Luke Hemmings embarks on a new journey of his life in Uni and little did he know that this new adventure would involve t...
DISCLAIMER: This book is a FanFiction about 5SOS' Luke Hemmings and Ashton Irwin. All events in this book are fictional and do not have any real and direct resemblance/relations on real-life, except for most of the characters' names.
I dropped the last box of my stuff on the floor and let out a sigh of relief. I looked around the apartment and took a deep breath before releasing it as I took in the sight of boxes scattered everywhere. Just the thought of unpacking is already exhausting but do I even have a choice? I gotta have to unpack all of this stuff because I just moved into my new apartment. Good thing I wasn't alone though. I got my best friend and now also my roommate, Calum, with me to help me unpack everything.
Speak of the devil, he stepped into the living room from the bathroom after relieving himself. I looked up at him as he asked, "Is this all of it?"
"Yeah. I got the last one. All we gotta do now is unpack." I told him as I gestured to all of the boxes.
"Damn. Can we just do that later? I'm pretty tired from the drive and carrying these boxes up here," he complained.
"Yeah, sure. I don't feel like unpacking as well," I agreed to him.
"Great!" He cheered. "Then maybe we can go out and grab some lunch? I am starving."
"You're always starving," I commented with a smile.
He chuckled, "So? Let's go?"
"Do you even know a good place around here?"
"I saw a place just a few blocks from here. We can try that out."
"Okay then," I said as I grabbed my wallet and my phone from where I tossed it on the coffee table as Calum also grabbed his car keys from the counter and he gestured for me to follow him out of our new apartment.
I don't have a car yet so I mostly rely on Calum for a ride. He doesn't really mind it though 'cause we mostly go to the same places together. We even have almost the same class schedule. But on different occasions where I have to go somewhere without him, I take the bus.
I am planning on buying my own car though. I have saved up some money from the jobs I took in high school. I just need a few more so I would have enough to buy myself a car which is why I was planning on looking for a job around here.
We exited the building and walked over to Calum's car. But before we were able to get inside the vehicle, another car pulled up next to ours. A guy with long, curly, honey-blond hair soon then stepped out from the driver's side and he seemed very angry just by the look on his face.
The passenger car door soon then opened just a second later and a green-haired guy stepped out, saying, "Come on, Ash."
"Just shut it, Mike!" The honey blond-haired guy snapped.
The green-haired guy raised his hands up in defense and just didn't say anything as he followed the other one into the apartment building.
I looked at Calum and said, "Okay...that was tense."
"You say..." He commented then slipped in the driver's seat.
I followed him inside the car and we took off.
The diner was actually nice and cozy and the food was delicious and not too expensive. The waitress is even rather nice. I even think that I'd probably be coming back constantly.
Calum and I stayed at a booth in the corner and enjoyed our food while talking about random stuff here and there. I took a bite of my burger and looked at Calum as he asked, "Do you think we are going to have a great life at uni?"
I chewed my food and swallowed then answered him, "I know we will, Cal. We are going to have an adventure. We are going to have the best years of lives here in uni."
He smiled, "Well, I'll trust you with that."
"I hope you won't be blaming me though if shit goes wrong."
Calum laughed, "No, I won't, I promise."
He smiled then we continued to eat in comfortable silence.
"So...are you finally gonna go look for a boyfriend now?" Calum suddenly asked. I looked at him in questioningly and he chuckled, "you heard me."
Yes, I am gay and Calum knows and he is more than okay with it. He is actually the first person I told about my sexuality.
I have known I was gay since I was 10 years old and I was so afraid that I might not be accepted. We all know how people can be judgmental when it comes to this thing. I was so afraid that if I come out, my family and my best friend would hate me. I was so afraid at that time that I didn't notice that I became detached. I was so consumed of my own thoughts and fears that I didn't realize that I have been pulling myself away from my best friend.
He had noticed these "changes" in me and so one time after class, he invited me to hang out at the lake where we usually hang out. I never really want to go but he pleaded and gave me those puppy eyes which no one could ever resist. So I complied and once we got there he didn't waste time and made me tell him what was bothering me. He has his ways of making me spill my thoughts and so I did. I came out to him and I was so afraid that he'd hate but he did the opposite because he pulled me into a hug and told me that he'll always be there for me and support me.
He was the only one who knew about it by the way. I didn't tell my family because I'm still afraid. But at least I got Calum and that's enough for me.
"So...?" He asked again pulling me out of my thoughts.
I smiled small and said, "I don't know, Cal..."
"Why's that?"
I shrugged and turned my focus back into my food. I heard Calum sigh from across me and said, "Luke...you know that you have to stop being afraid of what people might think of you at some point, right?"
I nodded but still not looking at him.
"And you know as well that you got to stop hiding too. Luke, don't let people's judgments stop you from being who you are. I know there will be those who are not accepting but don't let them hold you back from being happy. We're in uni now, and it's a new chapter of our lives. You just told me that we are going to have an adventure and have the greatest times of our lives but you would not be able to have that if you are holding back. You gotta have to let go and be who you are and fuck all those bitches who say otherwise."
I looked up at Calum and then said, "When did you become so wise?"
He threw a fry at me, chuckling. "Seriously, though, please just...let go, okay?"
"Okay, Cal. I promise." I told Calum with a smile.
This is really why I am so lucky to have Calum in my life. He is always there for me and always makes me feel that I am not alone. He is even more concerned about my own happiness than his. Since I told him that I was gay, never did he once judged me nor made me feel that I am different. He never treated me differently. I love him so much for that and for everything.
But no, it's not what you're thinking. I don't like him like that nor does he like me like that. Calum is straight for one and me...I am just not attracted to him like that. We are best friends and that is the most and the best that our relationship could go and I actually love that because we all know that sometimes getting attracted to your best friend can ruin your friendship.
We went back to our new apartment after we had lunch. We were talking about our schedule and such while we were in the elevator and are on our way up to the 4th floor where our unit is.
I was about to unlock our door when suddenly, someone spoke, "Hey."
Both Calum and I turned around to see who it was.
It was the green-haired guy from before and he was smiling brightly at us. He is actually good-looking but has this soft edge in him like you just wanna cuddle him and he looks really sweet. He got these bright but soft green eyes that is like gives off this comfortable vibe. And he seems very friendly.
We returned the gesture and the guy continued, "You must be our new neighbors. I'm Michael, by the way."
He extended a hand so I took it and shook hands with him, "I'm Luke."
"Calum," Calum said as he also shook hands with him.
"Sorry about earlier. That little scene my friend and I had at the parking lot." He said with that sweet smile not leaving his face.
"It's fine, don't worry about it."
"Well, I hope we could all hang out sometime. You're both freshmen right?"
Calum and I nodded.
"And not from here, either?"
"You got that right," Calum said.
"Oh, then you should have someone to show you around and show you how to have a good time around here."
Calum and I laughed and Calum said, "Well, that is a pretty good offer and we are taking it."
Michael beamed, "Great, so-" before he could finish the door from the apartment down the hallway opened catching all of our attention and the other guy, Michael's friend, stepped out. I assumed that he and Michael are also roommates and that was their apartment.
Michael smiled and called to his friend, "Hey, Ash, come and meet our new neighbors, Luke and Calum."
The other guy closed the door and turned to our direction. His face shows no emotion or whatsoever and he looks pretty intimidating. He walked over to us and as he got closer and I can clearly see his face, I can really tell that he is quite attractive and I am not just saying that because I am gay. He really is beautiful with these big Hazel eyes though they are cold, but still, they are beautiful; his pink plump lips though not as red as Michael's but they are pretty; his cute nose; his scruff that gives off this very masculine and strong vibe; and his hair, I love how curly they are and they look so soft that I want to run my fingers through them.
"Let's go, Michael," he said to Michael in a monotone voice without even giving Calum and I a glance.
"Don't you wanna say 'hi' to them first? They are our new neighbors." Michael told him.
The guy, Ash, I assume as what Michael had called him, looked at me and Calum then said, "Hi," it was the most emotionless way possible. He turned back to Michael and said, "Now let's go." Ok, he's a bit rude.
Michael huffed as he shook his head, "Fine. Go ahead, I'll catch up."
"Hurry up."
"Ok. Now, go."
The guy gave me another cold glance and I swear to God I felt shivers run down my spine and it is definitely not a good one. I never really thought someone could be as intimidating as him. How can even Michael just stay chill around him? He seems like he's ready to kill someone.
He then headed over to the elevator and left Michael with us who gave us an apologetic smile as he said, "I'm really sorry about that. That's my friend, Ashton. He can really be a huge asshole sometimes."
"You say," Calum commented.
"It's fine, people always have a shitty day and he might just be having one," I told Michael.
Michael smiled, "Well then, see you guys later. Bye."
Calum and I nodded as we bid him goodbye.
"Well that was a bit intense," Calum said as I opened the door to our apartment.
"That Ashton guy is pretty intimidating," I said.
"And an asshole as Michael would say. How can they be friends though? I mean, they are the exact opposite. Michael is nice and Ashton is rude."
"I don't know, Cal. I don't even understand how we're friends. I mean I'm nice and you're not." I told Calum which made him throw his jacket to me.
I laughed as Calum gave me the middle finger but then smiled eventually.
I plopped down on the couch in our living room and looked around and eventually felt exhausted again seeing all these boxes we need to unpack. Calum must have read my mind because he said as he sat down next to me, "I hate unpacking."
"I couldn't agree more. But we gotta."
"True. But let's just sit and rest for a while before we start."
"Yeah, that's pretty much a good idea."
Calum smiled then pulled out his phone from his pocket and started playing some games. I, on the other hand, laid my head back on the couch and closed my eyes to actually rest. But as soon as I had my eyelids closed, all I can see is a pair of cold and emotionless but beautiful pair of hazel-green orbs that seems like they slice through you as they stare at you. Now it makes me wonder how would they look like if they were happy? Maybe they would be more beautiful. But what intrigues me more is that why are they so cold and emotionless? And most importantly, why is Ashton, the bearer of those beautiful hazel-green eyes, so cold and angry? As if he's so angry at the world?