"So you crashed at Ashton's and Michael's place huh?" Calum said as we both relaxed on the living room and watched a movie.
"Yeah, that I did." I simply responded.
"So you and Ashton are friends now?"
"No, we're not and we'll never be."
"But you've hung out already."
"No, we haven't. I got so drunk and I couldn't find you nor call you 'cause my phone died and I saw him and asked for a ride home. But when we got here I couldn't find my keys so he let me crash at their place. He just helped me out, that's all. It's even quite embarrassing on my part." I gracefully lied.
"Oh...I'm sorry. I got distracted last night."
"With some redhead, yeah I know." I chuckled.
Calum sighed, "I'm really sorry, Luke."
"For what, Calum? For having fun? I think that's not something to apologize for."
"Because I left you alone..." Calum said in a small voice.
"Dude, cheer up. I'm okay. You are not obliged to take care of me, okay?"
"But still..."
I laughed as I ruffled Calum's hair and said, "You, idiot. You don't apologize for shit like that, okay?"
Calum stared up at me for a moment then sighed and said, "Okay."
"Good. Now watch the movie and stop being so dramatic. It doesn't suit you. You are Crowley, not Castiel."
Calum laughed, "And you are Lucifer."
"Whatever, douchebag."
"Okay. First, you called me an idiot, then practically a demon, and then now a douchebag. I am actually considering switching roommates. Michael's a lot better."
"Wow! One night with Michael and you are all ready to throw away years with me for him."
"You were being mean."
"You are being a childish idiot."
"See? Always insulting me." Calum pouts.
I playfully rolled my eyes at him and turned away, shaking my head.
"So...how did he end up here? Michael, I mean." I asked Calum.
"Well, he can't find and reach Ashton and believed he left him already so he looked for us and when he saw me he asked for a ride home. We were also looking for you and tried calling you but can't reach you as well. You're phone died, right?"
I nodded.
Calum continued, "I got so worried about you though so he tried calling Ashton again and good thing he picked up. He was angry and even had a bit of an argument with Michael but he said that you're safe so we headed home and since Michael left his keys he just crashed here 'cause he didn't wanna interact with Ashton when Ashton is mad and he is drunk himself. It doesn't always turn out good, he said."
"Oh...why was Ashton angry anyway?" I asked, trying to be subtle about looking for a hint if Ashton had told Michael about what happened to me.
"I don't know. You tell me. You were with him." Calum replied.
"I was too drunk I passed out immediately."
"Maybe he was mad at your drunk ass for being such a burden for him."
I chuckled, "Yeah...maybe that."
Calum didn't say anything and we both continued watching the movie. It was silent for a few moments until he asked, "Luke...did you uh...did you have fun last night?"
I turned my head to look at him and saw that he was already looking at me intently. I smiled at him and said, "I did."
I know it wasn't really the truth but it was partly true since I did have fun before shit happened. But I couldn't tell Calum about it because I know he'd lose his shit and hunt down that Andrew guy. He might be just a chill guy but he is a bit scary when angry. Besides, I don't want him involved in it anyway. I already have Ashton taking care of it and I trust him that he would. In a very non-friendly way, of course.
"Is that the truth or you're just saying that to make me not feel bad or guilty?"
"Cal...I had fun. Stop worrying. I don't want you worrying." I told him in a very casual yet believable way possible to make him believe.
"I can't stop myself worrying, you know. You're my best friend. My brother even."
"Worry less. I am a big boy now."
"You may be very tall but you are still a baby. A clumsy one."
"I hate you."
Classes have started and everything is going pretty well. My entire week was good and I am enjoying every single one of them even though Calum had to change a few. It must be better to not have all of my classes the same as him anyway.
It's Friday and I just got out of my last one. It's still 2 PM and my shift at the cafe starts at 4 PM so I decided to just stick around at the cafe and do some of my assignments ahead while waiting for my shift.
I settled at a table outside and pulled out one of my books, a notebook, and a pen. I started doing my assignments right away with some music playing through my headphones. I love listening to music all the time and I usually listen to Good Charlotte, Blink-182, Fall Out Boy, and some other bands. I love their music. I love how real they are and how they speak to you.
I was casually scribbling some notes when I felt someone tapping my shoulder so I put the pen down and turned around. I can't hide the surprised expression from my face when I saw who it was.
"Hello," Niall said with that wide smile etched on his face.
"Hi." I quietly replied as I pulled out my headphones from my ears.
"You probably don't remember me."
"I do, actually. I do remember you. Niall, right?"
Niall beamed, "Yes, I am Niall."
I gave him a small smile. It went silent after and it felt so awkward because I don't know what to say anymore and he seemed like he wants to say something but doesn't know how to say it.
"So..." he said after a few minutes. I looked up at him, and he continued, "Luke, I'm sorry about what happened at the party. For what I did. You know, I kinda spiked your drink. But trust me, it wasn't my intention to put you in any danger. I usually do that to people at parties to hype them up and make them have a great time. You were new and innocent which made you an easy target. I'm really sorry."
"I really didn't appreciate what you did, Niall. But it happened already and we can't change it. It's past let's just put it at that." I told him.
"Can we still be friends though?"
"I would like us to be friends. You are nice and I like nice people. I promise I won't do the same shit to you again."
"I don't like you doing that shit to anyone, Niall, not just to me. People could be in danger because of that."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm really sorry. Look, I didn't know Andrew was there and that he'd do that. I am not friends with that asshole. I hated that guy."
"How did you...?"
"I saw it...when you know...when, Ashton barged into the room and saved you. I was really glad and relieved that he was there: Ashton. I really couldn't have forgiven myself if something happened to you. Trust me, Luke, I really don't want to put people in danger."
"And yet you do what you do."
"I know. I know. I'm a-"
Before he could finish, a familiar voice behind me said, "Dickhead and a menace." I turned my head and saw Ashton standing there with an iced coffee in his hand and looking at Niall with that dark scary expression.
He glanced at me then back to Niall and continued, "Now that we got that out, leave."
Niall rolled his eyes. I am both surprised and not surprised by Niall's actions. Surprised because how can he has the guts to do that at Ashton. I mean, the guy is really serious and scary you know and obviously pretty much strong with all that muscles. One wrong action and he can literally beat you up. I am not surprised because maybe they have known each other long and Niall have known his way around Ashton.
"Come on, Ash. I am apologizing to Luke." Niall told him.
"For what? For something you shouldn't have done in the first place?" Ashton asked.
Niall sighed then looked at me again and said, "Luke, I really mean what I said. I'm really sorry."
"Just leave, Niall," Ashton told Niall before I could respond to him.
Niall looked at Ashton then turned away and left.
I looked up at Ashton who was still standing and looking to where Niall had gone. After a few moments, he walked over to my table and sat down opposite me and casually sipping on his coffee.
"What are you doing?" I cautiously asked him.
He looked at me with a blank expression as he put his coffee down on the table and said, "Sitting here and drinking my iced coffee."
"I can see that. I'm not blind," I responded.
"Then why still ask stupid questions?"
"You know that's not what I meant," I said in a small voice.
He leaned over, elbows resting on the table, and asked, "What did you mean exactly?"
I looked at him and let out a breath as I gathered my courage and hide my intimidation at him and said, "Why are you sitting here at this table with me when it was you, yourself, who said that we are not friends and should not be talking to each other?"
"If I remember it correctly, I told you to never do the same mistake of talking to me again, and technically, right now, you are the one talking to me."
I opened my mouth to argue but then I realized that he is right so I closed my mouth and retreated to my seat, admitting defeat.
He smirked and leaned back into his seat, sipping his coffee with a smug look on his face.
I shook my head and decided to just pretend he is not there and put back my headphones on and decided to continue what I'm doing.
I began scribbling some notes again but I couldn't concentrate, feeling Ashton's eyes on me. I glanced up and saw him intently staring at me. I raised a questioning eyebrow at him.
He huffed then said, "Why are you doing that here?"
"Why are you asking?" I asked him back as I pulled out my headphones again.
"Because you could have just done that at home."
"I'm waiting for my shift," I told him.
"I work here part-time."
"Here? In this cafe? Since when?" He asked, leaning over with surprise laced in his voice.
"Since Monday. Why do you ask? Why do you care?" I said, surprising myself for sounding casual yet sassy.
Ashton leaned back in his chair, "Am I forbidden to ask?"
"What time is your shift?"
"At four."
"It's almost four."
"I know."
"What time will you get off?"
"Around 8 or 9. I only work part-time so I only get to work for four or five hours a day."
"I see."
I nodded then silence took over between us. I looked down on my notebook and decided to just start packing my things up. It's about time for my shift anyway.
I closed my notebook and started putting my stuff inside my bag.
"Are you going now?" Ashton asked.
I looked up at him and nodded.
He nodded back.
I stood up from my seat as I finished packing my things up. I gave him a quick small smile and turned away to go inside the cafe but before I got to the door I heard him say, "See you later, Luke. Have fun at your work."
I nodded, "Thanks, I will."
I took off the apron as I headed inside the backroom to the lockers to change back into my previous clothes.
Mitchy, my co-worker, who is also changing, looked up and gave me a nod. I returned the gesture and went over to my locker. I pulled out my clothes and began changing.
"You gonna head home right away?" Mitchy asked.
"Yeah. I got some school stuff to do," I replied with a smile.
"That sucks."
"Well, Roy and I are gonna hit a party, you can come if you want."
"Uh...I'm kinda staying away from parties for now."
"Why is that? You got into trouble or something at a party?"
"Something like that."
"Well...there's always a 'next time.'"
"Yeah...thanks for the invite though."
Mitchy smiled, "I'll go ahead then."
"Ok. See ya."
He walked out of the backroom and I quickly changed back into my regular clothes. I put my uniform inside my locker, then grabbed my bag, and headed out. I waved goodbye to Dexter, who is assigned to clean up and close the cafe for today.
As I stepped outside the cafe, I jumped in surprise when Ashton suddenly appeared in front of me as I turned around, all dressed in black. I clutched my chest as I tried to breathe back to normal.
"Are you okay?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, you just almost gave me a heart attack," I told him, still clutching my chest.
"Don't ever so that again."
"I'm sorry."
I huffed then looked at Ashton as I asked, "Why are you here anyway? The cafe is closed."
"I'm here to take you home."
What? Did I hear him right?
"T-take me home?" I asked.
"Your shift's over right?"
"And you are to head home?"
"I am too. So come on and I'll give you a ride."
I looked at him, studying his face. He looks pretty serious though. Well, that is his usual look so I am not pretty sure if he's playing me or what. But I don't think he is the kind to play around or lay some pranks on anyone.
"It's ok. You really don't have to. I can take the bus," I told him.
"No. I'll take you home," he said.
"It's really ok, Ashton. I don't really wanna bother you. I have bothered you enough already."
"If you are bothering me this is not how things would go. I offered the ride. Now follow me and get your ass in the car." He ordered and then turned away and walked towards where he parked his car.
I hesitated for a moment because first, I don't understand why he is here and offering me a ride home. I don't even understand his sudden change of...I don't know...mood? He's supposed to be this very intimidating and rude guy who doesn't do anything for anyone. But now...lately...he's being nice. He is still intimidating though but he is less scary.
"Luke, are you coming or you want me to drag your ass in here?" He called out to me. He is still rude too.
"I'm coming," I called back and walked over to his car and got in the passenger seat.
I settled in my seat and strapped on my seatbelt as Ashton pulled out of the parking area. It was silent in the car. Neither of us attempted to start a conversation. I understand that though. I know he is not the chatty kind. I made myself comfortable in my seat and just stared outside the window.
"Do you always take the bus?" Ashton suddenly asked after minutes of silence.
"Yeah, I do. I don't want to bother Calum anymore. Besides the apartment is not that far." I answered turning to look at him.
He had his eyes focused on the road and I took that chance to study his side features. He really is very attractive yet really mysterious.
"Why don't you have your own car?"
"I'm still saving up for that. That's why I am working part-time at the cafe. I don't really want to ask anything from my parents. They are already paying for my school."
He nodded in understanding.
It was silent again after that so I turned away again from him. A few minutes more and we were already pulling up at the parking lot in front of our apartment building. We both got out of the car and headed inside the building straight into the elevator.
"Thanks for the ride, by the way," I said to Ashton during our elevator ride.
"No problem." He responded without looking at me.
I didn't say anything after that, still keeping in mind that he warned me about not talking to him.
The elevator dinged as we reached our floor and I stepped out first with him following.
"Are you working tomorrow?" Ashton asked before I could reach my door.
I stopped walking and turned to him and said, "No. I don't work on weekends."
"Ok. Do you have anything to do tomorrow or someplace to go?"
"Uh...not really. Maybe I'll just hit the bookstore tomorrow. But I'm not entirely sure if I would."
He nodded then said, "Give me your phone."
"What?" I asked in both surprise and confusion.
"Give me your phone." He repeated.
I looked at him for a moment then pulled my phone out of my pocket and slowly handed it to him.
"Unlock it." He ordered.
I did was told then handed him the device. He took it and went through with it and I just watched him in great confusion.
He handed back my phone as he said, "Text me tomorrow if you are going anywhere."
"Why?" I asked as I slipped my phone back into my pocket.
"You always ask questions, do you?"
"And you always give orders, do you?"
Ashton looked at me for a moment then chuckled a little as he walked past me saying, "Just do it, Luke."
I followed him with my gaze as he walked to his door and get in. I was left in the hallway, confused about everything, and have more questions than before. I swear Ashton is the most confusing yet very mysterious and very intimidating guy I have ever met. But that just makes me want to know him even more.