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"Are you going somewhere today?" Calum asked as I entered the kitchen groggily.

I opened the cupboard and took my own bowl and then grabbed a spoon from the utensil drawer and sat down next to Calum at the breakfast counter.

"I think I'll head down to the bookstore later," I said as I poured some cereals into my bowl and then added some milk with it.

"What time?"

"Maybe around afternoon."

"Oh, shit."

"Why?" I asked him, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"Well, I wanna go with you but I can't because I have to meet up with Alex later for a pair assignment," Calum explained with a frown.

"Alex from the party?"


"Why would you wanna go with me anyway? Are you gonna buy something from the bookstore?"

"No, not really. I just wanna see the bookstore. And also to give you a ride because I know you don't really like to take the bus and you are just forced to take them when I'm not around to drive you or let you borrow the car."

I laughed. "True. But it's okay. I am saving up anyway. Sooner or later I will my own car and by that time, I can avoid the bus."

Calum smiled, "Until then you are always free to borrow mine. But just not today."

"Not today."

"Anyway, how was your work?" Calum asked then took a sip of his orange juice.

I shrugged, "I kinda enjoy it really. Sometimes a bit exhausting but it's fine all in all."

"That's nice. I should drop by sometimes during your shift."

"Yeah, you should. I have been working for a week already and I still haven't seen you drop by during my shift. Too busy, aren't ya?" I teased.

Calum chuckled, "Yeah, I'm sorry. I fucking hate it, because it's just the first week of class and these professors are already giving tons of shit to do."

"It's ok, Cal. I do have tons of shit to do too so you are not alone." I comforted him.

"But you still manage to finish them all and have a job. I mean we basically almost have the schedule."

"It's because you are a lazy-ass."

"Don't be mean," Calum pouted, making me laugh.


I was going through my closet to pick an outfit for today. I am not really that picky in choosing an outfit though, just as long as I feel comfortable.

I settled for my Nirvana shirt and a pair of ripped black skinny jeans. I then put on my black Chucks and fixed my hair. I sprayed a bit of cologne and then grabbed my wallet and then my phone.

I was heading towards my bedroom door when I suddenly remembered what Ashton told me last night: to text him if I decided to go somewhere today. I don't know why he wanted me to do it. I don't even see a reason why he wants me to do it and why I should do it. But still, I ended up texting him, just to avoid being confronted by him.

After I hit send, I stepped out of my bedroom and said goodbye to Calum who was in his room also getting ready to meet up with his project partner.

"I think I can still drop you off at the bookstore before I go meet Alex," Calum said as he was putting on his shoes.

"It's okay, Cal. You don't have to. And besides, I really have to get going. I think I have to stop by the supermarket afterward so I should really go."

Calum huffed, "Ok then. See you later. Take care."

"You too," I replied with a smile then head to the door.

I checked my phone as I got in the elevator to check if there is a text from Ashton but there was none so I inserted my phone back into my pocket.

As soon as I reached the ground floor, I casually walked out of the building and was abruptly stopped outside by Ashton's voice saying, "What took you so long?"

I turned around and saw him leaning against the wall of the apartment building just by the building's entrance/exit.

He pushed himself to stand up properly and walked over to me as I stood there with a surprised and confused expression on my face.

"So are we going or what?" He asked me as he stood in front of me.

"You are coming with me?" I asked him in pure confusion.

He rolled his eyes then said in an annoyed voice, "Of course, Luke. Why else would I want you to text me? Who would drive you there when you don't have a car?"

"Why?" I softly asked in utter surprise.

His eyebrows furrowed, "Why what?"

"Why would you do this? I mean...why would you drive me to places? You're not obligated to do that. It's not your responsibility. I can always take the bus while I don't have a car. Plus...we are not friends, remember?"

Ashton looked at me in the eyes for a moment then huffed and said, "I don't like you walking or taking the bus when you go somewhere. It's not safe. And yes, we're not friends but people can do shit for others even if they're not friends.

"Why do you care?"

"Why do you keep asking questions, Luke?" Ashton asked voice annoyed and a bit frustrated.

"I'm sorry. I just wanna know." I softly said.

"You don't have to know everything, ok? Now, get your ass in the car so we can leave." He ordered.

I nodded and headed towards the parking area to where Ashton parked his car. We both got in and took off to the bookstore.

The ride was again silent and not really comfortable. I spent the whole drive thinking about what could possibly be the reason behind Ashton's recent actions.

He's being a bit nice for one: doing things he shouldn't have for me, like right now, driving me to the bookstore or like last night when he gave me a ride home and let's not forget about the fact that he saved me from being sexually abused at that frat party last weekend. He even took care of me after that and stayed with me the whole time until I felt better. He even actually talks to me now, though he can be rude and bossy, but, he is not that cold anymore even despite the fact that he was the one who said that we're not friends. Which makes me wonder what to call us now that I think about it. Maybe I'll just stick to not being friends.

I really appreciate everything he is doing, I do. It's just that, it's confusing. His actions, that is. He was the one who had established that there will never be a future for friendship between us and yet here he is doing all these things: all these nice things. It's leaving me confused.

I know he won't even admit it to himself that he is being nice to me and would even try to cover it up by being rude and bossy but I can see all that and I appreciate all that. Only, I don't understand why. Maybe...I don't know...maybe he pities me for what happened to me at that frat party? Yeah...maybe that's it.

I huffed out a breath and looked down on my hands resting on my lap.

"You okay?" Ashton asked.

I turned to look at him and nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You seem like you're not."

"I'm fine, Ash..." I right then realize what I said so cleared my throat, "I mean Ashton."

Ashton didn't say anything and I watched him drive as he turned the car around the corner and stopped the car in front of the bookstore.

"Well uh...thanks for the ride, Ashton," I said to him and hurriedly got off the car. Without looking back I walked inside the bookstore went straight into looking for the books I need and forced myself to stop thinking about Ashton.

I was going through a shelf looking for the last book I need when I felt a presence behind me. I straightened up and turned around to see who it is and if I am blocking his/her view from the bookshelf.

But to my utter surprise, I found Ashton standing there, with his eyes glued to his phone: texting, probably.

"Ashton, what are you doing here?" I asked him, surprise and confusion evident in my voice.

Without looking up, he said, "Waiting for you, what else?"

"What? Why?"

"What do you mean 'why'?" This time he put away his phone and looked up at me.

"Why are you waiting for me?"

"What kind of question is that, Luke?"

"Well the kind that I am so confused as to why you are here and waiting for me?"

Ashton rolled his eyes then went through with some of the books as he said, "I'm waiting for you because, how else are you gonna go home? I am your ride."


"Ashton, like I said before I can take the bus home. You are not obliged to drive me everywhere. And besides, I have to stop by the supermarket after this."

"No," was all that he said, without even looking at me. What is wrong with this guy? Can he be more confusing?

"No? What do you mean by that?"

He let out a breath then turned to me and said, "No, you are not taking the bus and I know I am not obliged to drive you anywhere or do shit for you but I am doing it so shut up, accept it, and get on with your book shopping so we can proceed to the Supermarket."


"No buts, Luke." He said then turned away from me and continued scanning the bookshelf.

I stared at him and opened my mouth to say something but then closed it back and just decided not to say anything and went back into looking for my book.

I swear to God this guy is making me more and more confused each fucking time. I just don't understand why is he doing what he's doing.

I tried to shake the thoughts away and focused on the books. I even tried to ignore his presence but we all know that would be quite impossible since it's Ashton: the guy whose mere presence is like a Greek God has just arrived from Olympus. You just can't ignore him.

I huffed and went through another shelf with Ashton following me and when I found the book I grabbed it and turned to him.

"I got everything I need. I'm gonna go pay. You can just wait outside if you like." I told him.

He nodded and without saying anything, he headed for the door and stepped outside.

I sighed and headed towards the counter and waited in the short line. I only got two people before me so it was not a long wait.

As soon as it was my turn, I placed the books on the counter and the cashier had them checked and punched in. I paid for the books then grabbed the bag they were placed in and thanked the cashier before I left.

As soon as I stepped outside the bookstore, I looked around to find Ashton and saw him standing by his car, phone in his ear, and a cigarette between his fingers in his free hand.

I am not really surprised that he smokes. Not being judgmental, but I just got the idea already that he does. It doesn't really bother me anyway. Calum smokes once in a while, so...

Anyway, I watched Ashton for a few moments and I noticed the look in his face while he was talking to whoever it is on the phone. He looks angry. Not the usual look on his face. It's like he is definitely angry. Whatever the person on the other side of the call is telling him must probably be something that pisses him off.

Ashton looked up and locked eyes with me so I started walking towards him. He said something to the phone then hung up and inserted his phone back into his pocket. He then took a drag of his cigarette and threw it down on the ground before stepping on it.

"You ready to go?" He asked calmly. Not the tone of his voice that I was expecting.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Come on then. We gotta head to the supermarket, right?"

I nodded.

"Okay." He then went closer to me and reached for the bag in my hand. I gave him a confused look which he returned with a raised eyebrow.

"What? I'm just gonna place this in the backseat." He told me as he took the bag from me.

I just gave him a nod and watched him as he opened the door in the backseat and placed my bag of books on the seat.

"Get in." He said and gestured to the front seat as he closed the door on the backseat.

I did as told and just a moment later he was climbing into the driver's seat.

We immediately left for the Supermarket and this time, he put some music on. Actually, some good music. I didn't know we listen to the same bands and liked the same kind of music. Maybe it's the only thing we have in common.

Sugar We're Going Down by Fall Out Boy was playing in the car. I tapped my fingers on my lap with the beat of the music as I softly sang along with the song while looking out the window.

"Didn't know you could sing," Ashton commented, making me immediately stop singing and turn to him.

"I uh...I don't really." I said.

Ashton chuckled, "I think you sound good."

"Uh...thanks, I guess," I said trying to hide the blush that had just crept up to my cheeks.

Ashton then slowed the car down and I looked ahead to see that we have reached the Supermarket.

Ashton stopped at the entrance of the Supermarket and before I could say anything, he said, "Wait for me here, I'll just go park the car, ok?"

"Oh. Okay." I nodded then stepped out of the car and stood by the side of the entrance as I watched him drive the car to the parking area and parked it at a vacant spot.

I wasn't surprised that he's staying and coming with me inside the store. I kind of figured that out. It actually kind of felt nice that he's being nice to me, though it is confusing. But it is like I am seeing a different side of him. Unlike the one he

is showing people.

He walked up to me then gestured for us to get inside. I followed him then grabbed a cart by the entrance and pushed it as we walked around the store looking for the things that I need.

Ashton followed me around and was even grabbing stuff that he needs...or just wants.

We were in the cereals section and I was looking at all the options in front of me trying to figure out which ones to pick. Ashton was watching me with an amused look on his face. I turned to him and raised an eyebrow as I said, "What?"

"You look like you're making the most difficult decision of your life," Ashton said mockingly.

"Well, it is actually hard to choose from all these choices you know," I told him.

"Do you really have the habit of making everything complicated?"

"I am not making everything complicated, Ashton."

"Okay. You can just pick one or two from them you know. Simple."

"No, it's not that simple."


I was gonna respond but we were interrupted by someone behind Ashton saying with a British accent and a bit high-pitched voice, "Well well well...who do we have here?"

I looked at Ashton who closed his eyes then huffed before opening them again. He gave me a small smile before he turned around to the guy and said, "Louis."

I looked at the guy who is now in front of Ashton. He is small though quite good-looking: big blue eyes, feathery chestnut hair in a messy fringe swept to the side, cute button nose, and that goofy grin which makes crinkles in his eyes. He is really beautiful to be quite honest.

"Hey, Ashton! Been a while, innit?" Louis, I assume his name is, said.

"A while, yeah," Ashton responded.

Louis grinned big as he shook his head, then he suddenly called out to I don't know who, saying, "Haz, come here! You won't believe who I just ran into."

"Okay, great!" Ashton muttered under his breath but loud enough for me and Louis to hear.

"Come on, Ash..." Louis said to Ashton.

Ashton just gave him a shrug.

A curly-headed guy then appeared behind Louis from the other side of the aisle and he has this eerie resemblance with Ashton, only his hair is darker, his skin is paler, he is a little bit shorter than Ashton, and his eyes are really green while Ashton's are hazel-green.

"Ashton?!" The guy with Louis said in a really deep voice with wide eyes then pulled Ashton into a tight hug before Ashton could say anything to him.

Ashton hugged him back as he said, "Hello, Harry."

I glanced at Louis who was watching the two boys hugging with a fond smile.

I know it is none of my business but it makes me wonder and confused who these people are. But I tried to hide it and just awkwardly stood there watching them.

The green-eyed guy then looked up and his gaze landed on me. He smiled at me making his dimples pop up like Ashton's.

I smiled back at him. He then pulled away from the hug and looked at Ashton as he said, "How are you?"

"I'm fine, Harry," Ashton responded.

"Why haven't you visited? Or called? I've been worried."

"I'm sorry, ok?"

Harry, I again assumed, huffed. Then he glanced at me then back to Ashton, raising an eyebrow.

Ashton sighed then turned to look at me, gesturing for me to come closer. I did as told and stood next to Ashton.

"This is Luke," Ashton introduced me to the two guys.

Harry then extended a hand and said with a dimply smile, "Hi! I'm Harry, Ashton's brother." Well, that really does explain it.

I shook hands with him and before I could respond, he added, "And I'm gay."

"Oh. Well, I'm Luke and I'm also gay." I replied with a smile.

"Well, I'm Louis. Bisexual and Harry's fiancé," Louis said also shaking hands with me.

I chuckled, "Good to meet you."

"Great." Ashton groaned.

"What's the problem, Ashton?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing," Ashton responded.

"You know it is much better to be out and open to avoid confusion and wrong assumptions and to know who to be friends with."

"Okay, Harry."

"Well, I'm not exactly out but it kinda feels nice to be somehow...open," I said.

Harry grinned, "You should not be afraid to express who you are, Luke. Live freely."

I smiled as Louis patted my shoulder.

"Anyway, Ashton, where's Michael?" Louis asked.

"I don't know. I don't follow the guy around." Ashton just casually responded.

"You are still friends with him, aren't you?" Harry sternly asked.

"Of course, I am, and still living with him too. Michael's my best friend." Ashton responded a bit harshly as if he was offended by Harry.


"So? What are you guys up to? Aside from arguing about cereals?" Louis asked gesturing to the boxes of cereals.

"Well I'm just grabbing up some stuff that I would need at home and Ashton here as well so since we live in the same building and going to the same place, he offered me a ride. I don't have a car yet, so..."

"Yeah...riding the bus kinda sucks, I know." Harry agreed then turned to Ashton with a smile and said, "Well it's nice of you to give Luke a ride."

"Don't make it such a big deal," Ashton said.

"How can I not? It rarely happens. You don't do stuff for people and this is basically the first time that we met a friend of yours who is not Michael."

"What are you talking about? I have friends other than Michael. A lot, actually." Ashton contradicted.

"You know a lot of people, Ash. But everybody knows you don't consider them friends because you don't make friends."

"Fine, Harry. You know everything." Ashton said with an eye roll.

"About you, as a matter of fact, yes, I do," Harry stated.

"Well, congratulations, Harry!"

"Ashton..." I said, not wanting Ashton to go on and possibly start a fight with his brother.

Ashton looked at me then sighed, "Fine. I'm sorry."

I was actually surprised, to be honest. I didn't expect him to comply. I thought he'd snap at me. Well, I guess things do happen when you least expect it.

I noticed Harry and Louis glanced at each other then Harry said, "It's ok, Luke. That's how Ashton and I talk."

I gave him a small smile which he returned with a dimply grin. Then he cheerfully said, "You know what, I have an idea!"

"Oh, god," Ashton muttered, closing his eyes then opening them again.

Harry rolled his eyes at him the turned to me with a smile and said, "Let's have dinner tonight!"

"What?!" Ashton said looking at Harry as if he just said the most ridiculous thing.

"Dinner is perfect, actually. We haven't done that in a while." Louis said.

"Yeah, because someone has basically forgotten that we still exist," Harrys stated.

Ashton rolled his eyes.

Louis looked at me and said, "That would be fine with you, right?"

"I'm sure Luke has some other better things to do," Ashton said before I could respond to Louis.

I looked at Ashton, who was already looking at me with a knowing look, then I turned to Harry who has a hopeful expression on his face.

"Please, Luke?" Harry said with a pout, and who can resist that?

I smiled then said, "A dinner would be perfect."

Harry grinned big, clapping his hand as Louis smiled as well. I looked at Ashton who is obviously not happy about it.

I just don't want to be rude to Harry and Louis. They invited me for dinner and it would just be right to say yes. Plus, I don't want to be a barrier between the brothers. Harry obviously wants to spend some time with Ashton even though Ashton isn't really fond of the idea. Well, I can deal with him later. Hopefully. But now, I shall go have dinner with all of them.


We were all seated at a table outside the restaurant. Harry wanted to stay at the tables outside because he likes watching the people pass by. Ashton thought it was ridiculous but I think it is kind of nice and somehow relaxing.

A waiter took our orders and while we waited for them to be served, Ashton excused himself to go to the bathroom.

I was sitting next to Harry and opposite Louis. Being alone with the two, I don't actually feel awkward. It was nice and comfortable. Harry is really nice and dorky, and Louis is funny though really sassy, but when it comes to Harry, he turns all soft with that fond all over his face as he looks at him.

I like watching them interact with each other. The way the talk to each other and move around each other, they seemed so relaxed. It was like they are...at home. The two of them are really a lovely sight.

"So...Luke, how long have you been friends with Ash?" Harry asked.

"Uhm..." I said, contemplating whether, to be honest, and tell them that Ashton and I aren't really friends, or I would just answer the question with a little bit of lying. I then chose the latter. Besides, Ashton didn't even tell them the truth. "I have known him for just a bit. I met him when my best friend, Calum, and I moved into the apartment building, Ashton and Michael are staying."

"You just moved?"

"Yeah, it's our first year in uni and I kinda don't like loving in the dorms so Calum and I decided to stay in an apartment. The place we're staying now is kind of close to the campus, so..."

"I hated living in the dorms," Louis commented.

"Yeah, that's why you immediately moved in with me a month after we started dating," Harry stated.

"But we both know, it made your boring life more exciting."


They both threw each other a sweet smile then Louis turned to me and said, "Good thing Ashton talked to you, huh?"

"Actually, it was Michael who first talked to us," I said.

"Not surprising. Well, Mikey's a really nice kid."

"He is." I agreed.

"How did you and Ashton became friends?" Harry asked confusedly. "My brother's not really a friendly guy."

"Well...he kind of helped me out with something one time."

"Really? Helped you out? That's something new. He really must like you because what you said is way beyond Ashton." Harry expressed.

"Why? What is he like?" I asked, curiosity filling in me.

"Well, he's not really an asshole, if that's what you're asking but...it's just...he's quite reserved. He doesn't trust people easily, and it would really take a lot of time for him to warm up into someone. That was why I was surprised when you said you've known each other for not quite long." Harry explained.

"Well...he's actually nice. He doesn't show it much but he is. Maybe he just didn't like for people to think that he is." I said.

"Maybe..." Harry said with a smile. "But I am really glad that you are friends and I am so happy to have met you."

"We both are," Louis added. "It doesn't happen every day, you know. Ashton and I may not really be that close but I see him as my brother and not just because I am with Harry."

Harry smiled at Louis as he leaned over to him and pecked his lips. I smiled at the sight.

Ashton then came back and settled back down into his seat as he said, "Bet you three talked about me, didn't you?"

"The world doesn't revolve around you, Ashton," Louis stated. Harry laughed while I just gave a chuckle.

Ashton rolled his eyes then looked at me and said, "They didn't interrogate you, did they?"

I chuckled, "They didn't and they won't get anything from me anyway."

Ashton smiled small then leaned back in his chair.

A minute later our food was served. We thanked the waiter and started eating throwing in some small conversations from here and there.

The dinner went actually really well with some banters between Ashton and Harry and some sass exchanges from Louis and Ashton. It was a really nice time and I actually enjoyed it. Plus, Louis paid.

"Well, we really had a great time, even though my brother was being a bitch," Harry said. Ashton flipped him off which made Louis and I chuckle.

Harry then pulled me into a hug which did surprise me but I hugged him back nonetheless.

"You should come to our wedding and I would be really mad at you if I don't see you there," Harry said as we pulled away from our hug.

"I'm invited?!" I asked with wide surprised eyes.

"Of course you are, silly! It's not really a huge party though because we only invited close friends and families."

"Oh my god, I am so honored to have made the cut in the guest list," I told Harry.

Harry laughed. Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and they threw each other a soft smile then Louis looked at me and said, "You promise to be there?"

I grinned, "I promise."

"Good. So we gotta go now. It was really nice meeting you, Luke."

"We should meet again soon," Harry added.

"That would be nice."

"Leave now, losers," Ashton told Louis and Harry.

Both of them rolled their eyes then giggled at each other after which I find really cute. I waved them goodbye as they got into their car and drove away.

I turned to Ashton who gestured for me to get in the car. I did so and we backed out of the parking lot and drove home.

It was quiet in the car, except for the soft music from the car radio. The silence between Ashton and I is surprisingly quite comfortable.

I was just enjoying my view from outside the car window, when Ashton suddenly said, "I'm sorry."

I quickly turned to him with a confused expression and said, "For what?"

"For what happened today. You meeting my brother and his boyfriend and be dragged and forced to have dinner with us."

I looked at him in disbelief. "Ok now. First of all, fiancé," I said making Ashton roll his eyes. I ignored it then continued, "Second, why are you apologizing? Harry and Louis are lovely people and I am so glad to have met them. And third, I am not 'dragged and forced' to have dinner with you. I was glad about it."

"Is that the truth or you are just saying that to be nice?"

I chuckled, "Seriously?"

Ashton shrugged.

I sighed, "Ashton, I like Harry and Louis. They both are very nice and enjoyable to be around. I am genuinely happy to have met them. And the dinner? It was really nice, and I enjoyed every second of it."

"Okay," Ashton said with a small smile.

I turned away from him and threw my attention back outside my window. I took a deep breath then said, "You know...I kinda envy them."

"Who?" Ashton asked.

I turned back to Ashton and said with a small smile, "Louis and Harry."

Ashton glanced at me with furrowed eyebrows then back to the road. "Why would you envy them? I thought..."

"No...well...not them really, but their relationship. It's something that I have always dreamed of having, you know. They both really are so lucky to have found each other. What they have is a wonderful thing. I wish I can have something like that," I expressed.

"You say it like that as if it's nearly impossible to happen to you," Ashton commented.

I gave him a sad smile though I know he can't see it since his attention is focused on the road. I let out a breath and said, "I just don't want to keep my hopes up, Ashton. Things like that don't always happen to guys like me."

"Because of what you are?"


"What's the difference, Luke? Being gay doesn't mean that you only have limited access to some shit. Everyone has every right and deserves to have what they want whether it be a relationship like Harry's and Louis' or something else regardless of what kind of sexuality they have. So don't ever think that you are not allowed to do something, or be something, or have something that you want because you are gay. You know, you just used Harry and Louis as an example, and they are both boys and they are in love and they are gonna be married soon. So it's not impossible to happen to you too. Just have a little faith and a little patience."

I was left speechless after listening to Ashton's rant. This guy really keeps surprising me, and making me feel a lot of things in which some I don't even understand and it was just all because of some little things that he does.

I really don't know what to say about what he just said. It was beautiful; he is beautiful. Oh, goddamn it, what am I saying!?

I just smiled then looked on to the road ahead and tried to keep the conversation going and said, "Well...there's one thing that I want and never got a chance to have."

"What is that?" Ashton asked, curiously, glancing at me then back to the road.

"First kiss. A nice one."

"Why? What happened to your first kiss?"

I turned back to Ashton and chuckled dryly, "Unfortunately, Ashton, my first kiss was Andrew and we both know how that ended. I wish I had a nice first kiss, you know, where I am sober and aware of everything and won't be almost sexually abused after."

I noticed Ashton grip the steering wheel tighter and then he suddenly pulled over on the side of the road.

I looked at him with both surprise and confusion expressed on my face.

He turned to look at me as he unfastened his seat belt and before I could say anything, he leaned over to me and held my face with his hand as he caught my lips with his.

I was so stunned about what just happened that I froze in my seat and didn't know how to react as I tried to process everything. But as he slowly moved his lips against mine, I couldn't resist but close my eyes and kiss him back.

It felt really nice. His lips were so soft and he was so gentle and careful. I like how it feels and I just want to keep doing it.

But all good things come to an end and he soon pulled away with his hand dropping from my face and I almost whined for the loss of contact.

I slowly opened my eyes and met his beautiful hazel-green ones. His face is still so close to mine that I can practically feel his breath.

"Was that nice enough?" he asked in a whisper.

I nodded.

"Now, will you promise me one thing?" he said, still not looking or moving away.

"What is it?" I whispered.

"I want you to promise me that you will forget about that kiss with Andrew. It never happened because your first kiss is our kiss. Promise me that, Luke."

I stared into his eyes which are usually cold and blank but right now, all I can see is sincerity.

I slowly nodded my head 'yes' as I said, "I promise."

"Good," he said with a small smile then completely pulled away and sat back down properly on his seat.

I still haven't moved in my seat and just stared at him and watched him with big eyes as he fastened up his seat belt.

He was about to restart the car when he glanced at me and seemed to notice my state. He raised an eyebrow at me as he said, "Are you ok?"

"Why?" I quietly asked.

"Why what?" he asked.

"Why did you do that? Why did you kiss me?"

Ashton huffed then looked at me in the eyes and said, "Because you deserve to have what you want, Luke."


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