." And with that, she was gone.
However, Camila was here. Her lips curved into a smile due to the obvious success that had happened. Maybe there was hope for her career. Only time would tell.
Little did Camila know, the next morning would be the most palpable morning she would ever experience.ude