Tithy's P.O.V.
I was very much excited today for office like I was going to office after so many days.
Getting ready when I came out of my room for breakfast, my excitement changed to sadness seeing the expression off Ma and Api.
Api was trying to make Ma smile but nothing was working.
Like last night, our breakfast time passed silently but not for me. I tried to make the situation normal by being myself. But their expression didn’t change a bit.
After breakfast, Api kissed Ma on the top of her head and said, "We are leaving for office, Ammi. You take care."
Ammi just nodded without giving any answer. I got out of the house following Api and asked her, "Api, have you made any decision what you will do?"
She looked at me and I continued, "I mean we can't let Ma be like this for long, right?"
She said looking at me with a little bit of smile, "You don’t worry sweetie. I will take care of the matter."
"But Api.. " I again tried to say something only to get cut off by her.
"Tithy, you don’t need to worry. Now go on your way and take care." Hearing her at first, I didn’t get her but seeing around, I understood while walking we reached the point from where our office ways are different.
I nodded and walked upto a little distance ahead and took a taxi to go to my office.
Ruhaan's P.O.V.
I woke up for fazar prayer and after that I again fell asleep and when I woke up again it was already 9 by morning.
I got freshen up and took a warm shower. After that getting ready, I rushed to downstairs.
Kaki already set my breakfast on the table. I took a slice of bread and juice and rushed to office.
Entering office while passing by the cabin of Tithy, I found her working on a file. Seeing her, a smile crept on my lips. I found myself automatically entering to her cabin.
Seeing me, she stood up immediately and asked, "Sir, you need something?"
While nodding, I asked her, "What's the condition of your leg?"
"It’s okay now, sir." She replied smilingly and I left the cabin saying, "Alhamdulillah. Come to my cabin after a few minutes."
After sometime, she came to my cabin and I handed her a file and said, "It’s the new project file which was finalised yesterday. Check it out and arrange a meeting after lunch time."
"Okay sir." saying this, she was about to leave when I spoke up again, "By the way the project will be handled by Roshni, your sister. I think you already knew this."
She gave me surprised look so I continued, "This contract is between Khan and Ahmed Industries. Doesn’t your sister work there as a project manager?"
"Yes but she didn’t tell me anything regarding this project. May be she forgot. Actually a lot of things are going on in our house these days and like always she is trying to handle it alone. May be that's why she forgot to tell me otherwise she doesn’t really hide anything from me. She always" while going on like this, she stopped suddenly.
Seeing her return to her older self, I felt happy but some words of her bothered me.
Before I could say anything, she left my cabin saying, "I am sorry sir. I will check it out now."
But her words kept buzzing in my mind, "Actually a lot of things are going on in our house these days"
I kept aside the thought for a while after deciding to ask her later about this and started working.
In meeting hearing the progress of the current project, I was satisfied with the performance of all departments. I gave a briefing on the new project and my plan how to go on with this one.
When the meeting ended, it was almost 5 by afternoon. I came back to my cabin and Tithy followed me. I was about to ask her about the things going on in her house but she spoke up before me, "Sir, coffee?"
I nodded and she left my cabin. After a while she came back with two cups of coffee. Seeing that, I looked at her with a questioning look.
Understanding me, she answered politely, "I have some pending work sir due to the off of last two days. So I made one for me."
Seeing the time when I said, "It’s almost 5.30 by afternoon.", she spoke up, " That's okay sir. I need to finish my work."
I nodded and she left my cabin.
Roshni's P. O.V.
While working after lunch time , I remembered of something and texted Tamim to meet me after office time.
After office when I met him, I forwarded an envelope to him. Seeing the envelope, he spoke up as he understood that there was money inside.
"Roshni, is it necessary to continue to return the rest of money? I mean we will be married soon."
"That's the matter of future. Who knows what will happen!" Saying this, I handed him the envelope.
While holding it, he said, "Roshni, are you by any chance considering of saying 'NO' to my proposal? Please don’t do this. I really like you a lot, Roshni."
I didn’t know what to answer him. I have never thought of him that way. Normally I don’t talk to boys let alone hanging out with them.
If it was like other time when Tamim used to try to talk to me at college days, I wouldn't have even talked to him. But when I was totally helpless and he gave me a helping hand, I ended up taking it while battling with my inner self.
I had to save my family and I did it while saying to myself, "It's okay. I will just return him the money later"
My thought got interrupted when Tamim called my name, "Roshni?"
Finding nothing to answer his question, I thought about leaving from there and said, "Ammi must be waiting for me. I had to leave now."
He was disappointed hearing me and spoke up sadly, "Okay. Let me ride you back home. "
I politely refused his offer and left from there saying, "No. Thank you. I will go by myself."
Without turning to him, I took a taxi and forwarded towards home with a thought to convince Ammi not to force me with this.
But in my heart I was afraid what she would do then!
Assalamu_Alaikum lovely people..
Hope you are all well by the grace of Almighty ALLAH.
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