Ruhaan's P.O.V.
When Tithy left, I remained standstill for a moment. I knew she was hurt but what would I do! I just couldn't simply take that question then how was I supposed to answer her. To divert my mind, I started working on a file.
Several hours passed and I was still working on that file when I heard a knock. I permitted and Tithy again entered into my cabin. I thought everyone left including her as it was quite late for office hour. Just to confirm, I looked at the table clock and I was right. She tried to say something but cutting her off, I told her to leave. Then I turned to clock again and my eyes caught the sight of the date of today.
Then I understood why Shaan was here today. How could I forget this! Full day passed but I didn't get this!
My mind replied instantly, "Because you feel it everyday"
Closing the file, I got up and rushed towards the exit of the building. Hopping in my car, I started it while going on with the same thought and pushed someone off by my car.
While driving, I didn't notice that someone came in front of my car. When I heard a sound of screaming, I came out of my thought and saw someone was there in front of my car and screaming in pain. I immediately got down and went towards that person whom I pushed off by my car and apologized immediately. "I am really sorry. Are you okay?"
But to my utter surprise, the person turned out to be Tithy out all the person. I got dumbstruck as I didn't even imagine it. Seeing me, she stopped screaming immediately.
But when I saw that she was having trouble in getting up, I got close to her and tried to help her but she refused politely saying, " It's okay sir and I am alright. Don't worry."
I remained standing there getting hurt but when I saw that she wasn't being able to get up even after trying for a while, I again got close to her and gave her a pleading look saying, "Please let me.."
When she nodded, I held her and helped her to get up and said, "Let's go to hospital."
She didn't say anything and I took her in my car. I helped her putting on her seatbelt when her phone rang off. Glancing at the phone, she looked at me.
When I told her to take the call, she took the call. I didn't know who was on the line. But she seemed to smile slightly being relieved and just kept saying, "Yeah yeah. Everything is alright and I am coming home within 10 to 15 minutes."
When she cut the line, I spoke up, "Tithy, we will go to the hospital first."
"It's nothing, sir to an accident pro girl like me. I don't need to go to hospital."
Saying this, she looked around her and being confused she looked at me.
"Nothing sir. But I don't want to go to hospital. I just want to go home. Please."
The look on her face was trying to express many things but I just couldn't get that. She tried to put off the seat belt. Seeing that, being confused I asked her, " What are you doing?"
She kept on trying to put off the seat belt while saying, "I will go home. I won't go to hospital. I will go home."
"Just relax. I won't take you to the hospital. We will directly drive to your home. Okay?"
When she nodded, I asked about her address. She told me and I started driving towards her home.
I just wanted her to talk to me and to tell me if anything was bothering her but she didn't even look at me. She kept staring at the road quietly. I didn't know what to do or what to ask her.
I kept staring at her for a moment and some words came out of my mouth unintentionally.
"Titly is my little sister but she is no more."
My eyes got watery while saying this. When she turned to me, I turned towards the road.
Tithy's P.O.V.
When Ruhaan sir tried to help me, I refused. But when I failed to get up even after several tries, he again came close to help and gave me a pleading look. I just couldn't refuse then. And when he hold me to make me get up, I didn't know why but I was feeling safe.
He was saying something to me but no word was able to get through my mind as I kept thinking about something else. The feelings which I normally get being with Api only, I was feeling like that being with Ruhaan sir. But why? My thought got interrupted when my phone rang off. I looked at the phone and it was Api. I smiled slightly being relieved.
"Where are you, sweetie? It's quite late for your office hour. Are you alright? When are you coming back home?" She was sounding quite worried for me as nowadays she becomes worried for me if I get late for even a minute and today I got late for 30 mins. I calmed her saying, "Yeah yeah. Everything is alright and I am coming home in 10 to 15 minutes."
And before she could say anything else, I cut the line when Ruhaan sir spoke up that we were going to hospital first. I normally told him that it's okay for me and I didn't need to go to hospital. While saying this, I looked around me and found me sitting in his car. But when I got in, I didn't remember.
I didn't know what happened to me. I tried to put off the seat belt while saying, "I will go home. I won't go to hospital. I will go home."
Seeing my desperation, He agreed to me and said, "Just relax. I won't take you to the hospital. We will directly drive to your home. Okay?"
I nodded and gave him my address. He started driving and I kept staring forward with a blank mind.
Then I heard him saying, "Titly is my little sister but she is no more." And when I turned to him, he looked forward.
When I said, "I am sorry", he looked at me and smiled sadly but tear stain was visible on his cheek.
I read in a book, "When you can tell your story and it doesn't make you cry that's when you know you have healed."
That means Ruhaan sir is not healed yet after that incident and I hurt him again by asking the question and by making him remember that. Feeling guilty, I kept quiet again and looked forward.
Ruhaan's P.O.V.
We reached Tithy's home and I got down from the car immediately and went to the other side where Tithy was sitting. I helped her getting down from the car and started to walk towards the entrance of her house while holding her.
In no minutes I saw a girl running towards to us while shouting, "Hey, what happened to your leg, Tithy?"
Getting hold of Tithy, the girl glared at me. Finding nothing to do, I backed off. This girl, She looked familiar like I saw her somewhere but just couldn't remember where.
Assalamu_Alaikum lovely people..
Hope you are all well by the grace of Almighty ALLAH.
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