Shaan's P.O.V.
Vai was not answering my calls. After remaining all day at home, I thought of going to meet him in person.
I went to his house but he wasn’t there. So I thought he must be in the office and without thinking too much, I went to his office.
I was right as I saw his car parked right there. I directly went towards his cabin and knocked but heard nothing.
So I pushed the door and entered the cabin to check whether he was there.
He was not in his chair. When I turned to leave, I caught the sight of him lying on the couch and sleeping. He was not looking well.
I saw the girl, Tithy sitting beside him on a chair who was sleeping in that position which reminded of the past time when vai was ill and Titly sitting beside him like this while keeping a soup beside her so that she could feed vai whenever he would wake up.
I saw there a bowl on the table as well. I was utterly shocked seeing the situation and the similarity and got paused there.
The girl opened her eyes and caught the sight of me and she also got shocked. Soon the expression turned to anger as she got near me.
With an angry tone, she asked me pointing at vai, "You call him vai, right? Is he really your real brother!" Sarcasm was filled in her voice with anger.
"What do you mean?" I also asked her in a cold tone.
She didn’t bother my coldness and answered, "Look at his condition. According to the doctor, he has not been taking rest or his meal properly lately. And it's quite obvious. Anyone would say that seeing him like this. Shouldn’t you have taken a little care of him at least? Rather than just calling him your brother, be and act like his brother."
Hearing this, I looked at vai again. He was really looking exhausted.
Our talk might be disturbed his sleep as he opened his eyes. Seeing me and Tithy standing like that, he also would have remembered old times as he spoke up slowly, "A sick man is sleeping here but you two just started your Tom and Jerry show like always. "
I sadly smiled hearing that but Tithy got shocked. Seeing our expression, vai looked at us confusingly and then all around only to understand the situation that changed his expression.
He sat on couch and gave me a glance. Then he turned to Tithy and said, "You didn't leave yet. What are still doing here? Have you noticed the time?"
"Actually, sir I didn’t want to leave you alone like this." she tried to go on but vai stopped her and said, "I am fine now. You should go."
To our utter surprise, she got near vai and said, "No. You are not fine. I have made veg soup for you. Have it then you have to take medicine and no more work now. You need to take rest."
She was behaving just like Titly. Vai smiled a little and took the bowl of soup. After taking spoonful for few times, he looked at Tithy and said, "I am taking it. You go. Your family must be worrying for you."
"But sir.." she tried to protest again but vai stopped her again and took out his phone.
"Tithy, is going down in a minute. Take her home." saying this, vai cut off the line and said to her, "Go. My driver will be taking you home as it’s quite late."
She left the cabin and I got near vai. He was taking soup silently without looking at me for once.
When I tried to say, "Vai" he just yelled, "Shaan, please."
I pleaded, "Vai at least listen to me for once."
He uttered only one word, "No"
When I was about say something again, Tithy came to the cabin again.
"Sir, make sure to take medicine and rest after you complete the full bowl."
Vai didn't reply her anything.
Then she looked at both of us and sensing the situation going on here, she spoke up something that caught us off guard.
"May be it’s not my place to say this but still I would like to say. The behaviour of you two tells that you were very sure to be happy if just Titly would have been alive. Then at least try to live happily now to make her feel less guilty. As it’s not like she wanted to leave you two. She didn’t have any option. She just had to."
Saying that, she left from there giving a sad smile and we two remained there frozen.
Roshni's P.O.V.
It was almost 9 by night. I was getting damn worried for Tithy as she wasn’t home till now. I was afraid if something bad happened to her.
She was not taking my calls. After trying for almost 30 times, she answered and before she could say anything, I spoke up, “Where are you sweetie? Why aren’t you home yet? Did anything happen? Are you okay?”
At last part my voice was trembling which got relaxed when she said, “Oh oh. Cool Api. My phone was on silent mode. I am okay and on my way back home. You don’t worry. Getting home, I will tell you everything.”
Feeling relieved, I said, “Okay. Come soon.”
To tell this to Ammi, I got outside. But she wasn’t in the kitchen. I went towards her room and found her crying taking hugging a photo frame which was of Abbu for I sure.
I went near her and put my hand on her shoulder. She looked at me with teary eyes and kept staring at me for a while.
When she moved away my hand while crying, I couldn't handle to see her like this anymore.
To make her stop, I spoke up going against myself, “I will marry Tamim.”
Assalamu_Alaikum lovely people..
Hope you are all well by the grace of Almighty ALLAH.
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